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TTP executes 23 Frontier Corps prisoners of war after 4 years of captivity.

coward pakistani army will once again show that they are truly cowards these days.
why do fc men and soldiers even surrender to these guys and then end up getting beheaded?
i pray for the shaheeds and may allah protect pakistan from ttp because pakistan army are cowards and can't seem to take them on.

You-know-who knew that how exactly TTP would react if they start killing taliban in their custody. The first thing taliban always do on killings of their comrades, is to take revenge, they dont care about consequences. There is no tolerance among taliban , you-know-who exploited this weakness.
Governament should start investigating why taliban in the custody are getting killed by police at this particular time...
you want to release dogs with rabies on the streets? all taliban and their supporters MUST DIE.
to the NSA if you reading this forum then please tell the damn cia to step up the drone strikes once again. send in like a thousand drones because the coward pakistani army isn't capable of doing shit.

You-know-who knew that how exactly TTP would react if they start killing taliban in their custody. The first thing taliban always do on killings of their comrades, is to take revenge, they dont care about consequences. There is no tolerance among taliban , you-know-who exploited this weakness.
Governament should start investigating why taliban in the custody are getting killed by police at this particular time...
saley apna bakwas band kar.
tere ban ka ma purdah maron. behanchood tum saloon ka ma ka pudah hum marengey
@WebMaster how do you let this piece of shit come on here and defend the taliban? forward his ip address to the Cia or something.
these guys shouldn't be able to spread these bs on here weather its free speech or not. 23 of our men died and this piece of shit is telling us about how the taliban react. this fagot also had afghani flags before and now he pretending to be pakistani.

here you go guys TTP has send Souvenirs as a gesture of good will for peace talks .

yallah tuabah
innah lillahi wa inna ilayhi ra jioon

i hope the army wakes up and realizes what they have gotten us into. its time to stop being cowards and fight.
**** peace talks.
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Grim news, RIP.

I don't understand, they soldiers were in captivity for 4 long years, why didn't the Pakistan army at least attempt a rescue :undecided:
After Mohmand attack: Peace talks with TTP faltering
Updated 2014-02-17 13:04:15
ISLAMABAD: Irfan Siddiqui, coordinator of the government committee formed to hold peace talks with negotiators representing the outlawed Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), on Monday said circumstances relating to negotiations with the Pakistani Taliban were not heading in the right direction.

He added that after the killing of 23 FC soldiers, holding talks with the committee representing the TTP was a futile enterprise.

A militant outfit late on Sunday night, identifying itself as Mohmand Agency Taliban, claimed killing 23 FC soldiers that they had kidnapped from Shongari checkpost in the tribal region in 2010.

The government committee condemned the incident in Mohmand, saying the nation was expecting immediate, positive results and the current scenario failed to depict those.

Moreover, sources in the Prime Minister House said that after yesterday's incident, the government committee had decided not to hold the scheduled meeting with TTP negotiators.

Sleepless night for Sami

Maulana Yousuf Shah said on Monday that the news of the attack on FC personnel on Sunday had given the chief of the Taliban negotiating team a 'sleepless night'.

He deplored the Taliban-claimed killing of 23 FC personnel a night earlier and said the sentiments of the TTP committee over the issue were no different from those of the government committee.

Shah further said that Maulana Samiul Haq would soon hold a meeting with the top leadership of the TTP and that the Taliban negotiating committee would soon issue a statement over the attack.

Shah, who is also the contact person of the TTP, expressed his disappointment over the government committee's decision to postpone today's meeting with Taliban negotiators.

War drums?

Highly placed sources told Dawn News that the military was prepared to launch a full scale operation against militant sanctuaries in North Waziristan.

Sources said the army was awaiting a green signal from the government, adding that a large number of military troops were being dispatched to North Waziristan from various formations across the country.

Earlier government announced suspension of talks with Taliban committee.

Meanwhile, what is being regarded as preparation of a possible operation, army formations were carrying out field firing and battle inoculation exercises.

The exercise was aimed at practice for participating troops in operating under real battlefield environment with live firing of various weapon systems, the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) said.
well thank god they are preparing for the operation.
i hope it starts soon may allah protect our soldiers and bless our shaheeds.
and i hope our soldiers show no mercy to these talibastards
Some serious developments happening. Just as I and many others said at the start of these sham talks, this was going nowhere from the beginning.

High time to start an op in NW, Army has been ready for it since a month or so.
coward pakistani army will once again show that they are truly cowards these days.
why do fc men and soldiers even surrender to these guys and then end up getting beheaded?
i pray for the shaheeds and may allah protect pakistan from ttp because pakistan army are cowards and can't seem to take them on.

you want to release dogs with rabies on the streets? all taliban and their supporters MUST DIE.
to the NSA if you reading this forum then please tell the damn cia to step up the drone strikes once again. send in like a thousand drones because the coward pakistani army isn't capable of doing shit.

saley apna bakwas band kar.
tere ban ka ma purdah maron. behanchood tum saloon ka ma ka pudah hum marengey
@WebMaster how do you let this piece of shit come on here and defend the taliban? forward his ip address to the Cia or something.
these guys shouldn't be able to spread these bs on here weather its free speech or not. 23 of our men died and this piece of shit is telling us about how the taliban react. this fagot also had afghani flags before and now he pretending to be pakistani.

yallah tuabah
innah lillahi wa inna ilayhi ra jioon

i hope the army wakes up and realizes what they have gotten us into. its time to stop being cowards and fight.
**** peace talks.

Take it easy buddy. The Pakistani army isn't spineless. After this incident I have nothing but the utmost faith in the Pakistani army to wipe out these savages and avenge the deaths of these soldiers
Take it easy buddy. The Pakistani army isn't spineless. After this incident I have nothing but the utmost faith in the Pakistani army to wipe out these savages and avenge the deaths of these soldiers

ARMY was against the talks. Its upto the govt if it decides to order the army for an operation then army will do it.

Its what the army had been saying. The only issue here is that the CIVILIAN govt/s wants to pass the blame on army without getting involved. Thats NOT possible.
If this incident does'nt provoke an all out offensive, probably nothing will.
Negotiations favours the victors.Here victor is not Pakistan Army.
you are right
I have said the same many times before. the people always shout for the winning team. army is seen as an underdog with lack lustre performance at best.
political Islam has played the biggest part as well and for few decades now it sees army as a hurdle and a problem in its ultimate goal of Grand Caliphate of both "Stans".

army will win some deserted holes in the mountains but the Taliban ideology has seeped deep inside the Pakistani middle class.

A token operation is on cards but its results will be same as before and this time Taliban have far more active support of Judiciary, Media and Madrassah .. the "operation" will run out of steam before achieving anything.

You-know-who knew that how exactly TTP would react if they start killing taliban in their custody. The first thing taliban always do on killings of their comrades, is to take revenge, they dont care about consequences. There is no tolerance among taliban , you-know-who exploited this weakness.
Governament should start investigating why taliban in the custody are getting killed by police at this particular time...
the Judiciary has let many mass murders free. and the ones that are "captive" have full access to their comrades .

no wonder the entire world sees Pakistanis as chronic liars.
What can nation do? People are busy to earn bread and pay tax to repay the IMF loans.
This is a country divided among politicians, under the terms of mesaq-e-jamhooriat.

but is that bread halal? and tax is not halal is it?
Political Islam is our lifeline now and has replaced the tea..

I have many options for the nation
it can debate about halal farting and about halal driving
Halal TV...
Halal length of cloth and Halal Mobiles.

there is a lot of thing they can do
after all it has voted in the tigers of Raiwand with 2/3rd majority

I wish this nation the exact fate as those FC personnel and those passengers that are regularly executed in Khuzdar, Kohistan, Kashmore, Hangu etc.

my main issue is with the army and the intelligence community.. it has lost its self respect and will for self preservation. our forum members seem more in control and command than these people.

Military is supposed to display confidence and control but Nation dont see it that way it sees our military degraded to the level of police which is hurled like cattle and culled like as if it belongs to some marginalized community.

How many Talibans did Police kill in custody ??
first of all we have a hold on the executions due to the European community conditions that are put on us for trade and aid etc.
secondly... our Lawyers offer free service to free the taliban. former Chief Justice has left a legacy of chasing and beating military like a blood hound.

the only dead taliban are those who by chance get killed by the military in an action or those that blow themselves up
my main issue is with the army and the intelligence community.. it has lost its self respect and will for self preservation. our forum members seem more in control and command than these people.

Military is supposed to display confidence and control but Nation dont see it that way it sees our military degraded to the level of police which is hurled like cattle and culled like as if it belongs to some marginalized community
What they can do Baloch? When they do something, they are blamed for over-hyped atrocities (lal masjid saga), when they don't, they are blamed for having no balls. They cant do much if the people are not on their back. They cant (and must not) forget what happened to them in East Pakistan. Were they wrong in East Pakistan? No, they did exactly what was expected from them, but than what they got in the end? Like you have said, if Pakistanis are so screwed up, no one can help them, not even Allah.
R.I.P ... they decided to fight for you but you all abandon them when they needed you... shame on Pakistan govt.
Very unfortunate, killing brave soldiers who were there for us , can never be pardoned. However now Pakistan as a nation should continue the peace talks , that will give a big relief to the army and they can concentrate on the terrorist who are out of the peace deal
Babar Sattar

THE leaders in Pakistan seem possessed by magic. Is there another logical explanation for the deliberate effort of our rulers to nurture and strengthen the scourge of terror? The debate on whether the terrorists are misguided simpletons or vicious agents of our external enemies is now over. Led by Imran Khan we have concluded that those opposed to terrorists are enemies of peace. Can the noises made by these ‘dollar-inspired’ critics, demanding identification of redlines and non-negotiable issues, be anything other than crafty efforts to sabotage peace?

The prime minister confidently claimed in Turkey that the TTP would soon be the harbinger of good news. Within hours the TTP claimed mowing down another dozen or so policemen in Karachi (young men who had just committed themselves to serving the state). Why? In retaliation for action against terrorists in Peshawar and Swabi, says the TTP. The interior minister insists that talks and terror can’t go hand in hand. But they can go hand in glove, can’t they? The TTP can continue to fight and talk, and the state can continue to grovel and appease.

What is our obsession with large-scale operations anyways? Is it a part of our national psyche to act only when the enemy is banging down the gates? The Lal Masjid brigade was deliberately allowed by the state to emerge as a nuisance. It wasn’t nipped even after the fatwa that Pakistani soldiers if killed fighting Pakistani Taliban in the tribal areas did not deserve a Muslim funeral. It wasn’t nipped in early 2007 when its vigilantes occupied a library or started enforcing morality in the neighbourhood.

And when it was nipped, it wasn’t done by shutting down water or electricity or using gas to snuff out residents, but through a massive military operation that is now used to illustrate the concept of ‘excessive use of force’ in the textbook on how not to do things. No efforts have been made since to sanitise militant-festered seminaries in the capital. No criminal responsibility could be pinned on Abdul Aziz who was released from detention and reinstalled in Lal Masjid. Aziz is now back in the business of declaring the constitution illegitimate and threatening the state with the wrath of suicide attackers in the TTP stockpile.

A former chief secretary of KP explains that Fazlullah too started out as a nuisance. By 2006 Fazalullah had managed to terrorise the local administration and had the support of around 200 fighters (150 locals and around 50 foreigners). The chief secretary decided to surround Fazlullah’s village and arrest him, which he claims could be accomplished easily at that stage. All he needed was 650 men from the police and the Frontier Constabulary. But despite throwing all his influence behind the plan, he could garner no support in Rawalpindi/Islamabad.

Eventually the Fazlullah problem grew bigger and graver and a massive military operation had to be launched to clean up Swat. We have followed the same pro-festering model to the dot vis-à-vis the TTP in North Waziristan, which is now the TTP’s emirate (drones being the only intrusion in exercise of its exclusive sovereignty). Meanwhile, the TTP-led terror syndicate has strengthened its ability to execute terror attacks across Pakistan and has begun claiming its pound of flesh in Karachi as well.

Can the present mode of negotiations produce anything other than terms of surrender to the TTP? Lets forget about the enforcement of Sharia for a moment and review the other uncontested demands. After having lost hundreds of soldiers and thousands of citizens, can the state withdraw troops from Fata and hand over all tribal agencies to the TTP? Can the state release over 4,000 prisoners accused of terror-related crimes across Pakistan or convicts, such as Aqeel and Imran Sadiq —masterminds of the GHQ attack?

The problem with peace negotiations is that they are not being conducted with a foreign state but an indigenous terror group. You can negotiate the release of prisoners after an interstate war because they go back to a different territory. How do you release terrorists who have admittedly masterminded or killed policemen, soldiers and citizens and have every intention of killing more once released? What legal or moral basis does the state have to prosecute or keep some criminals locked when others are literally allowed to get away with murder?

The negotiations under way have no future so long as Pakistan perceives itself as a sovereign nation state capable of exercising authority over its territory. There are simply no principles of law or morality that support any deal with the TTP other than committing more resources to mainstream Fata, which the TTP doesn’t care much about. The negotiations have no future also because for them to succeed the TTP would need to get out of the business of terror, which would deprive it of its financial resources and the power and influence it wields.

The negotiations have no utility because if the idea was to run a replay of Swat, it has backfired. The peace deal in Swat and its aftermath exposed Fazlullah’s outfit and caused enough revulsion to leash up public opinion in favour of an operation. But Fata is no Swat and this time TTP isn’t exposing itself either. The talks between pro-TTPers in power and pro-TTPers out of power have mainstreamed TTP’s noxious narrative and not isolated it.

Having dressed up herd-followers as leaders should we complain about lack of courage, conviction and clarity in their actions?

The writer is a lawyer.
Rest in peace!

Very disturbing news indeed. But it also raises a few valid questions.

1) 23 FC men were held hostage for 4 years and no one did anything to recover them?

2) What about TTP's claim about execution of their men in jails? I don't wanna sound retarded, but what if there is any truth in this claim? Is their some internal power who wanted to sabotage peace talks?

3) If TTP's claim is wrong and they martyred 23 FC men for no reason, then my support for peace talks with these animals is over.
What they can do Baloch? When they do something, they are blamed for over-hyped atrocities (lal masjid saga), when they don't, they are blamed for having no balls. .

step aside and stop wasting space and our limited resources. let someone else do that and dont whine over lost "sovereignty".

Michael Scheuer states that "No Nation has the right to exist but it has the right to defend itself ... this existence depends upon the "national defences" a nation has and the "willingness" to go to war to defend itself as a last resort.

its a simple process of natural selection. many civilizations and nations came and went over the centuries. Pakistanis shouldn't expect any exception to the rule. A nation that cant even make up its mind from friend and foe for over a decade deserves to be savaged and devoured like an ageing bull is hunted down and eaten by the pack of wolves.

think of the top Taliban / Al Qaeda men killed or captured in Pakistan.. now see how many of these mass murdering goat rapists have been killed by direct American action and how many by Pakistani forces?

Pakistan had 2 remaining friends China and Saudi Arabia and they despise the recent democratic governments that are ruling Pakistan now. they dont hate the Pakistan army but the best they can do is pity this apologetic force that failed to sell its Red Mosque operation.
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