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Turkey Cancelled F-35 Order, To Be Re-Evaluated

We will have it. We aren't going to have them source codes, not for a long time. But we will be given an interface that will allow us to integrate national systems on F35. This is what I've heard anyway.

From what i can tell, Turkish Armed Forces never rushes into a newly found technology. It was the same case with AIP that's why it took us so long to place an order for Type 214s. We always wait and get the most proven systems. As for F35 we can wait a couple of years more it's not an issue.
Why US won't give source code? Any ideas?
@tyrant first of all I never liked you,

second, Turkey already produces most of the F16s parts, We have access to F16's source codes and we can make changes on our F16s' we already have our own mission computer for F16. We can also launch our national cruise missiles and. What more do you think we need? Turkey doesn't have to reverse-engineer anything because Turkey has access to real stuff. Stop worrying!
Seriously 4 ships has an edge over 14? because they have AIP? you too can stop worrying pal.
Well PAL,im not worried im just stating facts.
If a sub can launch and hit with just 1 nuclear warhead the war is over(so meltem,seahawk or YTKB will be useless).
We all know there will never be a war between Turkey and Israel .
PAL,be realistic.
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Maybe Turkey is showing her displeasure of the US congress because it stopped the transfer of missile frigates to Turkey. They supposedly didn't trust Turkey - How can the US trust Turkey enough to sell her advanced fighter planes, like the F-35, but not to transfer second-hand frigates? I think the US has to make up its mind and stop being hypocritical.

Those frigates were not requested from us as far as I can tell, but the hypocrisy is strong when it comes to what they want to sell us and what not. F35 yes, armed drones? Nope.

But I guess you can not expect anything different from a country that is ruled by lobbies, whether it's corporations or Greeks, armenians or the Jewish groups.
It is great news, F-35 delay or high costs will slow the process, Canada is postponing to reevaluate F-35s. J-31 is progressing fast than expected, great blueprint plane. Turkey should sit quiet and watch what other partners does before think twice...

Canada certainly won't be buying from either China or Russia as they are both viewed as adversaries. The problem for Canada and many other US allies is that there are no other sources for a stealth fighter.
@northeast It's not even a technology it's a design you stole, don't you see how pathetic this is? It's one of the most complicated war machines we're talking about and the only design parameter you could find that is different is ...wheels

China got too fond of copying that's all. Consider this a constructive criticism.

edge..? are we still talking about Cyprus here? Because last time I checked the power balance between Turkey and Israel was pretty much a stalemate. God i hope you're not talking about Cyprus.

So the captured German engineers reverse-engineered their own work? nice argument you've made there

buddy you're just being plain stupid, i hope you realize that.
All the technology was taken from post war Germany and was brought to US.
From Gas Turbine to space rockets!
Wernher Von Braun - The father of rockets later worked for NASA, It was because of him that Apollo program became possible!
the first succesful gas turbine was also made in Germany and guess what the basic design still hasn't changed a bit, so technically every country that makes turbines COPIED HIM!
Automatic rifles, Infra-red technology, everything came from the Germans.

I personally talked to an engineer who worked for PRATT & WHITNEY and he said that every turbine they make is an improved copy of the previous turbine! the only thing they get to play with is material.
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buddy you're just being plain stupid, i hope you realize that.
All the technology was taken from post war Germany and was brought to US.
That's where you're wrong. German scientists and engineers themselves was brought to US and so to Soviet union. They didn't reverse engineer ANYTHING they just kept working. These men copied nothing, they've made breakthroughs in science.

And if you believe the "the only thing they get to play with is material." BS you are the dumbest person on this forum. The Britain invented the tank is all the tanks in this world a copy of Mark 1? Your post is an insult to every aircraft engineer. There are ramjets and scramjets now are they simple copies of Hans von Ohain's engine?

Wake up, Germans couldn't even think of putting the engines into the fuselage. You're just repeating stereotypes..
and this statement only shows your areodynamics knowledge is next to zero```you have lots to catch-up kid
Jeah I've missed those classes at school. Your point being? J31 is so much different?
Well PAL,im not worried im just stating facts.
If a sub can launch and hit with just 1 nuclear warhead the war is over(so meltem,seahawk or YTKB will be useless).
A country that is facing an invasion can not use nuclear weapons or any other weapon of mass destruction. They can't know if we're gonna put them all to sword or just reach our economical goals and move on.
buddy you're just being plain stupid, i hope you realize that.
All the technology was taken from post war Germany and was brought to US.
From Gas Turbine to space rockets!
Wernher Von Braun - The father of rockets later worked for NASA, It was because of him that Apollo program became possible!
the first succesful gas turbine was also made in Germany and guess what the basic design still hasn't changed a bit, so technically every country that makes turbines COPIED HIM!
Automatic rifles, Infra-red technology, everything came from the Germans.

I personally talked to an engineer who worked for PRATT & WHITNEY and he said that every turbine they make is an improved copy of the previous turbine! the only thing they get to play with is material.

You do realize that Germany was a DEFEATED nation which signed agreed to an UNCONDITIONAL surrender? Heard of spoils of war? Postwar Germany became a colony of the two superpowers. Additionally many German inventors, scientists had fled to the US (Einstien et al), and the remaining Nazi engineers themselves were brought over to the US to assist them in understanding the technology. This analogy is not applicable to the current discussion.

Within a legal and diplomatic framework reverse engineering leads a nation to not be trusted with technology.
Proucing cheap ineffective copies leads to embargoes in the political and corporate world.
Those frigates were not requested from us as far as I can tell, but the hypocrisy is strong when it comes to what they want to sell us and what not. F35 yes, armed drones? Nope.

But I guess you can not expect anything different from a country that is ruled by lobbies, whether it's corporations or Greeks, armenians or the Jewish groups.
Those f-35 can be deactived remotely.
The pentagon can track TuAF F-35 plans and movements via an special software system. It's not just Turkey though, the UK MOD protested this system of tracking the F-35. The US Department of defence can deny Turkey of the ability to fire certain weapon system against their advaseries e.g. Isreali warplanes.
Is it true that there will be a new purchase for F-16's?
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