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Turkey shows interest in JF-17 Thunder

We can play some role in bringing China and Turkey together (This will be a plus for all of us ) . As far as i remember we used to study in our school study texts that Pak brought US and China together (atleast tried to do that back in 70's)
Aside from the low budget ones, I think some nations gain interest in the fighter to give Pakistan a hand. Turkey builds F-16 for Christ's sake.

Does it make any cheaper?
That is liscence production and kits had to come from LHM.
Where as we just wish to be of some sort of help to our brother nation Turkey.
Turkey should have one assembly line for JFT.
I agree Turkey should be light for whole of the nations in region as leader we could learn from Turkish people's desire to be independent and proud
The problem is that they have a well developed plan for aircraft induction from current to future and JFT does not fit in there. If it does then we will see.
hey i don't wanna kill the mood but they can get f-35,block 52 f-16s and maybe even eurofighter typhoon they have the money and none of the geopolitics that prevent pakistan from buying these planes why would they go for JF-17 ? lots of countries show interest in something that doesn't always mean they'll definately buy them.
hey i don't wanna kill the mood but they can get f-35,block 52 f-16s and maybe even eurofighter typhoon they have the money and none of the geopolitics that prevent pakistan from buying these planes why would they go for JF-17 ? lots of countries show interest in something that doesn't always mean they'll definately buy them.

Turkey's access to high-tech hardware becomes rather restricted when they incur US' wrath by standing up against Israel, even if it is after Israel blatantly kills Turkish citizens in international waters.

There was talk that the US issued an ultimatum to Turkey over this, even though publically they denied this and made it sound like they only "warned" Turkey over this.

* U.S. denies issuing ultimatum to Turkey over ties with Israel - Haaretz Daily Newspaper | Israel News
* 'Mossad hit men targeted Erdogan'

Pakistan had to learn it the hard way, but it isn't good to depend on one source. Turkey's developed very decent indigenous defence production capacity, they could develop variants of JFT with high-tech avionics. I really think there's a chance Turkey goes for this - it makes sense in some ways. The JFT has great potential, to develop into a very effective 4.5th gen aircraft.
Chinese Su-27s Fly Mock Combat in Turkey
Chinese Su-27s Fly Mock Combat in Turkey
Posted by David A. Fulghum at 9/30/2010 10:29 AM CDT

An unexpected military cooperative exercise between China and Turkey has caught the eye of Washington-based analysts.

The two air forces were involved in a joint air exercise in the central Anatolian province of Konya, the first such exercise involving the air forces of China (People’s Liberation Army Air Force – PLAAF) and NATO member Turkey.

Part of the significance is that the PLAAF recently demonstrated major advances in long-range strike during their own “Peace Mission 2010.”

The latest joint exercise, “Anatolian Eagle,” in the past has been conducted jointly with the U.S. Air Force, other NATO air forces and the Israeli Air Force.

Ankara’s Zama newspaper reported that Turkish F-16s and Chinese Su-27s staged a mock dogfight. Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao plans a visit to Turkey next month where several agreements on economic and cultural cooperation are expected to be signed. Chinese aircraft, including the JF-17 export fighter, stopped in Turkey to refuel on the way to last summer’s Farnborough air show.

Turkey flies 200 F-16s, 150 RF/F-4s and 75 F-5s.

Another sign that Turkey is changing its international stance is modification of its security policy to remove some of its neighboring countries from a list of those considered as national security threats and the exclusion of the IAF from its exercises.
The JF-17 may be a good stop gag measure for replacing the aging F-4s and F-5s. Given Turkey's good aeronautics industry and access to advanced avionics/radars they could really tap Thunder's potentials.
The JF-17 may be a good stop gag measure for replacing the aging F-4s and F-5s. Given Turkey's good aeronautics industry and access to advanced avionics/radars they could really tap Thunder's potentials.

Sadly Turkey isn't in a same boat as China, India and Pak to replace its rapidly agening fleet and to make up for shrinking fleet. Turkish are really embarking on fleet exapansion but in very modern style which will see the mix of both 4th and 5th generation's jet, this only shows that they aren't keen on numbers and at the same time countries around them already operate some truly modern fighter jet.
I have read a number of analysis from Chinese scholars.

Sino-Turkey freindship may be hampered by Pan-Trukism. Turkish government must reign that ideology for a healthy Sino-Turkey relationship.

The theorists of Pan-Turkism believe that all ethnic groups and nationalities from Eastern Europe to Great Wall of China, which enjoy language, religious and traditional commonalties are, in fact, a single nation and should come together as a big nation and fulfill their historical mission in the face of other big civilizations such as European, Arab, Indian and Chinese civilizations.

People of Iran: Language of Azeri People and Pan-Turkism
The JF-17 may be a good stop gag measure for replacing the aging F-4s and F-5s. Given Turkey's good aeronautics industry and access to advanced avionics/radars they could really tap Thunder's potentials.

Hi siegecrossbow, Turkey is already going ahead with plans to procure another platform to replace F-4s, apart from modernizing current F-16s, the most deserving contender and the winner truly would be EF-2000 Typhoon as is already the top choice of Turkish Air Force. The replacement program of F-4s apart from F-35s 116 of them could be Typoons as the number of F-4s are 170-180 thus we could in future see up to 60 EF-2000 replacing remaining Phantoms.
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