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Turkish Cypriots attack UN peacekeepers

Turkish Cypriots attack UN peacekeepers trying to halt road work inside divided Cyprus’ buffer zone​

NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) — Angry Turkish Cypriots punched and kicked a group of international peacekeepers who obstructed crews working on a road that would encroach on a U.N.-controlled buffer zone in ethnically divided Cyprus, the U.N. said Friday.

It said the attack happened as peacekeepers stood in the way of work crews building a road to connect the village of Arsos, in the breakaway Turkish Cypriot north, with the mixed Greek Cypriot-Turkish Cypriot village of Pyla, inside the buffer zone and abutting the Greek Cypriot south, where the island’s internationally recognized government is seated.

A video seen by The Associated Press showed scores of Turkish Cypriots accosting a much smaller group of Slovak and British U.N. soldiers trying to hold them back from starting work inside the buffer zone. Some peacekeepers suffered blows to the face as they linked arms to push back the advancing Turkish Cypriots. Three soldiers had to be treated for minor injuries, the U.N. said.

Who are the police in the blue shorts? Greek or Turkish Cypriot?
People need to stop spazzing out, they are just widening the road, to make it easier to travel between two villages in the buffer zone, hopefully this can be done in a peaceful manor, but I guess some people hold grudges and wont allow basic municipal work.
Greeks live in Anatolia thousands of years before Turks came from Northern China immigrated there. They should go and give half of Anatolia back to Greeks tbh

stfu faking poorsian.... :p:
Turkey must act and reunite the island.
Now it s the time to do it, instead to worry about black sea, Turkish navy must enter the island, Greece is incapable to defend the island, all it s needed is wise leadership.

Turks must recover their island, it s full blown right that Island belong to Turkeyeh, Greece has appropiated a lot of islands from agean sea. Why Turkiyeh has to accept this?

Greece is europe right?, so let Turkiyeh recover that south western asian island.
Based on what your claims. Historically, Greeks were one of the first to inhabit the island, you can see loads of ancient greeks artifacts. The Ottomans invaded Cyprus in 1571so thousands years after greeks settlements. By your logic, Egypt should also claim this island because our pharaoh, Amasis II, conquered the island.
In 1974, Turks Cypriots lives wasn't ideal and they were live threatened so Turkey had to protect them. Still Cyrpus isn't a turkish land nor greek. It is just Cyprus with its unique situation
So Crete is also a turkish islands.
All the time this stupidity that turks comes from central asia. Turkey has bonds with central asians because some turkish tribes where stablished there, but anatolian is turkish, forever and they shared land with kurdish people and some arab tribes on the south.
"The genetic data thus point to Turkish people carrying the legacy of both ancient people who lived in Anatolia for thousands of years covered by our study and people coming from Central Asia bearing Turkic languages."
Turks are a mix of a lot of ethnicities stretching from the Balkans, West Asia, Central Asia.
Pontic are anatolians. Those are indigenous but ethnically they aren't turks.

The best for the country is the reunification of the island (without any war, only by referendum/peaceful) or to preserve the status quo
People need to stop spazzing out, they are just widening the road, to make it easier to travel between two villages in the buffer zone, hopefully this can be done in a peaceful manor, but I guess some people hold grudges and wont allow basic municipal work.
Parts of Cyprus are under the UN forces. They are neither Greek nor Turkish. They are the small buffer between the two communities. The Turkish Cypriot side wants to do works on parts of that buffer. Greek Cypriots were not invovled in this. It was purely between the Turkish Cypriots and UN personnel.

Based on what your claims. Historically, Greeks were one of the first to inhabit the island, you can see loads of ancient greeks artifacts. The Ottomans invaded Cyprus in 1571so thousands years after greeks settlements. By your logic, Egypt should also claim this island because our pharaoh, Amasis II, conquered the island.
In 1974, Turks Cypriots lives wasn't ideal and they were live threatened so Turkey had to protect them. Still Cyrpus isn't a turkish land nor greek. It is just Cyprus with its unique situation
So Crete is also a turkish islands.

"The genetic data thus point to Turkish people carrying the legacy of both ancient people who lived in Anatolia for thousands of years covered by our study and people coming from Central Asia bearing Turkic languages."
Turks are a mix of a lot of ethnicities stretching from the Balkans, West Asia, Central Asia.
Pontic are anatolians. Those are indigenous but ethnically they aren't turks.

The best for the country is the reunification of the island (without any war, only by referendum/peaceful) or to preserve the status quo
He's a troll. He can't be that stupid. He can't be that historically ignorant and stupid to say such nonsense. If he is,then he should start reading history or at least watch some videos on Youtube.
He's a troll. He can't be that stupid. He can't be that historically ignorant and stupid to say such nonsense. If he is,then he should start reading history or at least watch some videos on Youtube.

@waz , @Deino, @LeGenD

this greek guy again, has insulted me, please do something against this troll, he is not educated, if i answer to him now like he deserves he will be a cry baby, and i m wise and don t want to do that...
Based on what your claims. Historically, Greeks were one of the first to inhabit the island, you can see loads of ancient greeks artifacts. The Ottomans invaded Cyprus in 1571so thousands years after greeks settlements. By your logic, Egypt should also claim this island because our pharaoh, Amasis II, conquered the island.
In 1974, Turks Cypriots lives wasn't ideal and they were live threatened so Turkey had to protect them. Still Cyrpus isn't a turkish land nor greek. It is just Cyprus with its unique situation
So Crete is also a turkish islands.

"The genetic data thus point to Turkish people carrying the legacy of both ancient people who lived in Anatolia for thousands of years covered by our study and people coming from Central Asia bearing Turkic languages."
Turks are a mix of a lot of ethnicities stretching from the Balkans, West Asia, Central Asia.
Pontic are anatolians. Those are indigenous but ethnically they aren't turks.

The best for the country is the reunification of the island (without any war, only by referendum/peaceful) or to preserve the status quo

You are educated, and i m going to answer you, i have given you a map where i show the lineage of turks, there were multiple ancient people in south western asia, some related to semitic or afroasiatic, other indo arians... this is the original people of south western asia. A lot of them, were nomads or tribes.

Turkiyeh is cosidered minor asia because they are a mixture of tribes of asiatic origin (western), where majoritiy are the turks, they probably has their origin in hytites and other people of there...

Balkans are not turks, the same goes with mongolians or central asia, yes Turks has bonds (cultural bonds) with these people because war campaigns, invasions, ...., but about genetics a north Syrian or a kurdish is more related to turks than any other else. thats the truth.

South turks are like some north syrians and some north irakis.... hytites or a mixture of that ancient people there.

Anyone is going to say you whatever,according to their political views. This always happen. There is a lot of european wannabe out there also, but i m documented. Please make a trip to north turkey and south turkey, and you ll see.

Cyprus is south western asia island to begin with, this island is from hytite people, that used to live in anatolia. Cyprus is Turkiyeh and Anatolian are the heart of Turkiyeh.

The best for Cyprus people is to be with the stronger in this case, and Turkiyeh is the best option if i were from Cyprus.I m serious about this.Cyprus greeks must return to Larnaka if they don t want to live under Turkiyeh soveraignity, no one is interested in bloodshed, but anyone wants their things, it s legitimate.

UN is not helping positionating with Greece on this, Turkey will resolve this situation, just is necesary someone keen to give stability.Turkey will have talks, but will get what it s theirs.

Note: When i talk about turks, i talk about the core of the people, their origin, yes i know there are turkish in australia, the balkans, and in south africa, uzbekistan...wherever. But as i said beofre turks are turks, and come from some area, this area is the hytite zone, all the rest are product of invasions, wars, ... Greece has always been atacking turks, persians, arabs,...

Forget these DNA legends, they are all lies, they organize halogroups for their own political vision, there are a lot of itnerest in divide people, and destroy nations with this nonsense studies.
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Cyprus is south western asia island to begin with, this island is from hytite people, that used to live in anatolia. Cyprus is Turkiyeh and Anatolian are the heart of Turkiyeh.




The best for Cyprus people is to be with the stronger in this case, and Turkiyeh is the best option if i were from Cyprus.
To give you an example of how flawed this argument is,I need to know your origins. But you hide behind an Andorran and a Spanish flag. Still,because the majority of the forum are Pakistanis,I will use Kashmir as an example. Imagine telling the Kashmiri Pakistanis to side with India,because it's the "stronger" side. Or telling the Palestinians to accept let Israel annex the West Bank and Gaza because it's better for them.

Cyprus greeks must return to Larnaka if they don t want to live under Turkiyeh soveraignity, no one is interested in bloodshed, but anyone wants their things, it s legitimate.
Why should Greeks return to Larnaka?

This was a map of Cyprus before the war:


UN is not helping positionating with Greece on this, Turkey will resolve this situation, just is necesary someone keen to give stability.Turkey will have talks, but will get what it s theirs.
That's like saying "India will solve all the problems with Pakistan,but you should let them take what they want".

this area is the hytite zone, all the rest are product of invasions, wars, ... Greece has always been atacking turks, persians, arabs,...
You are obsessed with Hittites. They went almost extinct way before Greeks and Persians started clashing with each other.

You are again wrong: Persians invaded Greece first. Arabs again,invaded the Byzantine Empire and Seljuk Turks and later Ottomans,invaded both Persians and Arabs and then Greeks.

This is simple history.

Turkiyeh is cosidered minor asia because they are a mixture of tribes of asiatic origin (western), where majoritiy are the turks, they probably has their origin in hytites and other people of there...
The first recorded name the Greeks used for the Anatolian peninsula, though not particularly popular at the time, was Ἀσία (Asía),[24] perhaps from an Akkadian expression for the "sunrise" or possibly echoing the name of the Assuwa league in western Anatolia.[citation needed] The Romans used it as the name of their province, comprising the west of the peninsula plus the nearby Aegean Islands. As the name "Asia" broadened its scope to apply to the vaster region east of the Mediterranean, some Greeks in Late Antiquity came to use the name Asia Minor (Μικρὰ Ἀσία, Mikrà Asía), meaning "Lesser Asia" to refer to present-day Anatolia, whereas the administration of the Empire preferred the description Ἀνατολή (Anatolḗ; lit. 'the East').

Turks have nothing to do with Hittites. They came from Central Asia. By the time they had settled in Asia Minor after the Battle of Manzikert,there were no Hittites.
All this hypothesis of turks coming from central asia, balkans, and other historys.... are always waved by enemies from muslim Turkiyeh.

At the end of the road, their interest is to recall Byzantine... with the goal of divide or destroy another muslim country. These people thinks we are stupid, really.You can call whatever, we don t waste the time with history shits, we know on this region most people has 2 sources of origin mainly: afro-asiatic (semitic, fenices,...) and indo arian (persian, kurdish,...).

If turks were from central asian they would look like the uyghurs,..., and that s not the case. Turkey population have changed a lot because wars imposed by aggresive foreigners, and this is because have changed by the time, the goal of all the world was to destroy otoman empire.
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All this hypothesis of turks coming from central asia, balkans, and other historys.... are always waved by enemies from muslim Turkiyeh.
It's not hypothesis,it's a historical fact.
At the end of the road, their interest is to recall Byzantine... with the goal of divide or destroy another muslim country. These people thinks we are stupid, really.You can call whatever, we don t waste the time with history shits, we know on this region most people has 2 sources of origin mainly: afro-asiatic (semitic, fenices,...) and indo arian (persian, kurdish,...).
That's just nonsense.

If turks were from central asian they would look like the uyghurs,..., and that s not the case. Turkey population have changed a lot because wars imposed by aggresive foreigners, and this is because have changed by the time, the goal of all the world was to destroy otoman empire.
Turks are the best ones to reply to you on this one:

@merzifonlu @Kejo @Trisolaran @dBSPL @Yawm al-qiyama
It's not hypothesis,it's a historical fact.

That's just nonsense.

Turks are the best ones to reply to you on this one:

@merzifonlu @Kejo @Trisolaran @dBSPL @Yawm al-qiyama

I don t need lectures of anyone, i know the region, i know the world i would say, i have been in a lot of countries, including Turkey.

Your rant it s only your wish, you associate turks falsely with central asians and europeans with political goals.

For me this issue by now is closed, but if there are references to me of anyone i likely will respond, if deems necessary.
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