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Turkey jets chase Israel plane from Cyprus

you are misinformed on both counts. The topic has been exhausted in previous discussions were I presented international law and both parties (turkey and greece) positions' very clearly and If I may say so I got no convincing arguments other than "this is our position no matter what you say" . Use the search function I am not going to do it for you.

I do not agree with you. Our position is not "this is our position no matter what you say". Our position is explained here you can read if you want

Aegean dispute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
I do not agree with you. Our position is not "this is our position no matter what you say". Our position is explained here you can read if you want

Aegean dispute - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I am sorry you seem to not have read even the wiki very well. Even a questionable wiki presented by you, doesn't provide enough support for violations of Greek space.

and by the way I was not referring to Turkey's position on this forum, but of the forum members. I already stated in my post that in the past I had presented both sides' arguments.
i thought we were second largest operator its israel , we have 270 f-16 , i didnt know you had so many f-16 so you have 80 f-15 , 336 f-16 any other f-4?
I am sorry you seem to not have read even the wiki very well. Even a questionable wiki presented by you, doesn't provide enough support for violations of Greek space.

and by the way I was not referring to Turkey's position on this forum, but of the forum members. I already stated in my post that in the past I had presented both sides' arguments.

I could have posted different web sites but that would be one-sided. You told me I have not read wiki very well but I do not think you read all of them. I just wanted to show what our position and claims. There are a lot of sources that can provide our position but I am sure you would say it is unilateral argument.
so we have 270 f-16 all of them block 30/40/50 and one of the five countries to locally produce them and we getting source codes on them i read , and upgrading all to CCIP upgrade to bring all to block 50 + standard and we are getting 116 f-35 , lets throw away the f-4s now

oh we operate 233 f-4s aswell some upgraded to terminator or something by israel are they any good
Source: F-16.net


1. Is faster
2. Has greater range / combat persistence
3. Great radar
4. Can carry a whole lot of AA missiles
5. Built to be an interceptor
6. Large / easy to spot
7. Incredibly large radar - cross section
8. Can turn, but not like the F-16


1. Smaller and lighter
2. Later versions have excellent range
3. At least decent radar
4. Can carries an equally impressive warload of AA missiles if need be
5. Can turn on a dime
6. Built to be a dogfighter
7. Relatively small RCS
8. Much cheaper, even in the later variants
9. Has great acceleration, but lower max. speed & rate of climb
10.Isn't as good at highter altitudes
11.On average, radar usually isn't as good as F-15
Source: F-16.net


1. Is faster
2. Has greater range / combat persistence
3. Great radar
4. Can carry a whole lot of AA missiles
5. Built to be an interceptor
6. Large / easy to spot
7. Incredibly large radar - cross section
8. Can turn, but not like the F-16


1. Smaller and lighter
2. Later versions have excellent range
3. At least decent radar
4. Can carries an equally impressive warload of AA missiles if need be
5. Can turn on a dime
6. Built to be a dogfighter
7. Relatively small RCS
8. Much cheaper, even in the later variants
9. Has great acceleration, but lower max. speed & rate of climb
10.Isn't as good at highter altitudes
11.On average, radar usually isn't as good as F-15

I think Saudis have the latest version of F-15..May be Mosa can enlighten us about F-15 capabilities
I could have posted different web sites but that would be one-sided. You told me I have not read wiki very well but I do not think you read all of them. I just wanted to show what our position and claims. There are a lot of sources that can provide our position but I am sure you would say it is unilateral argument.

No i wouldn't

Your positions are very well understood by most Greeks and the Greek government. What I am saying is that it is most of the turkish members in this forum that do not understand both turkish and greek positions on the matter.

For Greeks the bottom line is simple, although Turkey has indeed used the 12 mile extension, it is denying Greece the right to do so, and it is binding Greece is all sorts of a mess tying things up with the one sided cyprus issue and the laughable grey zones.

personally i think this aggressive strategy is foolish. But hey.. whatever you think is best for you and suits your aspirations.

Usually the truth is only one though, not many.
we are not an agressive nation , if we was we would have had much more wars , nucleur bombs by now , and we would have invaded cyprus before 1974 but we tried to solve with peace , we are not aggresive like the chinese
we are not an agressive nation , if we was we would have had much more wars , nucleur bombs by now , and we would have invaded cyprus before 1974 but we tried to solve with peace , we are not aggresive like the chinese

i am not in a really good position to say. As a greek i have seen manifestations of turkish aggression. i was in the military.
on the other hand most of the turkish military efforts are aimed towards greece. I don't see why. Greece has never demanded anything from Turkey in any way. It seems to be the other way around usually.
i am not in a really good position to say. As a greek i have seen manifestations of turkish aggression. i was in the military.
on the other hand most of the turkish military efforts are aimed towards greece. I don't see why. Greece has never demanded anything from Turkey in any way. It seems to be the other way around usually.

I see...


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1) TuAF has zero experience vs. SAMs. IAF has very rich experience vs. strong echeloned air defences.
2) TuAF has zero deep striking experience. IAF carried stikes thousands kms away.
3) TuAF has zero intense striking experience. IAF carred over hundred sorties a day for long period several times.
4) TuAF has very little UAV coordination experience.IAF is a pioneer in this field.

a result of trouble-making at its best.
i thought we were second largest operator its israel , we have 270 f-16 , i didnt know you had so many f-16 so you have 80 f-15 , 336 f-16 any other f-4?
Last F-4-2000 were phassed out in 2004.
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