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Turkey to enter top 10 largest economies by 2023

I'm talking about the size of the populations! What I'm saying is basic stuff that everybody should know. Apparently not.

"BIG countries have BIG economy"

where in that did you put anything about population?
I though everybody that can write can also read, but apparently not.
All in all, some forummers couldnt catch the drift here..The very essence of this article is a positive prediction, a goal..Politicians put a future goal, thats all..Whether we manage to achieve that goal or not, its our business..Please dont turn this thread in to a dick measuring contest

I am agreed, Let's back to the topic.
Your comments are truelly stupid and foolish to say the least. Didnt say we already have Hydroxine car. Turkey is focusing and studiying building Hydroxine cars which are quit frankly much easier to built then normal cars. We already have several Electric Vessels in Turkey. Infact everytime i go to Turkey i see more people driving Turkish made Electric MotorBikes then normal Fossile fual using ones.

You only could dream about that pathetic statement lolz, Hear that having oil and gas for 100 years :lol:

how stupid can you get? so why do you even mention hydrogen cars? it will take decades for them to replace enough of your petrol power cars to make a considerable difference.
maybe you should start using camels like saudi arabia.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

and Yes we do have 100 years worth of gas, if you tried researching you will see that, you call fact pathetic? what does that make you?:lol:
Persian God King, or whatever you call yourself. Don't try to ruin this thread with your piss measuring contest. Here we are talking about Turkey's achievements and future prospects, not Iran and how it would be today if revolution did not appear. Open a new thread about that topic, of course the interest won't be much since yours is only a dream while ours is reality.
how stupid can you get? so why do you even mention hydrogen cards? it will take decades for them to replace enough of your petrol power card to make a considerable difference.
maybe you should start using camels like saudi arabia.:rofl::rofl::rofl:

and Yes we do have 100 years worth of gas, if you tries researching you will see that, you call fact pathetic?

Yeah so? We have Saudi arabia and many other Arab nations providing enough Oil and Gas till that day. Iran isnt exactly the only nation with Oil and Gas. What point did your exactly made with those statements? Oil and Gas are different einstein, Sure you may have gas.
Persian God King, or whatever you call yourself. Don't try to ruin this thread with your piss measuring contest. Here we are talking about Turkey's achievements and future prospects, not Iran and how it would be today if revolution did not appear. Open a new thread about that topic, of course the interest won't be much since yours is only a dream while ours is reality.

I am talking about Turkey, go read my comments and tell me what percentage of them has to do with Iran.
yes your dream is a good reality, you will be another greece in a few year :lol::rofl::rofl::lol:

Yeah so? We have Saudi arabia and many other Arab nations providing enough Oil and Gas till that day. Iran isnt exactly the only nation with Oil and Gas. What point did your exactly made with those statements? Oil and Gas are different einstein, Sure you may have gas.

Iran has 600 Billion barrels of oil, right now only 160 billion are recoverable.
we recently found a new discovery in caspian sea worth 15 billion barrels.
anyway this is about Turkey, lets talk about Turkey and how you will be number 1 economy in the universe.
I am talking about Turkey, go read my comments and tell me what percentage of them has to do with Iran.
yes your dream is a good reality, you will be another greece in a few year :lol::rofl::rofl::lol:

Iran has 600 Billion barrels of oil, right now only 160 billion are recoverable.
we recently found a new discovery in caspian sea worth 15 billion barrels.
anyway this is about Turkey, lets talk about Turkey and how you will be number 1 economy in the universe.

No no i would love to know how iran would have been a great superpowa if they wouldnt be santioned or the Islamic revolution would have never happend. I am eager to learn on Irans Number 1 Economy which they are superior to any country.
No no i would love to know how iran would have been a great superpowa if they wouldnt be santioned or the Islamic revolution would have never happend. I am eager to learn on Irans Number 1 Economy which they are superior to any country.

start another thread and we will talk about Iran. do you feel Turkey is not important enough for us to talk about it?
No its just i love fantasy stories, Turkish economie is far to realistic for you to handly :)

Of course, I did say you are number 1 in the universe.
little kiddo, without being given oil from the outside, you will collapse and make greece look like a economical powerhouse.
Of course, I did say you are number 1 in the universe.
little kiddo, without being given oil from the outside, you will collapse and make greece look like a economical powerhouse.

Same things goes for you, Without oil or Gas your would be nothing but a wasteland.
Same things goes for you, Without oil or Gas your would be nothing but a wasteland.

Yes but unlike you, we actually HAVE those resources. :rofl:
Now go cry to mum kiddo :cry:

Iran is a waste land yet somehow one of the oldest agricultural communities in the world.
Yes but unlike you, we actually HAVE those resources. :rofl:
Now go cry to mum kiddo :cry:

Iran is a waste land yet somehow one the oldest agricultural communities in the world.

Yes and we have some Resourchers you dont have or only have very limited. What point did you exactly made?
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