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TTP Punjab agree to talk to ‘authentic religious scholars’

I doubt you can understand what i am trying to say. Read it again , slowly this time or you can stick to your traditional trolling and hurling abuses around the forum - these debates arent your cup of tea even more so when you cant even understand it :D
When writing long paragraphs, one should have a point, or thesis. Your post jumped around so much thst it was incoherrent.

Again what was the point you were trying to make?
@Zarvan I am eagerly waiting for the day you or anyone else can post proof of the mass murders of tribals which the world knows nothing about - even though nothing can be hidden in this era . Get it done and we will talk about it . At the moment its your lots usual justification to kill Pakistanis.
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Again what was the point you were trying to make?

Keep playing dumb . :D Suits you since you have nothing to back your " let me debunk " claim in the first post .
Keep playing dumb . :D Suits you since you have nothing to back your " let me debunk " claim in the first post .
All you are trying to do is get personal.

You ever think instead of the majority of the country, it's liberals like you that are radical?
All you are trying to do is get personal.

You ever think instead of the majority of the country, it's liberals like you that are radical?

Not really . Read again the first post you made in this thread . You were going to engage me in a debate , begin with the points I made in this thread or with my article . Who's stopping you in the first place ? All I see is that you are trying to prove someone wrong , by labelling them " liberals " . This " I am not understanding your post " drama isn't going to work so lets not waste time . Well , for one , you will not find a liberal blowing up somewhere and killing people just because they do not agree with his/her views or taking an extreme view regarinf things and being rigid and inflexible , I will leave the rest here .

Do you really want engage me in a debate?

Here's your post and no one's forbade from counter arguing/debunking/rebuking any points made by any member anywhere on the forums . By all means , go ahead .
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Not really . Read again the first post you made in this thread . You were going to engage me in a debate , begin with the points I made in this thread or with my article . Who's stopping you in the first place ? All I see is that you are trying to prove someone wrong , by labelling them . This " I am not understanding your post " drama isn't going to work so lets not waste time . Well , for one , you will not find a liberal blowing up somewhere and killing people just because they do not agree with his/her views , I will leave the rest here .
Not really . Read again the first post you made in this thread . You were going to engage me in a debate , begin with the points I made in this thread or with my article . Who's stopping you in the first place ? All I see is that you are trying to prove someone wrong , by labelling them . This " I am not understanding your post " drama isn't going to work so lets not waste time . Well , for one , you will not find a liberal blowing up somewhere and killing people just because they do not agree with his/her views , I will leave the rest here .


You were the one calling me out on being a coward, just because I posted my input on the thread.

Talk about being In-Secur. lol.

Many Pakistanis do agree with the Taliban. Even segments of our military do.

Some of the staunchest supporters of Musharraf even disagreed with him on the Lal Masjid operation.

These people are not radicals. They are common Pakistanis with genuine grievences.
You were the one calling me out on being a coward, just because I posted my input on the thread.

Many Pakistanis do agree with the Taliban. Even segments of our military do.

No , I didn't call you a coward , first of all . I advised you to be man enough to quote/mention the member , you are indirectly trying to send message to /get your point across since there was no other " liberal " or any member with any differing point of view here when you made the post , so he can respond to you - a generally accepted and civil way of debating in forums . Can you see a difference between the two ? Does playing dumb help you a lot , so to continue doing the same ?

Whom am I to disagree with that ? Read my posts again . I know about the " incredible support " the terrorists who have killed 64,000 Pakistan get from the same confused nation , because of radicalism . Hence , the great state of affairs in the country today . There's no denial of the presence of " radicalized masses " . But you were refuting my points in the thread about " some genuine Mullahs " who will talk some God-knows what sense into these terrorists who kill and murder innocents indiscriminately , begin .
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No , I didn't call you a coward , first of all . I advised you to be man enough to quote/mention the member , you are indirectly trying to send message to /get your point across since there was no other liberal here . Does playing help you a lot so to continue doing the same ? Can you see a difference between the two ?

Whom am I disagree with that ? Read my posts again . I know about the " incredible support " the terrorists who have killed 64,000 Pakistan get from the same confused nation , because of radicalism . Hence , the great state of affairs in the country today . There's no denial of the presence of " radicalized masses " . But you were refuting my points in the thread about " some genuine Mullahs " who will talk some God-knows what sense into these terrorists who kill and murder innocents indiscriminately , begin .

Aaooo naa kabhiii Lahore, Khusbooo Lagaa Keiii ! ;)

' @RazPaK - Chaudhry if Secur aaap kooo tunng kar rahaa haiii tou busss eik hukummm deii issseiii abhiii seedhaa kar dooon gaaa ! :mad:

Achaa oi @Secur I was looking through some websites of German Universities & I do suggest that you should check them out because if you can find an English Language Course there than the Fees are dirt cheap ! :)

I wish they offered some in Accounting or Finance !:(
Aaooo naa kabhiii Lahore, Khusbooo Lagaa Keiii ! ;)

Sooner than you think , I am getting bored here and the holiday season fast approaches :D

Fast forward the URL's then , mate . I think you meant " German language courses " there , didn't you ?
You were being childish and snobby lib. Just admit it.

No , I was quite serious in debating there over what I said , but the debate never came . Since the other person well couldn't " understand " my posts in the first place / kept playing dumb / maybe didn't realize that there was no reason to convince a person of " widespread radicalism and support for terrorists in the country " who was already convinced of that . I reminded you there that to get your message across , you didn't need to be in absolute majority .
Sooner than you think , I am getting bored here and the holiday season fast approaches :D

You are most welcome to come to my city - I, the King, himself would greet you ! :cool:

But do remember to drop your accent otherwise I just might be tempted to tell people that you've come here to further MQM's Campaign - Phir bohaaat mazaaa aaaaiii gaaa with me sipping on a margarita whilst you being made a murghaa in front of me as burning embers of coal are placed beneath your buttt ! ;)

Fast forward the URL's then , mate . I think you meant " German language courses " there , didn't you ?

Nah, I meant German Universities offering courses in the English Language ! Like this : http://www.fu-berlin.de/en/studium/studienangebot/english/index.html or maybe this http://portal.mytum.de/studium/studiengaenge_en/ams

Bakiii aur German Universities mein dekhooo I'm sure there are other options too !
Secur, let me explain something to you.

You think everybody in the country is a radical. What I'm trying to say is that, maybe you're a radical.

It's not that people support terrorists per se. An overwhelming majority of the people feel that our government is enslaved to foreign powers. The government of Pakistan is not, and has not been for the people.

So what options are left for them?

Obviously, they will sympathize with militant groups because they oppose the enslavement of their puppet government.

The sovereignty of Pakistan has been compromised, and never has it happened until post 9-11. This threatens Pakistan's existence, so the people intrinsically feel the need to fight. Survival mode has kicked in.

Bombs are being dropped on Pakistanis. Army has fired on the religious students of Lal Masjid, and stirred the hornet's nest. And nations to our East and West are feeding off the chaos.

Our society is by nature conservative, but to govern Pakistan there is a holy rule.

Never mess with the religious segment of our society nor their sentiments.
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Secur, let me explain something to you.

You think everybody in the country is a radical. What I'm trying to say is that, maybe you're a radical.

It's not that people support terrorists per se. An overwhelming majority of the people feel that our government is enslaved to foreign powers. The government of Pakistan is not, and has not been for the people.

So what options are left for them?

Obviously, they will sympathize with militant groups because they oppose the enslavement of their puppet government.

The sovereignty of Pakistan has been compromised, and never has it happened until post 9-11. This threatens Pakistan's existence, so the people intrinsically feel the need to fight. Survival mode has kicked in.

Bombs are being dropped on Pakistanis. Army has fired on the religious students of Lal Masjid, and stirred the hornet's nest. And nations to our East and West are feeding off the chaos.

Our society is by nature conservative, but to govern Pakistan there is a holy rule.

Never mess with the religious segment of our society nor their sentiments.

Why you didn't mention or quote me again ? Whats the reason behind it this time ? Last time , you didn't know how to . :D I do not think everybody's a radical or most of them even support the ideology wholeheartedly , I just think that more than 20 years of an imported ideology and the state's sponsorship of extremist groups for its interests has made them to act like that . The notion of " radicalized masses " isn't a figment of imagination today , we living in the country are seeing the effects of that , every other day . People are becoming increasingly intolerant to the difference of opinion and confusion , chaos and anarchy is adding to all of that . You could have called me a radical if I was trying to impose my opinion/point of views on others , trying to be extreme in my approach towards things , I am not here , I accept the difference of opinion more than fine , I do not even want Pakistan to go " secular " , just to be moderate in its approach and that is towards everything - not just the religion since we happen to be an emotional bunch who would burn or kill our own people on mere accusations or would attach emotionally on the smallest of things . Remember the overwhelmingly favorable opinion of Americans back in the 80's and before that .

Even I agree to the " slave of foreign powers " but this isn't something new , we have been slaves since our independence . We have done a blunder in the 80's of fighting a superpower's war , no one can deny that looking at it now and seeing the disastrous outcomes . The sympathy with militant groups can be contested with the fact that the same groups have been killing the Pakistanis , even if the support is overwhelmingly foreign . Army fired there for a reason right ? The religious students instead of studying religion stockpiled weapons and challenged the writ of the state and when asked to surrender and given compensation , fired at the forces , equate that with the " Grand Mosque Seizure " same thing was done there but ironically , no one calls it wrong , the state used force there to do the same thing , to restore its own writ . You are right about the last part , the society's conservative sure but it used to be moderate before , what happened in the past for it to be like that today ?
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