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TTP raids house of sacked Punjabi Taliban chief


Feb 2, 2007
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LAHORE: Members of the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) allegedly raided the house of sacked Punjabi Taliban chief Asmatullah Muavia in the suburbs of Miramshah, North Waziristan Agency, officials told The Express Tribune.

The TTP removed Muavia from his position as ‘punishment’ for accepting the government’s recent offer to hold peace talks and hence, rejecting the decision of the umbrella organisation. Muavia had said that the Punjabi Taliban had its own shura (decision-making council) and the TTP had no authority to remove him.

Meanwhile, an intelligence agency intercepted phone calls of people involved in the search and alleged assassination plan of Asmatullah Muavia, intelligence officials revealed.

After accepting the talks offer, Muavia had said that negotiations between the government and the militants would strengthen peace efforts.

The TTP leadership had tried to contact Muavia for an explanation after he welcomed the government’s proposal, but they received no response.

According to the TTP spokesman, the decision to remove Muavia was taken at a meeting chaired by TTP chief Hakimullah Mehsud at an undisclosed location, the official said. The meeting directed all the militants not to contact Muavia.

After this meeting, TTP militants raided the central office, the resident and other hideouts of Asmatullah Muavia but he had already moved to an unknown location, according to officials.

Intelligence suggests that Muavia used to be the main agent for TTP’s recruitment activities in Punjab, particularly in the south of the province. He is a trained hardliner cleric, who is reportedly an expert in brainwashing techniques.

He is accused of providing chemicals to TTP from textile mills in Punjab, which were later used as explosives in the Marriott Hotel, Islamabad, bombings in September 2008.

TTP raids house of sacked Punjabi Taliban chief – The Express Tribune
You-know-who's men might have raided house of Asmatullah Muavia not TTP's, they know exactly when to take advantage of the situation. Even if TTP deny the involvement in raid, damage is already done. If TTP has raided the house then it is also understandable considering the temper of hakimullah mehsud.

It seems government is holding secret talks only with Punjabi Taliban thats why the rifts between TTP leadership and asmatuullah mauvia. Noora league thinks that they can keep punjab safe if they make peace with punjabi taliban, i think they dont care much about war in FATA if their Punjab is safe and untouched. The thing is all punjabi taliban do not work under asmatullah mauvia. He would be simply replaced by TTP with some another punjabi commander.
You-know-who's men might have raided house of Asmatullah Muavia not TTP's, they know exactly when to take advantage of the situation. Even if TTP deny the involvement in raid, damage is already done. If TTP has raided the house then it is also understandable considering the temper of hakimullah mehsud.

It seems government is holding secret talks only with Punjabi Taliban thats why the rifts between TTP leadership and asmatuullah mauvia. Noora league thinks that they can keep punjab safe if they make peace with punjabi taliban, i think they dont care much about war in FATA if their Punjab is safe and untouched. The thing is all punjabi taliban do not work under asmatullah mauvia. He would be simply replaced by TTP with some another punjabi commander.

I also think that Noora League is only concerned about Punjab, all they are doing are steps to make punjab safer. Someone should tell them that they are now responsible for whole country not just punjab only..
How any Why does Tribune has each and every small and big details of TTP? Are they working togather?
I also think that Noora League is only concerned about Punjab, all they are doing are steps to make punjab safer. Someone should tell them that they are now responsible for whole country not just punjab only..

thats why hundred of our punjabi soldiers die fighting in fata?
wish to see fighting erupt btw these two elements .. go on ****** kill each other
You-know-who's men might have raided house of Asmatullah Muavia not TTP's, they know exactly when to take advantage of the situation. Even if TTP deny the involvement in raid, damage is already done. If TTP has raided the house then it is also understandable considering the temper of hakimullah mehsud.

It seems government is holding secret talks only with Punjabi Taliban thats why the rifts between TTP leadership and asmatuullah mauvia. Noora league thinks that they can keep punjab safe if they make peace with punjabi taliban, i think they dont care much about war in FATA if their Punjab is safe and untouched. The thing is all punjabi taliban do not work under asmatullah mauvia. He would be simply replaced by TTP with some another punjabi commander.

**** ttp, you wanted talks right?
and the punjab ttp accepted that offer but your afghani ttp didn't, what's up with that?
now they trying to kill the punjabi ttp?
pakistan needs to destroy these terrorists once and for all no peace talks what so ever with them.
nawaz is trying to keep all of pakistan together, without punjab there is no pakistan, pakistan is punjab we punjabis are holding everything together the rest of you would turn your back on us when ever you got the chance, especially the likes of you.
stop blaming punjab for your problems, we contribute to more 50 percent to our army to keep our nation safe and still you have a problem?
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