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TTP executes 23 Frontier Corps prisoners of war after 4 years of captivity.

This is just sad, end peace talks and start hunting
We will talk only and they cut us into pieces !!
The philosophy behind "piece talks" !!!
peace talkers are not loosing any sleep over it.
they have no pity or sympathy for sliders or ordinary civilians
while the current carnage since the talks began is completely one sided

the hypocrite grand Master of Deobandi terror Madrassa is warning army from any operation and a threat of operation.
just like a dead dog is probed with a boot or a stick to check the signs of life... the terrorists and their mouthpieces are checking the conscious of the state to see if there is any life there but when the Government spokesman wants to bring the Molla Fazlullah as a Caliph in charge of Pakistan on his own shoulders then rest assured he will be joining TTP spokesmen in justifying the murders
Start to behead every one of the savages in our jails. Pile their heads high and burn their corpses. 10 of them for every one of our FC brothers we lost.

It is high time for the army to kill them in the most horrid ways possible. Put the fear of Allah into them. Call of all peace talks.

This is insane.

Rest in peace my brothers. Your sacrifices will not be forgotten.
Taliban repeatedly checking the Murdar conscious of this nation.

What can nation do? People are busy to earn bread and pay tax to repay the IMF loans.
This is a country divided among politicians, under the terms of mesaq-e-jamhooriat.
Negotiations favours the victors.Here victor is not Pakistan Army.

But sadly Imran khan has not realised that Talibans are feeling like a victor after defeating 2 superpower of the world.

In India , we are absolutely clear about Maoist no politician or no media outlets can voice in their support or else go to jail.

So instead of weakening talibans , Negotiations has weaken the public opinion of the country.
wtf do these peace talks mean, they have proven to be nothing but a fart, innocent lives that could otherwise have been saved are being lost daily and we are sitting on our rears doing nothing, it is high time that we realize that there can be no peace with the Taliban and that the only good Talib is a dead Talib......
17 days of negociations, 16 blasts,more than 120 civilians & jawans are martyred. 250 injured. One sided cease fire recommended..!!
what is our army waiting for? why are we negociating with those CIA & RAW funded, trained & millitarized brain washed puppets.!!
send two
F-16s and bomb them.!! only our fighter jets can talk to them in their language..!
What government was doing in the last 4 years ?

Why can it not negotiate a deal to release them ?

and you are negotiating a deal to lay off their arms and come under constitution.
You-know-who knew that how exactly TTP would react if they start killing taliban in their custody. The first thing taliban always do on killings of their comrades, is to take revenge, they dont care about consequences. There is no tolerance among taliban , you-know-who exploited this weakness.
Governament should start investigating why taliban in the custody are getting killed by police at this particular time...
You-know-who knew that how exactly TTP would react if they start killing taliban in their custody. The first thing taliban always do on killings of their comrades, is to take revenge, they dont care about consequences. There is no tolerance among taliban , you-know-who exploited this weakness.
Governament should start investigating why taliban in the custody are getting killed by police at this particular time...

How many Talibans did Police kill in custody ??
we cannot do anything about TTP , they are innocent and peaceful civilians who are very much our own people ... they can kidnap us , kill us , torture us , behead us and make videos but we cannot and shall not do any thing about it , its anyway all fault of you know who

My heart goes to the deceased families. All they waited for 4 long years to hear this terrible news. So sad
Letter from Omer Kharasani Ameer TTP Mohmand Agency!

RIP to those dead ones, this is a terrible loss to Pakistan and the families who's loved ones have been killed, I have been saying this from time and time that peace talks are doomed. How can you have peace talks with these mad zombies who just want to forcilbly impose their twisted way of life on us.
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