Secur, let me explain something to you.
You think everybody in the country is a radical. What I'm trying to say is that, maybe you're a radical.
It's not that people support terrorists per se. An overwhelming majority of the people feel that our government is enslaved to foreign powers. The government of Pakistan is not, and has not been for the people.
So what options are left for them?
Obviously, they will sympathize with militant groups because they oppose the enslavement of their puppet government.
The sovereignty of Pakistan has been compromised, and never has it happened until post 9-11. This threatens Pakistan's existence, so the people intrinsically feel the need to fight. Survival mode has kicked in.
Bombs are being dropped on Pakistanis. Army has fired on the religious students of Lal Masjid, and stirred the hornet's nest. And nations to our East and West are feeding off the chaos.
Our society is by nature conservative, but to govern Pakistan there is a holy rule.
Never mess with the religious segment of our society nor their sentiments.