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TTP leaders evacuated by mysterious airlifts

And what is exactly this SANA?! I dont see anything even on BBC! You're still helping some fools to spread some false news...

You're not the only one who has traitors in your country, my country is also filled with fools and traitors! You must look at what majority of Iranians think about your country! I hope someone here can speak Persian i can give you some of the Iran most famous sites with more than 200.000 hit per day which praising the Pakistan day and night!

?????? - Belong to former Iran presidential candidate General Mohsen Rezaei (One of the Iran-Iraq war masterminds, he hold Khuramshahr without any support from Tehran for more than one month simply with AK-47!!). In those times our president was C.I.A agent see how high it goes?!

??? ?????????? ?????? ???? ???????? ????? ???? www.asriran.com - Belongs to hardliners whom support Ahmadinejad one day and they're against him another day! They also praising Pakistan everyday.

سایت میلیتاری ، اولین سایت نظامی در ایران - Persian version of Irandefence.net.

and much more...

So let me get this straight, now my link becomes invalid.:disagree: You know the irony here is that an Iranian talking about BBC. By the way since when did you guys started scrolling BBC for news?:rolleyes:

Anyways i will not indulge in off topic debate here with you. I have made my point.
The thread is about TTP leaders getting mysterious airlifts. Back to the topic.
So let me get this straight, now my link becomes invalid.:disagree: You know the irony here is that an Iranian talking about BBC. By the way since when did you guys started scrolling BBC for news?:rolleyes:

Anyways i will not indulge in off topic debate here with you. I have made my point.
The thread is about TTP leaders getting mysterious airlifts. Back to the topic.

You know since when?! Since they started the Persian version and want to start a turmoil in Iran! They actually start some

Unfortunately, you didn't made any point at all! Only false accusations! From some unreliable Suadi based websites! You can't continue the conversation with me because you have nothing but an unreliable source not because thats off-topic! LOL
You know since when?! Since they started the Persian version and want to start a turmoil in Iran! They actually start some

Unfortunately, you didn't made any point at all! Only false accusations! From some unreliable Suadi based websites! You can't continue the conversation with me because you have nothing but an unreliable source not because thats off-topic! LOL

Don't fight with each other! In one family, there are many different personalities. Remember this is EXACTLY what the Zionists and British want -- they want us to fight amongst ourselves. Don't fall into their dirty trap! :pakistan:
You know since when?! Since they started the Persian version and want to start a turmoil in Iran! They actually start some

Unfortunately, you didn't made any point at all! Only false accusations! From some unreliable Suadi based websites! You can't continue the conversation with me because you have nothing but an unreliable source not because thats off-topic! LOL

Don't even waste my time. An Iranian talking about BBC and FOX news claiming them to be reliable, that's got to be the biggest joke of the century. Next you would like the Scotland yard to conduct investigations:disagree:. Now move on.
Don't fight with each other! In one family, there are many different personalities. Remember this is EXACTLY what the Zionists and British want -- they want us to fight amongst ourselves. Don't fall into their dirty trap! :pakistan:

Again off topic but i could not resist on the comment, since when did we become one big family? or you too believe in the so called concept of Ummah and brother hood.

Its not fair to just throw everything as the doing of necon Zionists. We have our fair share for which we share the blame.
Don't even waste my time. An Iranian talking about BBC and FOX news claiming them to be reliable, that's got to be the biggest joke of the century. Next you would like the Scotland yard to conduct investigations:disagree:. Now move on.

Those source are far more reliable than your Suadi based sources! LOL!

BTW dont resist im enjoying this conversation! :D
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Don't fight with each other! In one family, there are many different personalities. Remember this is EXACTLY what the Zionists and British want -- they want us to fight amongst ourselves. Don't fall into their dirty trap! :pakistan:

Im not fighting brother! Only trying to teach him to dont listen to everything Saudis says! :cheers:
Again off topic but i could not resist on the comment, since when did we become one big family? or you too believe in the so called concept of Ummah and brother hood.

All of humanity is brotherhood.

But more importantly, don't you see BOTH Pakistan and Iran have suddenly been on the receiving end of well-orchestrated terror attacks?! Now is not the time to bicker and in-fight. Anyone who dearly cares for their people, will not do anything detrimental. The enemy is concealing himself by using 'agents', but his identity is known. :sniper:
All of humanity is brotherhood.

But more importantly, don't you see BOTH Pakistan and Iran have suddenly been on the receiving end of well-orchestrated terror attacks?! Now is not the time to bicker and in-fight. Anyone who dearly cares for their people, will not do anything detrimental. The enemy is concealing himself by using 'agents', but his identity is known. :sniper:

Both Pakistan and Iran are being attacked by the same enemy. We have same enemies, remember that. If Iran has any allied around his borders than that is Pakistan and same is the case with Pakistan by adding China. We should stop this blame game. Iranian govt. says Pakistan is responsible for the suicide attack, and some Pakistanis claim Iran is responsible for insurgency in Balochistan. What the heck? Why are we blaming each other despite of knowing the fact that its not what we are thinking.

KIT Over n Out:pakistan:
Both Pakistan and Iran are being attacked by the same enemy. We have same enemies, remember that. If Iran has any allied around his borders than that is Pakistan and same is the case with Pakistan by adding China. We should stop this blame game. Iranian govt. says Pakistan is responsible for the suicide attack, and some Pakistanis claim Iran is responsible for insurgency in Balochistan. What the heck? Why are we blaming each other despite of knowing the fact that its not what we are thinking.

KIT Over n Out:pakistan:

Dear Reality is always stranger than fiction.
Who would have thought Taliban thugs will kill innocent Muslims?
Who would have thought rouge Ahmadinejad will accuse Pakistan the way it has?
Dear Reality is always stranger than fiction.
Who would have thought Taliban thugs will kill innocent Muslims?
Who would have thought rouge Ahmadinejad will accuse Pakistan the way it has?

Well if Pakistan is really invovled in it than it is really a pitty that despite of facing suicide bombings we are doing the same to others. Learnt nothing.

And yes its not just Ahmadinejad its also Khuminai. They accuse without the completion of investigation. Iran will lose big support in Pakistan for that.

And so do we

KIT Over

Does Ahmedinejad care what happens---that man will sell his mother and all his family to stay in power---( like our actress Meera ). He is one disgusting human being. Always spreading news of terror from outside---creating fear in the minds of people to stay in power---another george Bush look alike and do alike.
^^^the only airlift they are going to get is a one way ticket to hell!
Theres too much politics going on in this reagion . Cant say which source to trust . Totally lost . If this airlift thing is true then what were the Bargains which Pakistan got in return ?.
I am not even talking about the iranian president, just check out the reaction of oridinary people of iran against Pakistan, some time back our consulate was attacked right infront of the police, so what the hell are you babbling about. We dont need help, not from you nor from anyone else.

What is new about this?

It is a favourite Iranian past time, it is called khana-i-farang kushi:)

On a serious note, I love Iran and its people its some of teh govt. policies which I don't agree with.
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