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Turkey & Iran and Iran and Arabs (The Political Differences)

Exactly, How sad to see so much divisions for nothing. As I see it, Americans & the West (Christians), Israelis (Jews), Indians (Hindus) have nothing in common and first two have been having a tough relation throughout their history but them all are united against Islaam and Muslims (They like calling it ''Terrorists'') and us Muslims being one Nation (As described by none other then Prophet Muhammad PBUH) are so devided for no good reasons and allowing others to attack us hard, due to our weaknesses by being devided.

It Is Really Sad.

There is a thread called: Iran and the Arabs since the beginning of Islam
It will be good for you to visit .
Islamic state or working closely with Islamic states or even to unite under current conditions is a dangerous idea, first we will hurt eachothers and in the end destroy it totally from within! We can deny all we want but the fact remains we are still living darkages, everything from science to technology comes from the west, not a single damn thing from us. But by words we are all the best muslm, but just by words,we dont even understand Islam, we follow the religion as a hobby for entertainment,just imitating without knowing why, no questions no answers just follow and do what you're being told, repeat the same again and again nothing new, memorize without knowing the true meanings, it's so obvious if we truly understood and were on the right path as Islam is absulte truth we would lead in fields such as technology,science. We would become a source ofenlightment to all the peoples of the world!
the western science discovers and all we do is saying things like "we muslims already knew this, it is written in Holy Quran" this is the only thing we can do, just talk and do nothing, expect everything from Allah, insallah.

Conclusion:brothers there's nothing our governements can do about it, it is much much more complicated, it is corrupted to the very core, until enlightment, until Mehdi comes i wont support islamic state or union with other muslims. Only chance left is Mehdi who will be guided and protected by Allah, only such person with divine knowledge will remove all misunderstandings,innovations, corruptions, falsehood. all humanity will be united when Mehdi arrives. his message will be something new, totally new and updated it wont be like we used to hear untill now! he will reveal such unbelieveble knowledge and hidden secrets from Quran that even aleems will say " have you brought us a new book?"

If i'm still alive that day, i will support Islamic state i wileven sacrefice my life to defend it!

Here is a thread for you please go and have a look:
Iran and the Arabs since the beginning of Islam
It is not just about ethnic differences... It is about domination...

Turkey wants to control middle east market

Iran wants to control Arab oil

Arabs want to have democracy and Arab leaders want to maintain their power...

And because of that,

Turkey has a rivalry with Iran...

Iran wants to bring down Arab regimes to control oil...

Oil rich Arab countries support Turkey on political side at the same time they attack Turkey because she is a secular country...

Wow... I thought that this thread was death for sure but unfourtunatly it poped up again :)
Again, no one can control Arabs. They are very sensitive to foreign intervention even if its for their help. GCC got harsh and constant critizim from all over Arab world because of foreign bases although they tend to protect some of them. Turkey cooperation with Arab countries is broadly welcome but it must be built on mutual interests not control, because the moment they feel any intervention Turkey will be kicked out just like Iran. Iran is just dreaming to control Islamic nation, while we laugh at those dreams. GCC are so patient with Iran. Remember that how Iran got furious with GCC armies entering Bahrain. And how Saudi army sunk Iranian boats that carry weapons for Huthies in 2009. But Iran couldn't do anything except shouting there and there.
Again, no one can control Arabs. They are very sensitive to foreign intervention even if its for their help. GCC got harsh and constant critizim from all over Arab world because of foreign bases although they tend to protect some of them. Turkey cooperation with Arab countries is broadly welcome but it must be built on mutual interests not control, because the moment they feel any intervention Turkey will be kicked out just like Iran. Iran is just dreaming to control Islamic nation, while we laugh at those dreams. GCC are so patient with Iran. Remember that how Iran got furious with GCC armies entering Bahrain. And how Saudi army sunk Iranian boats that carry weapons for Huthies in 2009. But Iran couldn't do anything except shouting there and there.

I think Turkish goverment knows that they don't have the capibility to control Middle East... AKP has more interest in economic issues than they have with sovereignty related ones... What I mean by control the market is, exporting most of the goods ME buys. They done a good job at it in Iraq, more than quarter of Iraqi imports comes from Turkey. They praticly wants to be Germany of the middle east. And actually US and GCG controled meda would muck up Turkish economy in weeks if Turkey goes out of line and threatens GCC's sovereignty...
Thread like this usually end up in people getting banned.

Iran=ancient civilisation who is too proud to let the wahabis control the middle east.
Turkey=think they can control the middle east. but NEVER will muslims let them as long as they are a part of the modern day crusader(NATO)
arab= portrayed basly due to the wahabis...
But its rule by their own people and they choose revolution and it worked for Iran look where Iran is and compare our beautiful democrazy

They seem to be blind, an god only opens the eyes of whom he wants.
Iran is a role model For the Ummah, but how many Muslims on this thread have that strength of faith.
Thread like this usually end up in people getting banned.

Iran=ancient civilisation who is too proud to let the wahabis control the middle east.
Turkey=think they can control the middle east. but NEVER will muslims let them as long as they are a part of the modern day crusader(NATO)
arab= portrayed basly due to the wahabis...
I want just to know what don't you agree about Wahhabi from this page:
Wahhabi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
lol iran? they dream too too much i cant believe how some countries dream if we done the same i will also say that they think thay can close the strait of hormuz lol USA has 1000s of aircraft 11 aircraft carriers 2000+ f35s on order more that 700 apache helicopters there is no country or even 2 countries that can be compared to USA unfortunately atm so lets try to get stronger first iran thinks they are so strong with their 1st gen aircraft rusty ships not to offend but its true only their missiles are maybe worth wile , i dnt even wanna talk about arabs BLACKEAGLE are you happy that arabs betrayed the ottomans? do you think it was right
I want just to know what don't you agree about Wahhabi from this page:
Wahhabi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You know reading that I find Wahabism with its shunning of Taqlid and talk of Ijtehad by everyone of us...very appealing but why is that in practice this seems to have become quite the opposite ? I hear that even the Friday Sermon in Saudi Arabia comes from the ministry...isn't that another form of Taqlid ?
I've have many Persian and Arab friends and what's mutual with all of us is the praud.
My Persian friends can't stop talking about the great Persian empire and bragging about irans new "toys" day in day out.
As for my Arabic friends they are different the Iraqies and Syrians are thinking (was thinking)them selfs as the leader Arab stat of the region. My Palestinian friends are dreaming about a new Ottoman empire. Egyptians are kaki and think that the real Islamic center is Egypt and not in saudiarabia.

As for Turks (I can only speak for my self) we are praud very praud of our history. But for me it's more important to have a strong economy and friendly relationship with our Muslim brother then to control or dominat them.
M.K.Ataturk (peace at home, peace at world). And money and prosperity gives peace.

May Allah give peace at home to every Muslim in the world. And then we will have ummah, inshallah
They seem to be blind, an god only opens the eyes of whom he wants.
Iran is a role model For the Ummah, but how many Muslims on this thread have that strength of faith.

How can Shias who see themselves apart from Ummah be a role model for Ummah? Neither pervert Muslims nor secular Muslims can not be role model to Ummah. Everyone knows that which countries they are there is no need to write.
Are you Turkish?

Yes I am Turkish.

Bayraklarım kandırmasın bulgaristan doğumluyum ama baba tarafın Konya'dan 1700 lerde gitmişler Trakya'ya
Anne tarafımda Karaman dan göç ettiler.

Ne mutlu türküm diyene.
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