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"(Az. Türkçesi) Fonetik hususiyetine göre "é" (kapalı e) foneminin kullanımı ile diğer bütün şivelerden farklılaşır: Gét- (“Gitmek”); Él (“İl”)… E ile i sesleri arasında, Türkiye Türkçesindeki e sesinden biraz daha kapalı bir şekilde telaffuz edilir. Göktürk devrinde var olan kapalı e sesini bir özellik olarak bulunduran tek çağdaş Türk yazı dilidir."

One small correction, Uyghur also has this sound.

In Azerbaijani there is ä (ə) which is more open and é that are more closed than e. One comes across the ä-é opposition in Azerbaijani Turkish; Él (nation), but Äl (hand). Ét (do) - Ät (meat). Értä, érkän.

Uygur also appears to have similar e opposition.

"Həmmə adəm zatidinla ərkin, izzət-hɵrmət və hok̡uk̡ta bab-baravər bolup tuƣulƣan. Ular ək̡ilgə və vijdanƣa igə həmdə bir-birigə k̡erindaxlik̡ munasivitigə h̡as roh bilən mu’amilə k̡ilixi kerək."

I remember there was a question regarding the "Ə" and "E" (this in fact being the É sound) difference in Azerbaijani, so this can also explain more properly.

that was me LOL actually i was talking about uzbek ä and then you said there's the same sound in azerbaijani. later, we talked about dybo's proposition that factually it was karluk phoneme etc. regardless, thanks for info brother :tup:
that was me LOL actually i was talking about uzbek ä and then you said there's the same sound in azerbaijani. later, we talked about dybo's proposition that factually it was karluk phoneme etc. regardless, thanks for info brother :tup:

I think it was another member asking about the difference between "Ə" and "E" latters.

Ä appears as a Karakhanid (Karluk) phoneme indeed. I don't know about Uzbek, but Azerbaijani is similar to Uyghur when it comes to position of ä in words.

É (closed E) on the other hand appears as the ninth vowel of old Turkic. Today it's only Azerbaijani and Uyghur that strongly exhibits this sound.
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Perhaps I can explain better with a song, LOL.

Äjdad, xäncär, ölmäymän, ämälgä, vätängä, kétmäy etc...With regards to position of ä-é, Azerbaijani appears more or less identical to Uyghur (but it seems to me that "é" is realized more prominently in Azerbaijani).

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Its sad man.
result of soviet desire to grow more cotton. mofos.
Just they dont need any scientist, but they need only silly reverse engineers , the reason they dont release him .:unsure:
IMO, we should work towards the liberation of South Azerbaijan.
You are too emotional to open a thread with such topic, unfortunately.

Btw, Turkey has the highest number of jailed journalists in the world, so we should liberate the Northern Kurdistan, that's how childish your argument sounds.

About the Physicist, if he is innocent, I hope any bastard that has got him there gets what he deserves and if he is truly guilty, hope he serves the right time in the jail.
None of your business what happen in iran or you want iran to liberate the kurds in northern Kurdistan the the terrorist kurds call it
And if he is working with the terrorist regime of USA and the Zionists then he should be executed
No matter he is a scientist or an uneducated drug dealer.he will face the penalty as he has violated the law.and this is non of your business because this is an internal affair.

BTW, torkey will pay the price for supporting ISIL and racism against its own Kurdish miniroty.I hope, Iran will annex the North Kurdistan into the motherland as expected.
Yeah, yeah always "soon", "soon".
It's kinda getting boring.
well they killed your ppl , did not they ?

as a result of "terrorist supporting policy" u r paying your fair share
the terrorist regime of turkia should be given a lesson for all their atrocities in syria .
you will pay one day
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