That's a Future we know nothing about, but can only speculate according to today conditions.
Underestimating someone/thing is never the right thing to do.
Karma is a B*tch...Better play the Humble card as long as possible and always keep the higher ground.
KSA have a very important "Engineer" pool who are still in training abroad. A very small minority of them have just started to come back in the country, their coming back is mostly halted by the limited opportunities that KSA is given right now.
But those opportunities are growing steadily but surely.
They have the "Financial" backpack + The "Mind pool"... The only issue for now, is the "Old type" Ideology still present in KSA society.
They are still waiting for their "Sacrifice"... To Cement the society and get ride of the "Privileges" associated with it.
In the End, they have Huge potential, IF the future gave them the opportunity for a sacrifice...
As for those asking what could be a sacrifice... From a Drastic Ideology Transformation... (Everything inbtw) To a full War...