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Turkey's army on red alert, Syria in "real war", Spec. ops. in Syria

I am sad for the Syrian people. It's hard for me to understand how someone is so determined to hold on to power that he would attack his own people. I don't buy that the shelling is the work of terrorists.
Assad and military commanders know perfectly that if regime falls,they will be held responsible for the crimes they have commited since the establishment of the regime.

Nato should come to Turkey's aid against Syria.
They seem to choose calling for restraint.
Action in Syria will surely show the capabilities of Iranian Missiles to everyone if Syria has already hands on some of them in Syria.
Last I checked the 2 countries are not at war? And before 2011Turkey and Syria had increasingly friendly relations with each other. Neither country was hostile toward the other... That is, until last friday.

And your analogy is a completely insane one. There's a big difference in "sending thousands of terrorists" and bombers and jets and having an unarmed recon plane in your airspace for 5 minutes... Do you not see the ridiculousness of that?

You should catch up with events, if you think Syria and Turkey were friendly till last Friday :azn:

Same with thousands of terrorists, you dont know Turkey is doing that for a year now? My analogy is accurate, the fact you dont know about these things is surprising, but then again you just know what your media says to you :wave:
Fighting terrorists has nothing to do with "attack his own people". India itself faces far more internal insurgency than Syria does.

you tell other people they dont know what they are talking about, when clearly you do not have any idea what you are talking about!.

for starters, syria and turkey are not at war. there was no previous military action from either side!. no aggravation on behalf of turkey at all militarily at all. syria is guilty of crossing into turkish airspace too, yet nothing of theirs was shot down, they received warnings!.

syria should have at least notified and warned the pilot they were in syrian airspace. they could of even scrambled fighters... instead they chose to test out their newly delivered missile defense. it was a blatant attack on turkey.

india do NOT have more insurgancy then syria, what drugs are you on?? india does not have it's military bombing any townships or cities etc, it does not have an armed insurgency of any comparable rate to what is in syria..

If the USA was in a declared state of war, it would attack planes in it's airspace... however, until they were in a declared state of war, they would scramble planes, and try to contact the other plane and warn it out of its airspace, if they received no reply, their own aircraft would fly to the said plane, and warn it again. if there was no contact, or no reasonable excuse from pilot, it didnt change direction etc.. they would attack it... this is law.. as is in all western countries.

dont talk about hypocrites when syria often violated turkish airspace also ;)

you really need to get your facts straight, and also stop talking a load of crap
You should catch up with events, if you think Syria and Turkey were friendly till last Friday :azn:

Same with thousands of terrorists, you dont know Turkey is doing that for a year now? My analogy is accurate, the fact you dont know about these things is surprising, but then again you just know what your media says to you :wave:
I said "increasingly" friendly.

Where is your proof of these thousands of terrorists pouring from turkey??

I try to educate myself on all levels, please, enlighten me...
for starters, syria and turkey are not at war. there was no previous military action from either side!. no aggravation on behalf of turkey at all militarily at all. syria is guilty of crossing into turkish airspace too, yet nothing of theirs was shot down, they received warnings!.
I havent said they at war, I said hostile, look up what it means.

"no aggravation on behalf of turkey at all"? Really? :disagree: All those armed terrorists must be coming for a tea then, and 15.000 or so dead so far are just one big misunderstanding :coffee:

syria should have at least notified and warned the pilot they were in syrian airspace. they could of even scrambled fighters... instead they chose to test out their newly delivered missile defense. it was a blatant attack on turkey.

Attack on Turkey would happen when you know... one country attacks another? In this case its Turkey fighters who were in the foreign and hostile lands. Its up to grabs what host country does. Like Russia shot down U-2, etc.

india do NOT have more insurgancy then syria, what drugs are you on?? india does not have it's military bombing any townships or cities etc, it does not have an armed insurgency of any comparable rate to what is in syria..

There are BY FAR more actual insurgents in India, however you are right about one thing - they arent as armed as Syria's terrorists. Courtesy of US, Arabs, etc.

If the USA was in a declared state of war, it would attack planes in it's airspace... however, until they were in a declared state of war, they would scramble planes, and try to contact the other plane and warn it out of its airspace, if they received no reply, their own aircraft would fly to the said plane, and warn it again. if there was no contact, or no reasonable excuse from pilot, it didnt change direction etc.. they would attack it... this is law.. as is in all western countries.

Yeah, as in example above how US shot down Iranian civilian plane, and then not only refused to apologize for killing woman and children, but gave medals of honor to soldiers who committed this crime against humanity. This didnt even happened in US side of the World, imagine what would happen to hostile military fighters in US airspace?... So keep that BS naive imagination about US to yourself, it has nothing to do with reality.
Attack on Turkey would happen when you know... one country attacks another? In this case its Turkey fighters who were in the foreign and hostile lands. Its up to grabs what host country does. Like Russia shot down U-2, etc.

This incident is so COMPLETELY different then the u2 shooting. I'm not even going to bother explaining how, you're one of those trolls that won't understand...

Anyway, the f4 was an unarmed recon plane, shot down while over international waters, after having briefly strayed into Syrian airspace. He was warned, and corrected himself and was well on his way back in the right direction.

The fact that it was targeted and identified as a threat, and dealt with within minutes, tells US that Syria is ready and willing to fight off foreign intervention at a moments notice.

I think this was nothing more than aggressive show of strength for Bashar and a warning to foreign countries, keep away from the situation, a show of fearlessness.

I also think Turkey will bluff with harsh and hostile rhetoric, but will not take military action...not yet anyway.
This incident is so COMPLETELY different then the u2 shooting. I'm not even going to bother explaining how, you're one of those trolls that won't understand...

I agree there is a difference... because US and Russia werent at immediate war threat, unlike Syria vs US/Turkey/etc. are now.

One more thing for you to chew on, based on what history teaches us all, US wouldnt even wait for hostile fighters to enter its territory. If foreign countries would do to US what they are doing to Syria, US would send its own fighters to bomb that country to the stone age. Therefore its laughable when American have an issue with a country defending its territory from hostile countries military fighters.

Anyway, the f4 was an unarmed recon plane, shot down while over international waters, after having briefly strayed into Syrian airspace. He was warned, and corrected himself and was well on his way back in the right direction.

How do host country knows military fighter entering its space by evading radars (yes, Turkish jet flew very low, through radars "blind spot", or so they hoped) is unarmed? F-4 is interceptor/bomber.

You make too many assumptions, "oh, Syrians should have know it was unarmed fighter", "oh, Syrians should have known Turkish fighters didnt had bad intentions". Syrians didnt knew any of it, nor they should have - military jet entering its space from hostile country - red target. What they do - its up to their discretion, and I absolutely dont blame them for shooting fighter down.

The fact that it was targeted and identified as a threat, and dealt with within minutes, tells US that Syria is ready and willing to fight off foreign intervention at a moments notice.

I think this was nothing more than aggressive show of strength for Bashar and a warning to foreign countries, keep away from the situation, a show of fearlessness.

I also think Turkey will bluff with harsh and hostile rhetoric, but will not take military action...not yet anyway.

Now you getting somewhere, yes Syria shows its readiness to fight aggressors, good for them.
I havent said they at war, I said hostile, look up what it means.

"no aggravation on behalf of turkey at all"? Really? :disagree: All those armed terrorists must be coming for a tea then, and 15.000 or so dead so far are just one big misunderstanding :coffee:

Attack on Turkey would happen when you know... one country attacks another? In this case its Turkey fighters who were in the foreign and hostile lands. Its up to grabs what host country does. Like Russia shot down U-2, etc.

There are BY FAR more actual insurgents in India, however you are right about one thing - they arent as armed as Syria's terrorists. Courtesy of US, Arabs, etc.

Yeah, as in example above how US shot down Iranian civilian plane, and then not only refused to apologize for killing woman and children, but gave medals of honor to soldiers who committed this crime against humanity. This didnt even happened in US side of the World, imagine what would happen to hostile military fighters in US airspace?... So keep that BS naive imagination about US to yourself, it has nothing to do with reality.

you didnt have to say they are at war.. the fact remains, they are not at war, there was previously no "hostility" militarily , and not much "hostile" words either.

i guess syrian government have not killed any civilians huh?? 15'000 dead must be all from the insurgants eh??? well.. america has precision bombing.. they still hit civilians... syrian military has fired mortar and artillery into towns and cities... with a far less accuracy rate then america bombs... yet, they killed less civilians then the insurgants who are quite literally DEFENDING HOMS ETC??... get with reality will you.. majority of those deaths would of been from syrian military fire

turkish airplane was briefly in syrian airspace... and syria often went into turkish airspace.. dont be a hypocrite.. there no excuse , specially with no attempt to make radio contact.

a lof of the insurgents in syria are in fact armed by their own munitions, not american.. or western allies... a lot of it were from defectors, hence why they even have tanks... and in any case.. russia supplies syria to bomb its own civilians .. what is wrong is west arms insurgants to defend themselves??

i have no idea about america bringing down a iran civilian plane??

secondly, the turkish plane was not hostile... it didnt even go into syria airspace for long.. it was syrian aggression, simple as that....and if a plane went into us airspace, the us would make radio contact warning it out of territory... if it didnt listen it would send planes to intercept it, give it more warning.. and if not then it would shoot it down
Turkey shold refrain from any military conflict with its neighbor Syria cuz it will destroy its economy a lot .......and will bring unrest to the region as well.......:smokin:
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