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Turkey women MPs break headscarf taboo

Haha Astaghfaar, bolo bhai jaan senti hojaenge :D
well when you finished with answers you start maan behen .
you can say 3 lines of defence .4th is offensive line:sick:

1 - is baaat ka hawala do
2- nhi main is hadees ko nhi manta koi or do
3- nhi quraan se do
4 teri maan ki teri behen ki :rofl:
I do not know whether you are communist or not.Since you have the hammer and the sickle and I have seen you support Stalin in some thread I will assume you are.Since communism purports to be a system of equality among all then how come the Soviet Union never had any women leaders and only 2-3 women member of the politburo through its entire history where as secular Muslim-majority state of Turkey had a woman PM,Islamic republic of Pakistan had a woman PM,,Indonesia had woman president,Kosovo had woman president,Senegal had woman Prime minister,Mghals had woman Sultan,Bangladesh has had 2 women PM constantly for the last 20 years.China has never had a women in its Politburo standing committee let alone its highest leadership.So would you agree that a woman should never support Communism or Socialism as this will never ever hold any leading position in Socialist state.In theory a women cannot rule an Islamic state but can become anything between political to military leaders in reality they have led muslim states.
What does the communism or socialism doing here? Islam should be compared with Orthodoxy or Buddhism.
Communism is to be compared with capitalism or feudalism.
No need to mix warm and soft.
I have asked the Turkish colleague - whether a woman can occupy high positions in a Muslim country in the theory. He said she can not.
So either he's wrong, or your mentioned states in name only Muslim. Similarly, as China - socialist in name only, in fact, there is no socialism, at least not yet.
What does the communism or socialism doing here? Islam should be compared with Orthodoxy or Buddhism.
Communism is to be compared with capitalism or feudalism.
No need to mix warm and soft.
I have asked the Turkish colleagues - whether a woman can occupy high positions in a Muslim country in the theory. He said he did not.
So either he's wrong, or your mentioned states in name only Muslim. Similarly, as China - socialist in name only, in fact, there is no socialism, at least not yet.

Islam is a political and economic system just like Communism.There are no Islamic state in the world...not yet....just like there's no socialism!
Islam is a political and economic system just like Communism.There are no Islamic state in the world...not yet....just like there's no socialism!
Islam is a religion like Christianity. Communism - the social system as capitalism or slavery.
Islam is a religion like Christianity. Communism - the social system as capitalism or slavery.
Islam is both...it has been practiced as both..anyone who has read any basic introduction to Islam knows it is a religion and political ideology.It has taxation,governance,regulations of warfare,business models,wealth distribution system etc in it.Prophet Muhammad is considered one of the most influential political leaders of all time by many non-muslim scholars and political scientists.
Islam is both...it has been practiced as both..anyone who has read any basic introduction to Islam knows it is a religion and political ideology.It has taxation,governance,regulations of warfare,business models,wealth distribution system etc in it.Prophet Muhammad is considered one of the most influential political leaders of all time by many non-muslim scholars and political scientists.
Anyone who is familiar with the basics of political and economic theory know that religion is one thing, but a socio-economic system - another. And politics - this is the third.
By the way, the Gulf countries - Muslim? Because, as far as I know, there is no women in government there.
She is - official. On the street or at home she can wear anything she want . But if she does it at work - it means she demonstrate some position.
She wants to make Turkey an Islamic state , while she is - a woman and holds a high position in secular Turkey.
If she is a true believer, a Muslim woman - she should say that faith does not allow her to occupy a high position . And defiantly resign .
And if she does not want to make Turkey a Muslim state - she should not show her faith at work.

Turkey will not be islamic only because women are wearing headscarf in their jobs.

Here are the first three articles in Turkish constitution, the fourth says the first three articles are Irrevocable.

Article 1: Form of the State

c1. The Turkish state is a Republic.


Article 2: Characteristics of the Republic

c1. The Republic of Turkey is a democratic, secular and social state governed by the rule of law; bearing in mind the concepts of public peace, national solidarity and justice; respecting human rights; loyal to the nationalism of Atatürk, and based on the fundamental tenets set forth in the Preamble.


Article 3: Integrity of the State, Official Language, Flag, National Anthem, and Capital

c1. The Turkish state, with its territory and nation, is an indivisible entity. Its language is Turkish.
c2. Its flag, the form of which is prescribed by the relevant law, is composed of a white crescent and star on a red background.
c3. Its national anthem is the “Independence March”.
c4. Its capital is Ankara.


Article 4: Irrevocable Provisions

c1. The provision of Article 1 of the Constitution establishing the form of the state as a Republic, the provisions in Article 2 on the characteristics of the Republic, and the provision of Article 3 shall not be amended, nor shall their amendment be proposed.


Theres only one way how Turkey could be islamic, a revolution, which is impossible since 80% of people in Turkey wants to keep the republic.
Only about 5% wants sharia law which is the lowest percentage among muslim countrys.
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Equality? I dont see Erdogan walking in Arab clothes around. For some strange reason AKP men prefer to wear Western clothes, but want their women to wear Arab clothes. Is that equality?
infact it was forced ban on right to choice by banning head scarf.

And if you can see in the pic 3 women wearing western cloths rather 4 but the 4th one has added scarf. whats wrong with that ?
Say to uninformed, please - whether a woman can hold leading positions in an Islamic state?
If she can not - what's the difference, what she's wearing?

Pakistan had the female PM

Bangladesh had the female PMs.

We are waiting for when US will have a first female Prez
Anyone who is familiar with the basics of political and economic theory know that religion is one thing, but a socio-economic system - another. And politics - this is the third.
By the way, the Gulf countries - Muslim? Because, as far as I know, there is no women in government there.

Islam keeps its spiritual aspects separate from its political aspects.You are on the internet google it and read about it.It is not a conventional religion that focuses solely on spiritualism.The Caliphate is a global governance system.again google them!

Gulf countries..nope not Islamic....Islamic economy does not allow interest based banking....it allows only profit based banking...gulf countries do not follow Islamic economic system...their leadership are monarchies...Islamic states cannot be monarchies..Having no women in government does not make you an Islamic state(Islamic states have women in the government and military)...just like waving a red flag doesn't actually make you a communist!
I know that Turkey - a secular state.
I am interested in - this woman is clearly showing her affiliation to Islam. But can she hold such an office in the Islamic and not a secular state? In theory?

Pakistan had a female PM.... we have Female fighter pilots and even Generals.. and yes we are an "Islamic State".

Equality? I dont see Erdogan walking in Arab clothes around. For some strange reason AKP men prefer to wear Western clothes, but want their women to wear Arab clothes. Is that equality?

Im sorry but was this MP forced to wear it? if some woman wants to wear it whts ur or my problem?
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Islam keeps its spiritual aspects separate from its political aspects.You are on the internet google it and read about it.It is not a conventional religion that focuses solely on spiritualism.The Caliphate is a global governance system.again google them!

Gulf countries..nope not Islamic....Islamic economy does not allow interest based banking....it allows only profit based banking...gulf countries do not follow Islamic economic system...their leadership are monarchies...Islamic states cannot be monarchies..Having no women in government does not make you an Islamic state(Islamic states have women in the government and military)...just like waving a red flag doesn't actually make you a communist!
There no " Muslim " economic system.
There are a capitalist or socialist countries . Even among Muslim countries - Libya was a socialist state , and most of the others - the capitalist ones. And Bangladesh , too - the capitalist state .
You can call part of the economic and political spheres - in religious terms . It does not change their nature . I can think a railroad is Formula One track. But it would be wrong. The car will not be able to ride the rails .
Should not be mixed for example gunpowder and the internal combustion engine just because here and there explosions and fire. You can not call a tree bird's nest because the bird makes a house made of wooden twigs .
You can think of Islam anything. See the definition in the dictionary.
Islam (/ˈɪslɑːm/;[note 1]Arabic: الإسلام‎, al-ʾIslāmIPA: [ælʔɪsˈlæːm] ( listen)[note 2]) is a monotheistic and Abrahamicreligion articulated by the Qur'an, a book considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God (Arabic: الله‎ Allāh) and by the teachings and normative example (called the Sunnah and composed of Hadith) of Muhammad, considered by them to be the last prophet of God. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim.
Christianity (from the Ancient Greek translation Χριστός, Christos of the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ, Mašíaḥ, meaning "the anointed one"[1] and the Latin suffixes ian and -itas) is a monotheistic[2]religion based on the life and teachings of JesusChrist as presented in the New Testament.
Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and capital goods, and the production of goods and services for profit in a market economy.
Communism (from Latin. Commūnis - «general") - in Marxism hypothetical social and economic system based on full equality, public ownership of the means of production.
There no " Muslim " economic system.
There are a capitalist or socialist countries . Even among Muslim countries - Libya was a socialist state , and most of the others - the capitalist ones. And Bangladesh , too - the capitalist state .
You can call part of the economic and political spheres - in religious terms . It does not change their nature . I can think a railroad is Formula One track. But it would be wrong. The car will not be able to ride the rails .
Should not be mixed for example gunpowder and the internal combustion engine just because here and there explosions and fire. You can not call a tree bird's nest because the bird makes a house made of wooden twigs .
You can think of Islam anything. See the definition in the dictionary.
Islam (/ˈɪslɑːm/;[note 1]Arabic: الإسلام‎, al-ʾIslāmIPA: [ælʔɪsˈlæːm] ( listen)[note 2]) is a monotheistic and Abrahamicreligion articulated by the Qur'an, a book considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God (Arabic: الله‎ Allāh) and by the teachings and normative example (called the Sunnah and composed of Hadith) of Muhammad, considered by them to be the last prophet of God. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim.
Christianity (from the Ancient Greek translation Χριστός, Christos of the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ, Mašíaḥ, meaning "the anointed one"[1] and the Latin suffixes ian and -itas) is a monotheistic[2]religion based on the life and teachings of JesusChrist as presented in the New Testament.
Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and capital goods, and the production of goods and services for profit in a market economy.
Communism (from Latin. Commūnis - «general") - in Marxism hypothetical social and economic system based on full equality, public ownership of the means of production.

Ever heard of Islamic banking?
There no " Muslim " economic system.
There are a capitalist or socialist countries . Even among Muslim countries - Libya was a socialist state , and most of the others - the capitalist ones. And Bangladesh , too - the capitalist state .
You can call part of the economic and political spheres - in religious terms . It does not change their nature . I can think a railroad is Formula One track. But it would be wrong. The car will not be able to ride the rails .
Should not be mixed for example gunpowder and the internal combustion engine just because here and there explosions and fire. You can not call a tree bird's nest because the bird makes a house made of wooden twigs .
You can think of Islam anything. See the definition in the dictionary.
Islam (/ˈɪslɑːm/;[note 1]Arabic: الإسلام‎, al-ʾIslāmIPA: [ælʔɪsˈlæːm] ( listen)[note 2]) is a monotheistic and Abrahamicreligion articulated by the Qur'an, a book considered by its adherents to be the verbatim word of God (Arabic: الله‎ Allāh) and by the teachings and normative example (called the Sunnah and composed of Hadith) of Muhammad, considered by them to be the last prophet of God. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim.
Christianity (from the Ancient Greek translation Χριστός, Christos of the Hebrew מָשִׁיחַ, Mašíaḥ, meaning "the anointed one"[1] and the Latin suffixes ian and -itas) is a monotheistic[2]religion based on the life and teachings of JesusChrist as presented in the New Testament.
Capitalism is an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and capital goods, and the production of goods and services for profit in a market economy.
Communism (from Latin. Commūnis - «general") - in Marxism hypothetical social and economic system based on full equality, public ownership of the means of production.



http://www.kas.de/wf/doc/kas_21079-544-2- 30.pdf?101110141450







http://www.world-economics-journal.com/Islamic Economics and Finance.details?AID=327
Ever heard of Islamic banking?

No he hasn't...he doesn't anything about Islam without the dictionary definition of it!
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