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TTP Punjab agree to talk to ‘authentic religious scholars’


Know your place. I do not know how to quote members on this new system.

Do you really want engage me in a debate?

I can be foul-mouthed, but that does not disqualify me from explaining to you how your views are shared by no one other than the internet crowd. Have you traveled Pakistan?

I have extensively traveled Pakistan. Be ready to bare the truth, If you decide to engage me, because I am in no mood to joke.
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Know your place. I do not know how to quote members on this new system.

Do you really want engage me in a debate?

I can be foul-mouthed, but that does not disqualify me from explaining to you how your views are shared by no one other than the internet crowd. Have you traveled Pakistan?

I have extensively traveled Pakistan. Be ready to bare the truth, If you decide to engage me, because I am in no mood to joke.

I am quite sure the other person doesn't know it . You aren't using the forum for the first time , right ? Playing dumb was the easy way out there for you . Good . Lol

Trust me , the only people who talk big and this way are the ones , who have nothing much to share except their abuses which eventually gets them pinked on the forums , because they have nothing positive to contribute . I know well enough to what extent the society of my country is radicalized and the wonderful outcomes it has brought for the country . What is the internet crowd , does it exist not in the real world ? I never knew to get your points/views/beliefs across , you have to be in absolute majority . Start with the points , I have mentioned in the very thread . Prove them wrong , begin . Or start with my article about the beloved Zia " The War that Never Was " in the senior's cafe . Go , go , go :D Did anyone forbid you from engaging me in a debate ? If the answer is no , take that arrogance somewhere else , doesn't work with me ever . :D
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This isn't about any " rights " , this is about " national security " which takes precedence above anything else . Pakistan desperately tried to negotiate with the Taliban - it so gladly supported and provided help back then to come to terms and hand over culprits , even informing them about the dangers to Pakistan and their own country but the Hotheads didn't listen , neither the envoy sent by Islamabad nor the one sent from Riyadh by the Arabs . Now this isn't our fault . Ironically , Osama Bin Laden will take full and complete responsibility of the twin tower attacks later when Afghanistan was invaded , even though the Mullah Omar wasn't even interested to properly talk with " his allies " even over that matter . Nobody did a mass murder anywhere in Pakistan and since that thing didn't happen , there's no question of any badal or " revenge " . The tribal were told to get their areas evacuated from Al Qaeda operatives and those who didn't want were in direct violation of the laws of the country . Even though , the F.A.T.A. has autonomy , the armed forces of Pakistan as per the agreement signed at the time of independence has the right to enter the Tribal areas - a part of its own country if the special circumstances arise and the levies or the residents aren't able to counter it . Just like in the Daoud Khan's era , where the Pakistani forces were called to evict Afghan tribals who had invaded Bajaur . So there's no betrayal of any sort , none at all . But yes , it exists in Mullah fan fiction / tabloids / friday sermons . As for the " mass murder of tribals " , DO provide me a source before continuing .

The question still is " What are the Mullahs going to talk on with the terrorists/extremists over this matter " ? Even though the sympathies of the formers lies with the latter . Just like your sympathy and support do , with the murders and killers of 64,000+ Pakistanis . No one's crying here but the day , the operation starts again and political leaders realize their folly of " peace with the psychopaths " , someone is going to cry again loud and so loud that the echoes will be heard everywhere , just like they were , when the army flushed the terrorists from the Swat valley and well pretty much from elsewhere too .
You have the right to enter but as their defenders not as their mass murderers and to murder them that to on USA orders and you from first day decided to betray Afghans you gave them your bases you allowed them to carry our drone attacks on your own people you to please them entered Tribal areas and bombed them their villages their schools their children and women and innocent man and those whose only fault was they were not ready to bow down to master of secular USA and that they didn't believed the lies told by USA as it always have told lies before attacking a country and when you betray your own people and mass murder them you don't get flowers in return what you you get is anger and vengeance
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You have the right to enter but as their defenders not as their mass murderers and to murder them that to on USA orders and you from first day decided to betray Afghans you gave them your bases you allowed them to carry our drone attacks on your own people you to please them entered Tribal areas and bombed them their villages their schools their children and women and innocent man and those whose only fault was they were not ready to bow down to master of secular USA and that they didn't believed the lies told by USA as it always have told lies before attacking a country and when you betray your own people and mass murder them you don't get flowers in return what you you get is anger and vengeance
no body has entered any where on any ones orders?
its pakistan, & if PAKARMY can go lahore, karachi, or even in arawaan why not anywhere else?
this is the crap, jahilist of theories created by the animals, who are killing pakistanis by the orders of thier paying masters?
if our own become, beast surly have to put a bullet in his head for the safty of the whole family?
no body has entered any where on any ones orders?
its pakistan, & if PAKARMY can go lahore, karachi, or even in arawaan why not anywhere else?
this is the crap, jahilist of theories created by the animals, who are killing pakistanis by the orders of thier paying masters?
if our own become, beast surly have to put a bullet in his head for the safty of the whole family?
Sir whole world knows operation in tribal areas was started on USA orders and Musharraf blindly followed the orders from USA and India and told lies about operations and it results and because of that we had the blood shed in our country
Sir whole world knows operation in tribal areas was started on USA orders and Musharraf blindly followed the orders from USA and India and told lies about operations and it results and because of that we had the blood shed in our country
ok show me the orders, given by G W BUSH, to MUSHARAF to enter in tribal,areas?
thats all are,lies created by,,, the enemies of pakistan?
specially after, when OBL was traded,like a cow in the stupidist of the deals?
who was covering him, since how long he was in pakistan & you still think musharaf didnt had the knowledge of him before?
stop crap, ok!
its enough,to tell you that, till musharaf was in power OBL was protected!
when was gone, OBL was traded for billions in swiss accounts by the rest of the crooks, in pakistani power cycle & it includes, every one?
now whats the topic, here?
anyone ready lay down his weapons, shouldbe wellcome but , shouldnt be allwoed to walk free!
ok show me the orders, given by G W BUSH, to MUSHARAF to enter in tribal,areas?
thats all are,lies created by,,, the enemies of pakistan?
specially after, when OBL was traded,like a cow in the stupidist of the deals?
who was covering him, since how long he was in pakistan & you still think musharaf didnt had the knowledge of him before?
stop crap, ok!
its enough,to tell you that, till musharaf was in power OBL was protected!
when was gone, OBL was traded for billions in swiss accounts by the rest of the crooks, in pakistani power cycle & it includes, every one?
now whats the topic, here?
anyone ready lay down his weapons, shouldbe wellcome but , shouldnt be allwoed to walk free!
They are all truth Sir your army entered Tribal area on USA orders attacked and killed its own people this kept going on for 3 years and in 2006 TTP was formed to take revenge and than they went on rampage and from that day on situation has only become worse by every passing day same blunders were made in Bangladesh and India took advantage and now we are repeating mistakes again in Tribal areas and Baluchistan
They are all truth Sir your army entered Tribal area on USA orders attacked and killed its own people this kept going on for 3 years and in 2006 TTP was formed to take revenge and than they went on rampage and from that day on situation has only become worse by every passing day same blunders were made in Bangladesh and India took advantage and now we are repeating mistakes again in Tribal areas and Baluchistan
my army entered in tribal areas to protect its own citizens from NATO, & its allied forces?
they hve done, that allready?
dont you remember SALLALA check post!
rest of your post, is the dam prapoganda by mullha pardesi?
the time bangladesh happened, we dont hve the big bangs, but now we will bomb anyone to stone age , for sure!
What are authentic religious scholars in their view? Those that agree with their twisted interpretation of Islam?
Same question I was about to ask - What in their eyes is the Authentic Scholar - because last time I checked some Scholars have already given fatwa against the kind of Jihad this looneys are fighting
Calling some one twisted will not work what we should do is ask them to give points which we they thing are according to quran and sunnah and should be implemented and if they are we should implement them
oh ho , did you not get the point made in the above post - or perhaps I have gone nuts after eating dust for a month in this desert-----they are asking to form a Committee of Authentic Relgious Scholars that will sit with them and implement sharia
@Secur yes their is no justification to kill innocent just like their is no justification that state betrays Muslims in Afghanistan and tribal areas and mass murder its own people on USA and other kufr forces orders
Does two wrongs make it right??? if that is the case than sorry to say , you are a lost cause - Standing against the Infidel army and fighting the infidel soliders is one case and killing innocents in the name of ALLAH is another - as far as I know about Pakistan Army - you will not find them slaughtering anyone in the name of ALLAH and chanting ALLAH O AKBAR and then slaughter an human being like its an animal ------
btw today's Intel report is Centarus mall Isb and the surroundings is a hot zone for next few days - :whistle:

English does not impress me.

What are you trying to say?
I doubt you can understand what i am trying to say. Read it again , slowly this time or you can stick to your traditional trolling and hurling abuses around the forum - these debates arent your cup of tea even more so when you cant even understand it :D
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