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24 Temmuz 1995'de Lozan Anlaşmasının 72. yıldönümünde şüpheli bir trafik kazası ile hayatını kaybetti.
senin ruh sağlığını iyi görmüyorum marstan kafana taş düşse tayyipten bilecen :smokin:

24 Temmuz 1995'de Lozan Anlaşmasının 72. yıldönümünde şüpheli bir trafik kazası ile hayatını kaybetti.

Dr.Sadık AHMET kimdir ve Batı Trakya'da Türk olmak:


Dünyaca ünlü tarihçi Halil İnalcık, 100 yaşında hayatını kaybetti.
‘Tarihçilerin şeyhi’ olarak anılan Halil İnalcık, tedavi gördüğü Ankara Güven Hastanesi'nde hayatını kaybetti. İnalcık 100 yaşındaydı.


Değerli Makalelerinin yanında yazdığı kitapları:
  • The Ottoman Empire, The Classical Age, 1300-1600, London, 1973
  • Studies in Ottoman social and economic history, London, 1985
  • The Middle East and the Balkans under the Ottoman Empire, Bloomington, 1993
  • Süleyman the second and his time, Istanbul, 1993
  • An Economic and Social History of the Ottoman Empire (Donald Quataert ile birlikte), Cambridge, 1994
  • From empire to republic: essays on Ottoman and Turkish social history, Istanbul, 1995
  • Sources and studies on the Ottoman Black Sea, Cambridge, 1995
  • History of Humanity (editor, Peter Burke ile birlikte), 1999
  • Ottoman Civilization (Gunsel Renda ile birlikte), Ankara, 2003
  • Essays in Ottoman History , Eren Yayıncılık
  • Makaleler 1: Doğu Batı, Doğu Batı Yayınları, 2005
  • Fatih devri üzerinde tetkikler ve vesikalar, Ankara, 1954
  • Osmanlı'da Devlet, Hukuk, Adalet, Eren Yayıncılık, 2000
  • Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun Ekonomik ve Sosyal Tarihi Cilt 1/1300-1600, Eren Yayıncılık, Prof. Dr. Donald Quataert ile, 2001
  • Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'nun Ekonomik ve Sosyal Tarihi Cilt 2 / 1600-1914, Eren Yayıncılık, 2004
  • Osmanlı İmparatorluğu - Toplum ve Ekonomi, Eren Yayıncılık
  • Osmanlı İmparatorluğu Klasik Çağ (1300-1600), Yapı Kredi Yayınları, 2003
  • Tanzimat ve Bulgar Meselesi, Eren Yayıncılık
  • ABD Tarihi, Allan Nevins/ Henry Steele Commager (çeviri) Doğu Batı Yayınları, 2005
  • Şair ve Patron, Doğu Batı Yayınları, 2003
  • Balkanlar, (Prof. Dr. Erol Manisalı ile)
  • Atatürk ve Demokratik Türkiye , Kırmızı Yayınınları ( 1.Baskı: Temmuz 2007 - 2.Baskı: Aralık 2007 )
  • Devlet-i Aliyye (1.Baskı: 2009)
  • Kuruluş - Osmanlı Tarihini Yeniden Yazmak
  • OSMANLILAR, Fütühat ve Avrupa İle İlişkiler
Allah rahmet eylesin, mekanı Cennet olsun. Amin.

The famous Turkish historian has died. May Allah grant him maghfirah, and enter him into Jannat.
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1 Ağustos Azerbaycan Dili ve Alfabesi Günü kutlu olsun.

Agust 1st the Celebration of Azerbaijan Language and Alphabet Day.

Back in the day it was *Turkish day*

Now suddenly it's *Azerbaijan Day*

Almost like someone is trying to create another identity for them.
Kyrgyz president rebuffs Turkish warning about FETÖ coup threat

Kyrgyzstan President Almazbek Atambayev has rebuffed Turkey’s recent warning that the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) could be planning to conduct a coup attempt in his country similar to the July 15 failed coup attempt in Turkey, saying the claim was “absurd.”

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said on July 26 that Turkey had warnedKyrgyzstan of possible coup attempts in the country by supporters of U.S.-based Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, claiming that the group had chosen the country as one of its “bases” and that there were constant infiltrations inside the Kyrgyz state structure.

Responding to a question during a press conference on Aug. 1, Atambayev said the claim was “absurd,” as they would of course take in to consideration all warnings and evaluate all information about this issue but there was “no need to scare and teach” something.

“This is an absurd claim. If they were this smart, then why did they not notice the coup attempt in their country beforehand?” asked Atambayev, adding that his country was grateful for Turkey’s help during hard times but no one had the right to impose their own conditions on any other country.

“We are a sovereign country and it is we who should decide on what is needed for us and what is not. Countries should help each other without any conditions and should not assume that we will say yes to whatever’s said. Otherwise, we do not need such help. You can take that help back,” said Atambayev.



Why do we bother with such despicable villagers from them edge of nowhere?
Kyrgyz president rebuffs Turkish warning about FETÖ coup threat

Kyrgyzstan President Almazbek Atambayev has rebuffed Turkey’s recent warning that the Fethullahist Terrorist Organization (FETÖ) could be planning to conduct a coup attempt in his country similar to the July 15 failed coup attempt in Turkey, saying the claim was “absurd.”

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said on July 26 that Turkey had warnedKyrgyzstan of possible coup attempts in the country by supporters of U.S.-based Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen, claiming that the group had chosen the country as one of its “bases” and that there were constant infiltrations inside the Kyrgyz state structure.

Responding to a question during a press conference on Aug. 1, Atambayev said the claim was “absurd,” as they would of course take in to consideration all warnings and evaluate all information about this issue but there was “no need to scare and teach” something.

“This is an absurd claim. If they were this smart, then why did they not notice the coup attempt in their country beforehand?” asked Atambayev, adding that his country was grateful for Turkey’s help during hard times but no one had the right to impose their own conditions on any other country.

“We are a sovereign country and it is we who should decide on what is needed for us and what is not. Countries should help each other without any conditions and should not assume that we will say yes to whatever’s said. Otherwise, we do not need such help. You can take that help back,” said Atambayev.



Why do we bother with such despicable villagers from them edge of nowhere?

I believe, he perceived Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu's statement as we are dictating them to close the FETÖ schools...and he reacted.

Çavuşoğlu did it in a bad way. As the Turkish state, send all evidence, reports, everything about FETÖ operations. And leave the decision to their government....That's how the relations between to brotherly states should be. We shouldn't offend their sovereignty by dictating terms on them.
If our government wants Kyrgyzstan to close Fetoş schools, they better open Turkish Government schools first.

Kyrgyzstan is a poor country, very very poor. Education is important for them and Fetoş schools have very big share in Education system.

It is like Kazakhstan to tell us "Close 1/3 of all schoold in Turkey", we will not do that. We must give Kyrgyzstan alternative before demand such thing.
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Two victories in the exact same date:

- Battle of Manzikert , between the Byzantine Empire and the Seljuq Turks, allowed for the gradual Turkification of Anatolia,
- The Great Offensive, between the Turkish Armed Forces loyal to the government of the Grand National Assembly of Turkey and the Kingdom of Greece, final military operation of the Turkish War of Independence.
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