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Turkey may ‘never be EU member’

Haven't we discussed this ad nauseam in the past to the effect of a bitter parting ?

Let us not talk about this !


I didn't intend to resume our previous discussion. My point was that beside our Islamic identity, other aspects of our heritage must be celebrated, but in any case, forget about it.
Why do Turks want to join the European Union anyway? It's already the 7the largest economy of Europe being outside the European Union.

Do the Turks have an inferiority complex or something or do Turks need to justify Atta Turk's secular nonsense?
it is all about the money.. search how much we get support from eu..
We are doing fine without EU. If we enter the EU that will be beneficial to us. If not no problem.

Its a middle eastern country which has tried to conquer europe and europeans have resisted it for hundreds of years.

Flawed logic... Germans tried to conquer all of Europe not a centuary ago.
You seriously need to take history lessons(not from your text books).
And their forefathers ruled you for centuries how can you forget that.

Come on dude If they managed to reach India they would have also reached Pakistan since it comes in the way
So let me correct you here
They Managed to Rule,Enslave 'OUR' Forefathers us South Asians or do you decline your South Asian Ancestry & Claim to be an Arab or a Turk
Come on dude If they managed to reach India they would have also reached Pakistan since it comes in the way
So let me correct you here
They Managed to Rule,Enslave 'OUR' Forefathers us South Asians or do you decline your South Asian Ancestry & Claim to be an Arab or a Turk

we welcomed them with open heart didn't fight them at all. (you need to research hard to comprehend this fact)
We were enslaved by your caste system not them mating with Dravidians and giving them equal rights as human beings. Many converted to Islam back then. Ask your self why we converted if we were their slaves?
the European Union is runned by the industrial and military complex, and if Turkey ever joins the EU it will be the biggest mistake they´ll ever commit, I´ve noticed when I was in Turkey there is a lot of Social Engineering to get the masses to join and "like" the EU. Wake up, Europe it´s an social and economical dictatorship, and you WILL end up worst than Greece.

Don´t trust this BS:
Have you seen Iranians who run to the west? at least Turks are proud of their Muslim history.
What? They are under embargo. What does Turkey do against the USA?
You're just bullying Syria & Iran to please Israel & USA
And your country is what?
A nation of heroes
You are going to save the ''Muslim World'',im sure.
Btw,those Arabs in Syria are not welcome either(looks like you are in Syria)?
You gonna destroy them all?
You think you do something for Islam with you beeing a NATO member?

Stop liying please. Your Erdogan is a muslim brother who send Al Qaeda in Syria.
Why do Turks want to join the European Union anyway? It's already the 7the largest economy of Europe being outside the European Union.

Do the Turks have an inferiority complex or something or do Turks need to justify Atta Turk's secular nonsense?

The reason is aim for faster and stronger economic development we need to become fully develloped country with strong economy (aleast in top ten in the world).
Turkey or AKP decided to turn into a western puppet and became an enemy with almost all of their neighbors in order to please the west and EU... and at the end EU ignored them... what a shame... Turkey isolated itself from their neighbors in the M.E... chaos is contagious...

Whoever choose to become enemy of Turkey will only destroy themselves not Turkey, Just saying.
Maube Turkey needsto re-think its policy of neglecting ME and west asia...europeans are not allowing Turkey to be part of western europe...
Maube Turkey needsto re-think its policy of neglecting ME and west asia...europeans are not allowing Turkey to be part of western europe...

What did you expect? The Anglo-Saxons did not consider Germany under Hitler equal to them. For all other peoples they defined roles. And believe me, they will conduct negotiations only with those who can hit their face on the table. They believe that God created the Anglo-Saxons to command, and the rest of the nations - to serve them.
Turkiye should just get into the EEA that's all it would take to really benefit the Turkish economy.
Who brought this dead horse back to life.
Another zionist evil trick i guess.
OT: Its all about west's prejudice against Muslim states nothing else. Turkey should create a new economic zone including like minded Muslim states say Pakistan. There is a lot of potential there especially in defense sector.
Why does Turkey even want to be in the EU ?

Aren't Turks from Central Asia ? They should join some Central Asian Union ... even though they look nothing like Central Asians :undecided:
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