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Turkey & Iran and Iran and Arabs (The Political Differences)

Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Algeria, Iraq, Malaysia, Indonesia, Sudan, ect.. are just like New York, California, Texas, ect... but not united. We work together, we become as good as anybody. We don't, we will always be weak. Easy as that.

Once again a move forward by this post which seems to get ignored in talk about women's rights or rabid nationalism lol

---------- Post added at 09:45 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:44 PM ----------

The solution is modern education and civility.

I could live with that

---------- Post added at 09:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:45 PM ----------

I disagree
In a utopian world, we could have a union, like the EU, at the best of cases. We share only a religion (which a lot of people in KSA/Egypt would disagree with b/c shia islam isn't even considered Islam by them). Our languages are different and so are our cultures. Arabic, Turkish and Parsi come from three different language families (Semitic, Turkic and Indo-European respectively) while all European languages more or less share the same family. Culturally we're also very different. While all Europeans share the same culture, we don't. In Iran, pre-Islamic parsi culture is deeply intertwined with modern Islamic-Iranian culture. The arab world has its own set of distinct values and beliefs. The Turks aren't different from arabs religious wise, but they also have a distinct culture of their own (religiously they share the same sect of Islam with arabs and they don't have pre-Islamic religions as do Iranians).

We will never be united. We must however work together to prosper as a region.

But why not Irish don't have much in common with Polish but both are in EEC whats so special about us why do some in each country have so much hate??

---------- Post added at 09:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:47 PM ----------

While a British womens biggest trouble for a day is her hair, my sisters thoughts are troubled with if she will get a beating from her husband/father/brother. And the ones who created this condition is us not West and most of us still want to go with this path and it sickens me.

But as I said AI survey shows one in four British woman is a victim of DV?? Whats this got to do with the thread??

---------- Post added at 09:52 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 PM ----------

Again, we must learn to do what is best for all of us in this little corner of the world. We don't have to respect each other, but we don't have to hate each other either. I think we're moving to the right direction. Today, the major stumbling block is the presence of colonialists from the West in the Arab world (Persian Gulf region). The region can't become 100 percent stable until all the stake holders can sit down together without having a puppeteer controlling certain parties.

I agree we need to stop allowing AIPAC controlled regime of America from interfering for its and Israeli ulterior motives to the detriment of our people. They know very well how to play the divide and rule game.

---------- Post added at 09:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:52 PM ----------

Political Difference:

--Nations that refuse to be ruled by others
Iranians : Nationalist - Free thinkers - Independent - High emphasis on Education , do not like to be dictated
Turkish: Nationalist -Very Progressive thinkers , Developed nation with Endless potential ,Great University and Education Free people

--Nations with exception individual briliance
Pakistanis : Suffering from Reliance on Masters (Post British era dependency), Low Education level -only 10% of potential reached, British ruled by means on army and that thinking has lingered since even after independence

*** Still being ruled by proxy funding from outside , and special interest groups after Liaqat ali
khan's assassination, and then Fatima Ali Jinah's failure in rigged elections. And currently
Zardari's reign

Arabs: No real focus - dependent on outside powers confused caused collapse of Ottoman been humiliated since by Dictators
No real focus on individual thinking and every thing is done with approval from outside

Libya had character but now they are another British colony and ruled by few gorillas with guns

Excellent summery. We need to talk about this rather than insult you as our resident lackey of not so royal Saudi family has done. But then they say truth hurts

---------- Post added at 09:56 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:55 PM ----------

Go to Hell you stupid asshole. How dare you call us Beduines you idiot scumbag??You have shown your true face your racist idiot face.

You know nothing about us nor will you ever do. Most Saudis are from the western region who were NEVER Beduines you idiot. An again you do not know anything.

---------- Post added at 09:03 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 AM ----------

Excuse our friend Azad here who is an official ignorant bastard.

I think the same could be said about you. Whats wrong with what he said truth hurts eh??

---------- Post added at 09:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:56 PM ----------

pakistan has real potential in population that makes us special :rofl::rofl:

arabs have potential too, they are really hospitable people as good as it gets

that's a bit unfair. they are hospitable to American Army and ships. And they have oil as well

---------- Post added at 09:58 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:57 PM ----------

The most difficult thing to do in this world is "to unite muslims".

Stop hating and being enemies would be a good starter.
My God ... So much unwanted grudges against each other. Please Answer only one question of mine.

If tommorrow we have a sincere leader in Muslim world who aim to unite Islamic world probabaly under Khilafa for the betterment of Muslims, would you guys still be confronting that out of your differences (I'd call them petty Issues, I'm afraid).
My God ... So much unwanted grudges against each other. Please Answer only one question of mine.

If tommorrow we have a sincere leader in Muslim world who aim to unite Islamic world probabaly under Khilafa for the betterment of Muslims, would you guys still be confronting that out of your differences (I'd call them petty Issues, I'm afraid).

i support anything rather having us zionist controlled country.
What I don't understand why the punjabis here grouping themselves with Pashtuns and Kashmiris when a mere visit at pashtun forums says a lot about how they see the punjabis. ;)
I am very senior member of that forum. I know each and every member of that forum, all of them are living in foriegn mostly westren countries and have least in common with pashtuns of homeland. They are type of pashtuns who have learnt pashtun stuff from internet. I find them non-representatives of voices of pashtun people.
I live in peshawer, pakistan. I would say pashtuns in general do not hate punjabis. We do have certain stereotypes about punjabis, so do punjabis have about us. But i wont say pashtuns and punjabis hate each other. Lakhs of pashtuns work in punjab and unlike karachi, they are easy and natural there. Similarly many punjabis live in peshawer and have no complains at all. I have many punjabi friends and i find them very frank people....the only people that i felt that they dislike pashtuns were urduspeakers of karachi when i interacted with them..
Turks are nationalistic like Iranian people, Only little percent of Turks want to unite with muslim world. To Turks first nation Then religion. Which is better than first religion.

Turks would choose any friendly nation to Arabs or Iran. Thats why Turks supported Israel against Arabs until Israel backstabbed us. Turks support people they have common ethnicty with. Most of the Turks hates Arabs because of their cooperation with Britian in WW1. This starts to change a bit but people who hates Arabs are still majority.

they can support any nation that has friendly feelings towards them, like Korea or Japan or Georgia or Albania or Kosova or Bosia or Italians.

Iranians are like that too, They support Armenians against Turks and Azeris.

Arabs, I don't know much about them actually. It would be stupid of me to comment on that.

Edit: Turkish support for Pakistan is not because they are Muslims, it is because they helped us WWI and Their support for us never waveared in our history. Pakistani Presidents support for us in Cyprus was legend for Turkish people. ''All of our warplanes are is yours to use''

Forgot to add, Turkish opinion of Arabs atarted to change when Cyprus war Gaddafi send his warplanes for us and Arabs sen 1 billion dollar as cash and 1.5 billion as oil to support us. After that people started to trust Arabs again
Turks are not better than the imperial Britain, if we suck the cow it's a good cow but when the cow is dry has no milk it's bad cow.
My God ... So much unwanted grudges against each other. Please Answer only one question of mine.

If tommorrow we have a sincere leader in Muslim world who aim to unite Islamic world probabaly under Khilafa for the betterment of Muslims, would you guys still be confronting that out of your differences (I'd call them petty Issues, I'm afraid).
Of course, why not, since khalifa rules with Quraan and Sunat Mohammed PBUH.
I am very senior member of that forum. I know each and every member of that forum, all of them are living in foriegn mostly westren countries and have least in common with pashtuns of homeland. They are type of pashtuns who have learnt pashtun stuff from internet. I find them non-representatives of voices of pashtun people.
I live in peshawer, pakistan. I would say pashtuns in general do not hate punjabis. We do have certain stereotypes about punjabis, so do punjabis have about us. But i wont say pashtuns and punjabis hate each other. Lakhs of pashtuns work in punjab and unlike karachi, they are easy and natural there. Similarly many punjabis live in peshawer and have no complains at all. I have many punjabi friends and i find them very frank people....the only people that i felt that they dislike pashtuns were urduspeakers of karachi when i interacted with them..

urdu speakers dont hate pathans, urdu speakers are very open minded and well educated people, there are many pathans in karachi in every walk of life from watchman to driver to labourer chai hotel owner etc, ANP on other hand is trying to exploit the pathans, and nobody likes ANP and its red flag

there is a reason why karachi is called mini pakistan and not lahore or punjab

the only negative about pathans are their few educated people, try to educate your people, try to be more civil and courteous in manners, less anger and stubborn behaviour, intelligent behaviour and earn respect and dont act like you belong to the tribal area when you are in karachi

also we dont respect afghan people which are not the pathans
Obviously the difference between them all is nationality, culture and religion. Can you be more specific?

Religion of Islam is their common denominator, differences are minimal culturally, some language differences exist but they do not form a barrier.
The main problem was the colonialists division to highlight the cultural backgrounds to better divide and conquer this was so deliberate and minute it went down to try to exploit the tiniest historical facts of tribes and families and chieftains but alas for the colonialists, Islam was so powerful a faith that it thwarted them even in its weakest moments.
The difference is of nationality and culture not of religion (most of them are muslims) well persians and arabs share a long historic enimity so relations between then are not likely improve in near future

Are you still living in pre islamic era! predicting a future without knowing the facts of things is like talking just for the sake of talking. Arabs and Persians are dear to each other since the beginning of Islam.

I meant political differences. For instance some Iranians badmouth Arabs and have Issues with Turks vice-e-versa in all three cases.

If you have noticed all politicians around the world are like that !
Until these countries have leaders with vision its unlikely we will get cooperation never mind uniting. I think America stirs the pot too often and accentuates and highlights the differences and divisions and our leaders on the whole are short sighted to do anything about it.

For example we always feel empathy for Turks even though they are far away. Yet Europeans who they are next door to them will not accept them in the EEC. The point seems to be missed by our leaders that west will never cooperate sincerely with Muslim countries and we need to make our own strategic and economic alliances with each other

Very well said.
Most Arab and Muslim leaders are short sighted because they had western education and could not think in terms of their surrounding and native cultures.
The difference today is that a new generation of leaders has awakened to this fact.

I have no problem with an Iranian Azeri because we speak same language, while I have problem with Iranian Farsi on ethnic ground.

On political level, it is about domination. Neither side wants to give up a bit.

You should think about the common denominator witch is Islam and get over the linguistic barrier like we are doing in this thread, and live politics for politicians.

All our countries are dominated by western forces who in reality despise any country with an association with Islam

Very true, but I would rather say: all our countries were dominated by western forces...
:sick: :bad::sick: :bad::sick: :bad:

mods please ban the user and remove the videos

it gives me creeps and vomiting, i feel very sick now
I guess there is a warning in the same videos. So they got slaughtered like this and no one would even like to know about them!. So,let them get slaughtered in the dark and ban all the proofs of the regimes cruelty. Just imagin that your brother and sister got slaughtered like this. how would you feel if someone criticized broadcasting them to adults in a defense forum?:cry:
Very well said.
Most Arab and Muslim leaders are short sighted because they had western education and could not think in terms of their surrounding and native cultures.
The difference today is that a new generation of leaders has awakened to this fact.

You should think about the common denominator witch is Islam and get over the linguistic barrier like we are doing in this thread, and live politics for politicians.

Very true, but I would rather say: all our countries were dominated by western forces...

It is not just about ethnic differences... It is about domination...

Turkey wants to control middle east market

Iran wants to control Arab oil and market

Arabs want to have democracy and Arab leaders want to maintain their power...

And because of that,

Turkey has a rivalry with Iran...

Iran wants to bring down Arab regimes to control oil...

Oil rich Arab countries support Turkey on political side at the same time they attack Turkey because she is a secular country...

Wow... I thought that this thread was death for sure but unfourtunatly it poped up again :)
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