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TTP leaders evacuated by mysterious airlifts

What sovereignty you are talking about bro? Our Govt. couldn't stop the Drone attacks. They just condemn. Our Air Chief Marshall says that we have the ability to down a Drone but what will happen next time it will be accompanied with escorts.........

Peak of unprofessionality. A country would risk its pilots' life and a supersonic jet to defend an unmaned, less worthy aircraft.

Our politicians are beggers just want more and more aid not for the country, mind it, but for themselves.

KIT Over

The drone can be taken care off by a simple MANPAD like Anza when it is at a lower attitude, no need to get our fighter aircrafts into the harm way. But political will is needed.
The drone can be taken care off by a simple MANPAD like Anza when it is at a lower attitude, no need to get our fighter aircrafts into the harm way. But political will is needed.

Well I think I was unable to clarify my point. My point was that US would not risk the life of his pilot and a Jet, that according to our Air Cheif would accompany the Drone in future if we attack and destroy one. as its escort.

I agree to you however that we lack political will. We lack politicians, real politicians, infact.

Dude spare us the hypocrisy. Last time we checked Iranians are also dying to step over our soverignity. Heck you guys even surpassed the Indians into blaming us.

Hey man! Last time i checked i wasnt the Iran president! So no need to be sarcastic! And btw no one want to "step over your soverignity" you better read my comment about that matter here on http://www.defence.pk/forums/strategic-geopolitical-issues/36799-iran-blames-us-uk-pakistan-14.html!

We want to have a secure and strong Pakistan as our neighbour, Dont even think otherwise! Im not saying the Pakistan isn't powerful! It is without any doubt! But you know better than me thanks to some idiots its not secure! My country will be glad to help you in anyway it can to restore the peace to our brothers in Pakistan. :pakistan: And know this that your peace is our peace if you are hurt in any ways we are also vulnerable, because we have some common enemies which need to be taken care of...
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Sir, the Afghan Border is very long, there are many vast areas with no population for miles, many mountainous ridges which are located on both side of the border, if a helicopter lands about 5 Km away from you, you won't be able to hear its engine sound either when it comes or when it leaves. On daily basis at least 5 to 10 times helicopters pass right above my home going toward the airbase or towards the action area & i hear their sound when they are very very near or within visual range. So we can have dozens of black spots where no eye can see them. As i said, helicopters can very well fly below radar coverage, nap of the earth flying & the hilly terrain further helps them as they can hide behind mountains to not get detected by radars. So if they can't get detected how are we gonna send fighter jets to intercept them. The landing & picking their cargo & taking of will hardly take 5-10 mins.

Its kind of little bit hard to detect, in the soviet days we had good radar coverage, with lot of ground spotters to give visual warning of incoming aircrafts, but those days are gone.

Well sir this is appreciated. Indeed it is a hard nut to crack in such circumstances. Anyhow, we must develop a system to counter it for if this is true than our ground troops might be missing a chance to capture the leadership of TTP.

KIT Out:pakistan:
Just a thought but these birds could belong to house of saud and they are evacuating there pets out of harms way and i am sure cause of some back door deal again we cant see these birds ;):pop:
Well I think I was unable to clarify my point. My point was that US would not risk the life of his pilot and a Jet, that according to our Air Cheif would accompany the Drone in future if we attack and destroy one. as its escort.

I agree to you however that we lack political will. We lack politicians, real politicians, infact.


Well they can't send fighter jets with drones each time, as jets won't be able to keep up with the drones, as drones being slow & their loitering time is much more then a jet, also it would take hardly 1-2 mins for a MANPAD to target & launch the missile & then hide, even before the jets comes to know from where the missile came.

And, they will send jets only if PAF uses jets to target their drones, which is a costly endeavor, MANPADS are perfect.
with journalists like this, is it any wonder that our public pick retards as leaders? please stop spreading falsehood and confusing gullible people. this is a bunch of bullcrap, the pakistani army would never permit such events.
with journalists like this, is it any wonder that our public pick retards as leaders? please stop spreading falsehood and confusing gullible people. this is a bunch of bullcrap, the pakistani army would never permit such events.

People were in denial when US drones were flying from Pakistani soil and bombing its own people, like Pakistan army will ever permit this

But I guess after American senator himself acknowledged it, made it more believable, right?
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Is there any evidence for this report?

I don't trust the CIA and they do have the capacity to pull such operation off with the help of others BUT there is no evidence so far.

There is also a small possibility that our media is again spreading rumours.

It is true that helicopters can fly in and out---from that area---I am pretty sure that the brits and the americans havwe already mapped out the areas where there is no radar assets or coverage---now as far as the news is concerned---it will be wait and see, what comes out of this scenario.

Iran is saying that the suicide attack was committed through the conivance of pak intel----now they are putting another twist on another issue---with iran----the spin is like a spider's web---.
Hey man! Last time i checked i wasnt the Iran president! So no need to be sarcastic! And btw no one want to "step over your soverignity" you better read my comment about that matter here on http://www.defence.pk/forums/strategic-geopolitical-issues/36799-iran-blames-us-uk-pakistan-14.html!

, Dont even think otherwise! Im not saying the Pakistan isn't powerful! It is without any doubt! But you know better than me thanks to some idiots its not secure! My country will be glad to help you in anyway it can to restore the peace to our brothers in Pakistan. :pakistan: And know this that your peace is our peace if you are hurt in any ways we are also vulnerable, because we have some common enemies which need to be taken care of...

I am not even talking about the iranian president, just check out the reaction of oridinary people of iran against Pakistan, some time back our consulate was attacked right infront of the police, so what the hell are you babbling about. We dont need help, not from you nor from anyone else.

We want to have a secure and strong Pakistan as our neighbour

Now where did i heard this before:rolleyes:
I am not even talking about the iranian president, just check out the reaction of oridinary people of iran against Pakistan, some time back our consulate was attacked right infront of the police, so what the hell are you babbling about. We dont need help, not from you nor from anyone else.

Im not sure what are you talking about?! You consulate attacked by Iranians?! Man are you high or something?! After i searched through Google the only thing i could find was an Iranian diplomat is being hostage by Taliban in Pakistan! Please dont spread the false rumors?!

And by the way please dont waste my time! IF you have any reliable sources please put them on the forum otherwise im a very busy person!
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Im not sure what are you talking about?! You consulate attacked by Iranians?! Man are you high or something?! After i searched through Google the only thing i could find was an Iranian diplomat is being hostage by Taliban in Pakistan! Please dont spread the false rumors?!

And by the way please dont waste my time! IF you have any reliable sources please put them on the forum otherwise im a very busy person!

Am i the one spreading false rumor, perhaps this will help clear your mind a bit and the love you guys claim to have for Pakistan:

Pak Embassy in Tehran attacked​

TEHRAN (SANA): Protesting against Shia-Sunni clashes of Parachinar, more that hundred Iranian attacked on Pakistan Embassy.

They held placards saying “Death to Wahabies”, “Death to Taliban”, “Death to Yazidyaat”, “Death to America” “Death to American allies”, etc.

They, in no time started raising slogans and said all what was written on the banners (Above).

Later, the demonstrators started throwing stones on the Embassy building. All the front windows were broken by the demonstrators in the meanwhile a protestor with the help of his two friends climbed at the main door of the Embassy and removed the Pakistani Flag from their. The flag was torn into pieces and was also burnt later on.

It is pertinent to mention here that all this happened in the presence of the Iranian Diplomatic and the regular police.

The demonstrators threatened the Embassy officials and shouted at them saying just come out and to see what would be done to them. The most surprising of all is that there was no condemnation of the event nor condemnation of burning Pakistani flag was seen in any Iranian news paper.

Iranian media also did not even bother to acknowledge the sad event.


You are more then welcome to scroll around the forum as well, you will find a thread on this issue.

Mods: I know this is off topic but had to post it. Kindly do not delete it.
Am i the one spreading false rumor, perhaps this will help clear your mind a bit and the love you guys claim to have for Pakistan:

Pak Embassy in Tehran attacked​

TEHRAN (SANA): Protesting against Shia-Sunni clashes of Parachinar, more that hundred Iranian attacked on Pakistan Embassy.

They held placards saying “Death to Wahabies”, “Death to Taliban”, “Death to Yazidyaat”, “Death to America” “Death to American allies”, etc.

And what is exactly this SANA?! Not even heard of it! I dont see anything even on BBC! You're still helping some fools to spread some false news... if something like this has happend i can assure you it wont go unnoticed by BBC! British ******** Broadcasting Service! This SANA or whatever it is, most probably is gaining its supports from our Saudi friends!

You're not the only one who has traitors in your country, my country is also filled with fools and traitors! You must look at what majority of Iranians think about your country! I hope someone here can speak Persian i can give you some of the Iran most famous websites with more than 200.000 hit per day which praising the Pakistan day and night!

?????? - Belong to former Iran presidential candidate General Mohsen Rezaei (One of the Iran-Iraq war masterminds, he hold Khuramshahr without any support from Tehran for more than one month simply with AK-47!!). In those times our president was C.I.A agent see how high it goes?!

??? ?????????? ?????? ???? ???????? ????? ???? www.asriran.com - Belongs to hardliners whom support Ahmadinejad one day and they're against him another day! They also praising Pakistan everyday.

سایت میلیتاری ، اولین سایت نظامی در ایران - Persian version of Irandefence.net.

and much more...
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It's my personal opinion that China should work closely with Egyptians and Arabs in Mulim world; and avoid close relationship with Turkey and Iran other than a normal diplomatic and friendly relationship. As the latter two in my opinion are two emotional. I am really worried of any potential hangovers if our partying with Turks and Iranians. It's not a politically biased opinion, it's only my analysis.
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