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'TTP, LeT and LTTE to join hands'

and some half white clowns blabbering about foreign terrorists

The Southern Jihad – Studying an Islamist takeover

Indian Jihad has found in South India an ideal base for operations. A network of democratic cover-up organizations has been created to shield the Jihadist capacity building. The pattern is in the sudden upsurge in preparatory Jihad activities with inter-state and international links which result in increased arrests but poor conviction rates. In parallel to this process allegedly democratic and social groups are built with oert as well as covert ****** connections, the overt and covert nature depending upon the friendliness of the state government in question.

Thus the latter half of the year 2006 and the year 2007 saw an overall increase in Jihad related activities in South India. While in Kerala the foreign Jihad forces were enlarging their network, in Bangalore the North Indian Jihadists were creating links. Soon both the forces will have a common platform through a link organization.

The Southern Jihad – Studying an Islamist takeover
lol.. indian media and its brain farts.. extremist turds joining hands with hindu ltte terrorists... to hurt indian "interests"...:lol:

go and find out what is happening around you. suicide bombing, shooting and other crimes in pakistan done by these militants are not hurting indian interese.
If true then bad news for Lanka as well, specially going by how the buddhists there have started treating their muslims. Lashkar or AQ Lanka wing in the making thanks to Pakistan.
These days Indian Channels daily cracking jokes....I love that jokes.....about LT, TT etc.......they have nothing to show their peoples...other than "Spicy News"....."Daily TARKA"......to their peoples.......and their peoples love this DAILY TARKA :toast_sign:
Conspicuous silence on the subject by those particular chest beating "Patriotic" Indians from down south who normally comes out loud about their proud Tamil hero Prabakaran and how they never pose any thread to India with their undying patriotism.. We wonder why?

Except the "Singaporean" of cause.. Would be apt if he changed from manlion to mantiger..:lol:
I would take claims by Indian police with a grain of salt. We all know how "confessions" are obtained in this part of the world.
I would take claims by Indian police with a grain of salt. We all know how "confessions" are obtained in this part of the world.

Given the history of foreign terrorist acts on Indian soil including suicide bombings with the support of sections of the Indian populace, and well reported the armed support these same groups have given insurgents like the Maorists , I think there is a legitimate cause to worry for the Indian security apparatus
I hope its true ..... would force the 3 nations to destroy them once and for all ...
mehhhhhhhh so Bharotis want to revive LTTE terrorism by clinging to such ideas
If true then bad news for Lanka as well, specially going by how the buddhists there have started treating their muslims. Lashkar or AQ Lanka wing in the making thanks to Pakistan.

It wont be surprising if the world tomorrow find out that India is behind stirring up Buddhist hate and creating Muslim-Buddhist tension to draw attention of Terrorist organisations like TTP and ruin Sri Lanka
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