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Turkey & Iran and Iran and Arabs (The Political Differences)

Well that's should show you the lethality of iraq so be careful with the iraqis since you're in need for there market and stop supporting terrorist.

Who is supporting terrorists Turkey or Iraq?
arabs can never be together they will build a union and 10 years later they will all be at war with each other or they will build a union and 10 years later a foriegn country will atack one and another in the union will support
Not really what you said now its mainly due to regimes there job is to prevent any arab rapprochement???!!! but once these regimes gone by the nations then the arab can unite for sure.
Well that's should show you the lethality of iraq so be careful with the iraqis since you're in need for there market and stop supporting terrorist.
I agree that there are Qaeda followers who are terrorists, but don't think Bader and Mutada's Militias are terrorists too?:confused:
I agree that there are Qaeda followers who are terrorists, but don't think Bader and Mutada's Militias are terrorists too?:confused:
Now let me clarify something, badr brigade muqtada alsadr militia man defended shiite from slaughter in baghdad after that when they went out of control the iraqi army fought them and disarmed them, badr brigade joined the army and they're following roles but al qaedah that supported buy arabs and turkey they still targeting the innocent the civilian every time there dirty hands can reach them, so you can't put the one who defend him self his family side by side with a group of terrorist there main job is killing people just because they don't believe in the alqaeda beliefs something very important alqaeda think that all muslims are kafir either suni or shiite yes the shiite more infidel in there beliefs so many innocent sunni got killed by those ignorant.
lol now iraqis are talking when theyre countries in peices
Our country in pieces are you a wake or you still sleeping we will see whose country going to be pieces, first of all what so called turkey is exposed to be teared apart by Turkish hard headed and Kurdish impedance to be Turkish slaves for ever, we have a federal system to give people there wrights also to avoid more blood shed, we're building our country with all obstacles in the way that mainly created by Arabs regimes and turkey so far, I'm not saying every thing is perfect nor its near perfect but tomorrow we'll show midgets who is the Iraq.
lol please stop talking iraq was part of ottoman empire little iraq hahaa now crushed by US and now your countries is split apart you may not like turkey and want them good but i want iraq to be stronger BUT AS ONE and first are you kurd or arab?

lol turkish slaves? turks have never been slaves and never will be
lol please stop talking iraq was part of ottoman empire little iraq hahaa now crushed by US and now your countries is split apart you may not like turkey and want them good but i want iraq to be stronger BUT AS ONE and first are you kurd or arab?

lol turkish slaves? turks have never been slaves and never will be
Arabic with Proud.
Our country in pieces are you a wake or you still sleeping we will see whose country going to be pieces, first of all what so called turkey is exposed to be teared apart by Turkish hard headed and Kurdish impedance to be Turkish slaves for ever, we have a federal system to give people there wrights also to avoid more blood shed, we're building our country with all obstacles in the way that mainly created by Arabs regimes and turkey so far, I'm not saying every thing is perfect nor its near perfect but tomorrow we'll show midgets who is the Iraq.
On one hand you hate Saddam but in the other hand you blame Arabs who toppled him down. And I noticed that you have never blamed Iran that literally burnt Iraq and assassinated its scientists, high rank military officers, pilots and university instructors. You just talk in the name of your party and never mention Iraq. I thought most of Iraqi Shea are diffirent and strictly loyal to their own country and people but it seems that I was wrong. As an Iraqi, you should point your finger to all whom hurt Iraq in any way and not blaming others on sectarian basis. You even accused Jordanians of being racists despite that there were 2 million Iraqis living in it and were welcomed in public schools despite the modest Jordanian economy . Thats fantastic man!!!!

lol please stop talking iraq was part of ottoman empire little iraq hahaa now crushed by US and now your countries is split apart you may not like turkey and want them good but i want iraq to be stronger BUT AS ONE and first are you kurd or arab?

lol turkish slaves? turks have never been slaves and never will be
Plz man, he doesn't represent Iraq in any way. Iraq is a great country. USA was humiliated and defeated in Iraq.
lol please stop talking iraq was part of ottoman empire little iraq hahaa now crushed by US and now your countries is split apart you may not like turkey and want them good but i want iraq to be stronger BUT AS ONE and first are you kurd or arab?

lol turkish slaves? turks have never been slaves and never will be
Little Iraq you said you ignorant this little Iraq faced 33 country start with the usa endeed with bahrain the biggest coalition in human history your little and midget turkey was nothing more than a liitle soldier in that coalition wright or you forgot, and believe it or not without saddam that coalition will never ever dare to attack the country!!! but unfortunately they knew Saddam is the there biggest bet.
Little Iraq you said you ignorant this little Iraq faced 33 country start with the usa endeed with bahrain the biggest coalition in human history your little and midget turkey was nothing more than a liitle soldier in that coalition wright or you forgot, and believe it or not without saddam that coalition will never ever dare to attack the country!!! but unfortunately they knew Saddam is the there biggest bet.
Mohammad Ali Abtahi, Iranian Vice President: “The fall of Kabul and Baghdad would not have happened easily without the assist of Iran”
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Little Iraq you said you ignorant this little Iraq faced 33 country start with the usa endeed with bahrain the biggest coalition in human history your little and midget turkey was nothing more than a liitle soldier in that coalition wright or you forgot, and believe it or not without saddam that coalition will never ever dare to attack the country!!! but unfortunately they knew Saddam is the there biggest bet.

Turkey did not join the coalition against Iraq... What a sad person you are :)
On one hand you hate Saddam but in the other hand you blame Arabs who toppled him down. And I noticed that you have never blamed Iran that literally burnt Iraq and assassinated its scientists, high rank military officers, pilots and university instructors. You just talk in the name of your party and never mention Iraq. I thought most of Iraqi Shea are diffirent and strictly loyal to their own country and people but it seems that I was wrong. As an Iraqi, you should point your finger to all whom hurt Iraq in any way and not blaming others on sectarian basis. You even accused Jordanians of being racists despite that there were 2 million Iraqis living in it and were welcomed in public schools despite the modest Jordanian economy . Thats fantastic man!!!!

Plz man, he doesn't represent Iraq in any way. Iraq is a great country. USA was humiliated and defeated in Iraq.
Name one thing that iran hurt Iraq with but I can name many of hurts by Arabs regimes, Second don't ever never talk on behalf of me.
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