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Turkey Cancelled F-35 Order, To Be Re-Evaluated

guess already posted but still

Değerli basın mensupları,
Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerinin Yeni Nesil Savaş Uçağı ihtiyacını karşılamak üzere, Müşterek Taarruz
Uçağı (JSF) Projesine, Türkiye 1999 yılından itibaren Konsorsiyum üyesi olarak iştirak
etmektedir. JSF projesinde mevcut durum itibariyle, F-35 uçağının harekât kabiliyetlerinin
istenen seviyeye ulaşmada planlananın gerisinde kalması ile ABD ve diğer ortak ülkelerin
siparişlerini ileriki yıllara ötelemesi sebebiyle artan uçak maliyetlerinin Türkiye’nin tedarik
planına olan etkisi değerlendirilmiş, ayrıca ABD Hükümeti ve Ana Yüklenici Lockheed Martin
firması ile 2012 yılı içinde yürütülen görüşmelerin sonuçları gözden geçirilmiştir.
Savunma Sanayii İcra Komitesi tarafından yapılan değerlendirme sonucunda; 5 Ocak 2012
tarihinde sipariş kararı verilen ilk 2 uçağın tedarikinin önümüzdeki yıl tekrar değerlendirilmek
üzere ertelenmesine karar verilmiştir.
Türkiye’nin, katılımcı ülke statüsünde dahil olduğu, JSF programı kapsamında yürüttüğü
faaliyetlerine devam edilecek olup proje kapsamında daha önce planlandığı şekilde 100 adet
F-35A uçağının tedariki öngörülmektedir.

Turkey To Cancel F-35 Order,
Cites Rising Costs And Technical

Turkey has decided to defer an order
to procure its first two F-35 fighter jets
citing technical problems and rising costs,
but added that it still plans to buy over a
100 in the future.
“Due to the current state of the JSF
(Joint Strike Fighter) ... and the rising
cost ... it was decided to postpone the
order placed on Jan 5, 2012, for the two
aircraft,” the Under secretariat for
Defence Industry (SSM) said in a
After the initial purchase of the two
jets, Turkey plans to order 100 units of
the stealth fighter to replace its current
fleet consisting mainly of F-4 Phantoms
and F-16 Falcons, according to the
The SSM added that the decision was
taken because the technical capabilities of
the aircraft were”not at the desired level

Turkey To Cancel F-35 Order, Cites Rising Costs And Technical Problems : Defense news

may I advice you....You have Variety of Options .EFT, Rafale , Su 35 , Saab even F 18 SH.....and :OMG: F 15 Silent.Eagle
Turkey To Cancel F-35 Order,
Cites Rising Costs And Technical

Turkey has decided to defer an order
to procure its first two F-35 fighter jets
citing technical problems and rising costs,
but added that it still plans to buy over a
100 in the future.
“Due to the current state of the JSF
(Joint Strike Fighter) ... and the rising
cost ... it was decided to postpone the
order placed on Jan 5, 2012, for the two
aircraft,” the Under secretariat for
Defence Industry (SSM) said in a
After the initial purchase of the two
jets, Turkey plans to order 100 units of
the stealth fighter to replace its current
fleet consisting mainly of F-4 Phantoms
and F-16 Falcons, according to the
The SSM added that the decision was
taken because the technical capabilities of
the aircraft were”not at the desired level

Turkey To Cancel F-35 Order, Cites Rising Costs And Technical Problems : Defense news

may I advice you....You have Variety of Options .EFT, Rafale , Su 35 , Saab even F 18 SH.....and :OMG: F 15 Silent.Eagle

Mate, read the quotes before advising the possible options...
USMC is the only winner of the tender with replacing the current Harrier fleet :)
how dare turkey, US is upset and angry and very angry infact :angry:

those muzzzies didnt by our fail product how dare thee :astagh: t:usflag:
The F-35 never sat well with me from the get go. I am actually glad Turkey is canceling or thinking of canceling its order.

Cost to effect ratio is just not worth it in my opinion. Turkey needs a heavy deep strike fighter. An F-15E for Turkey will create immense new strategic capabilities for the Turkish Air Force that F-35 can not achieve.
The F-35 never sat well with me from the get go. I am actually glad Turkey is canceling or thinking of canceling its order.

Cost to effect ratio is just not worth it in my opinion. Turkey needs a heavy deep strike fighter. An F-15E for Turkey will create immense new strategic capabilities for the Turkish Air Force that F-35 can not achieve.

Only the first batch consisting of 2 jets has been postponed to be re-evaluated next year. The overall order, consisting of 100 F-35A still stands.

Title is misleading...
The F-35 never sat well with me from the get go. I am actually glad Turkey is canceling or thinking of canceling its order.

Cost to effect ratio is just not worth it in my opinion. Turkey needs a heavy deep strike fighter. An F-15E for Turkey will create immense new strategic capabilities for the Turkish Air Force that F-35 can not achieve.

The fighter range is not the only aspect a fighter has. by that logic F111 is better than F15E!
Even if we accept an equal performance of AN/APG-81 AESA radar and AN/APG-70 radar, as a result of stealth and very small signature F15 will intercept F35 at very closer distances.

The 5th generation sensors on F35 are another difference.

And considering the KC-35 fleet and coming A400 fleet, the longer combat radios of F15 compared to F35 is not a marginal advantage for Turkey.
@all Idiots here , Are the Air Force of USA so Stupid to not USE their ,F-15´s ,F-16´s ,F-18´s or not to Produce more ?

We dont See F-35 in Combat ,biggest Feature is the Stealth ,and this Ability gives you the First Strike !
First of all reverse engineering is for losers who suck at engineering. Screw them Chinese.

You can never be the best by stealing from others.

Just to further your argument.

Nuclear technology is the prime example of being stolen from one country to another. There has never been official transfer of nuclear technology from one country to another.

US took it from Germans at the end of WWII and Russians stole it right from under US noses in Project Oppenheimer. So there are restricted, high value technologies that are always stolen and reverse engineered.
Unfortunately true!

SSM decided to delay the F35's which where ordered in january 2012, to be re-evaluated later again.

F-35'te kritik karar - Anadolu Ajans

Delayed because other countries like Australia etc. including US have delayed their orders too, therefor the costs of the initial batches have risen dramatically.

SSM probably decided to wait what the other partner countries are going to do and re-evaluate later again. In practice this means a delay of a couple of years.
It was time they did this,the only problem is there is no other option.
Turkey shall test fly JFT before ordering JF.
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