By the way, we also say "Saçanda", "Uçanda" (Anatolian Turkish is "Saçtığında", "Uçtuğunda"). Turkmen also preserves the k↔g characteristic of Oghuz (for some reason in Anatolian Turkish its the opposite of Azerbaijani and Turkmen), though in some cases before high vowels it become "K", same as in Azerbaijani (Könül, Kölgə etc.), and this is again the opposite in Anatolian Turkish.
dude this is something i can't answer gimme more example
"Saçanda", "Uçanda" is common here but i don't see any problem in "Saçtığında", "Uçtuğunda"
it's not common to say these word in this way but we have some other word which work that way !!!
similar like oylan and gunerte/gunertan both mean midday both are common to use
but i can tell you this all the words in turkmen ends with "e" or "a" and we don't have good relation with "u"
in turkish it's used a lot i give you example
turkish - ahmet davutoghlu bumu Yürümek
turkmen - ahmed davudoghle !!! bume/shime yorimek
both turkish and azeri are very close to us ! but we have more words in common with azeri than turkish
about azeri dialect i can't say anything about it
the turks in baku speak little fast i guess but turks in tabriz speak little slow i never had chance to talk one but i do talk to urumiye turk and we are cool
Not to you since you can speak and write Anatolian Turkish, but to Azeri Turks? Because we consider Azeri Turkish really funny, in a good way though
we consider Turkish really funny, in a good way though lol here turkmen girls call you sexy speaking turks !
something like uk and us english