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Tribals Regions Should be Constitutionalized



New Recruit

Mar 20, 2007
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I think it's about time our government got its act together. Okay, we never seem to be able to get our act together... but let's say we do Insha Allah. The fact of the matter is, the tribal regions should never have been tribal this long. I understand that this how it was because of the peculiar way in which Pakistan gained its independence. But to keep them like that is utter stupidity. These people gave their allegiance to an Islamic state, the state of Pakistan. As such, they are Pakistanis, just like the rest of us. We aren't superior to them nor are they superior to us. We've been independent for 60 years now, Masha Allah. We should have set about a policy to induct the tribal regions either into NWFP and give them normal representative democracy with full constitutional rights and laws, or made a separate province out of them. Not the way it is today. Especially now with Mushie Sahab and his army bombing the hell out of our own people. I say we pull out of there pronto, and never use the army on our own people again. The army HAS to be brought under parliament's control. We should abandon this concept of "tribal areas". Who ever heard of such a thing in any modern country? Bring these people into the fold of a modern democratic Pakistan, as a proper province. Allocate resources to them, build schools, build infrastructure, modernize them. We wouldn't be having any of this problem if we'd have done this 40 years ago!
I think it's about time our government got its act together. Okay, we never seem to be able to get our act together... but let's say we do Insha Allah. The fact of the matter is, the tribal regions should never have been tribal this long. I understand that this how it was because of the peculiar way in which Pakistan gained its independence. But to keep them like that is utter stupidity. These people gave their allegiance to an Islamic state, the state of Pakistan. As such, they are Pakistanis, just like the rest of us. We aren't superior to them nor are they superior to us. We've been independent for 60 years now, Masha Allah. We should have set about a policy to induct the tribal regions either into NWFP and give them normal representative democracy with full constitutional rights and laws, or made a separate province out of them. Not the way it is today. Especially now with Mushie Sahab and his army bombing the hell out of our own people. I say we pull out of there pronto, and never use the army on our own people again. The army HAS to be brought under parliament's control. We should abandon this concept of "tribal areas". Who ever heard of such a thing in any modern country? Bring these people into the fold of a modern democratic Pakistan, as a proper province. Allocate resources to them, build schools, build infrastructure, modernize them. We wouldn't be having any of this problem if we'd have done this 40 years ago!

You're right. All of us will chip in to buy you an AK-47 and RPG, you go in and implement the Constitution :police:
cefarix if you wanna feel the wrath of the tribal areas and millions of other residents of sarhad, you go and do that. I am from sarhad which falls under rule of federal goverment, but fata is like our back yard, where the home boys hang out. Exclusivelly unchanged and left to the indeginous traditions of pushtoon people. Allowng the federal goverment to Constitutionalize the fata areas like allowing a christian padre to lead prayers in mecca. It will never happen and we will never allow it, cuz its our backyard our heritage which no one else has a say on.
cefarix if you wanna feel the wrath of the tribal areas and millions of other residents of sarhad, you go and do that. I am from sarhad which falls under rule of federal goverment, but fata is like our back yard, where the home boys hang out. Exclusivelly unchanged and left to the indeginous traditions of pushtoon people. Allowng the federal goverment to Constitutionalize the fata areas like allowing a christian padre to lead prayers in mecca. It will never happen and we will never allow it, cuz its our backyard our heritage which no one else has a say on.
Why would you not want to do that?

Why would you say no to law?
cefarix if you wanna feel the wrath of the tribal areas and millions of other residents of sarhad, you go and do that. I am from sarhad which falls under rule of federal goverment, but fata is like our back yard, where the home boys hang out. Exclusivelly unchanged and left to the indeginous traditions of pushtoon people. Allowng the federal goverment to Constitutionalize the fata areas like allowing a christian padre to lead prayers in mecca. It will never happen and we will never allow it, cuz its our backyard our heritage which no one else has a say on.

Then why on earth were you complaining about a "lack of development, facilities and investment" by the federal government?

but what has the federal goverment done to win hearts and minds of local pepole, what facilities and regenartion plans have they come up with. What have they done to eliminate poverty and illiteracy, hunger, disease. Nothing at all is the answer yet expects those people to be loyal citizen, well now that is asking too much.

So you want development, but you don't want your "home boys" to pay taxes, participate in the political process and follow the law?

Why should the rest of Pakistan pay for development in FATA, with our taxes, when your "home boys" don't even want Pakistani law to apply there? You cannot have it both ways. By the way, your Mullah "home boys" are the ones opposing polio vaccines and health centers that provide services to women. Almost every NGO has been run out of town, and the rest of the "home boys" either support this, or they cannot do anything about it - and you want development to take place how?

Time for the "home boys" to grow up and start acting like mature, responsible adults, and pay their due share...
cefarix if you wanna feel the wrath of the tribal areas and millions of other residents of sarhad, you go and do that. I am from sarhad which falls under rule of federal goverment, but fata is like our back yard, where the home boys hang out. Exclusivelly unchanged and left to the indeginous traditions of pushtoon people. Allowng the federal goverment to Constitutionalize the fata areas like allowing a christian padre to lead prayers in mecca. It will never happen and we will never allow it, cuz its our backyard our heritage which no one else has a say on.

You can keep your culture just like other provinces, Sindhis.

Follow the damn constitution, rules by law. That is the only way to come out as a brilliant nation, and not stuck up in a backward minded mentality.

If i am not wrong FATA doesn't have courts, rather a jirga...
cefarix if you wanna feel the wrath of the tribal areas and millions of other residents of sarhad, you go and do that. I am from sarhad which falls under rule of federal goverment, but fata is like our back yard, where the home boys hang out. Exclusivelly unchanged and left to the indeginous traditions of pushtoon people. Allowng the federal goverment to Constitutionalize the fata areas like allowing a christian padre to lead prayers in mecca. It will never happen and we will never allow it, cuz its our backyard our heritage which no one else has a say on.

Home boys means those who come from afghanistan. Awaaz what you need to understand is FATA is also a part of pakistan and not some backyard to anyone and it deserves an equal amount of prosperity like the rest of provinces does. Tribals have a culture of there own and believe me no one is there to change it, but development is something else. It comes in pakistan so pakistani laws should implicate on it as well. US has fifty states, each state has its own traditions, customs, yet they all fall under the constitution of the united states. Following under the constitution doesnt prevent from following the customs and traditions. We are all pakistanies, this is important not that i am a punjabi and you are a pashtun. Our identity is because of pakistan and we should be proud of being pakistanies rather then being a punajbi, pathan, baluch etc.
Why would you not want to do that?

Why would you say no to law?

Well before offering us law, can pakistan federal goverment implement law on other terroteries, there is no law in pakistan. The whole system is corrupt no one has any faith in the legal system of pakistan, cuz the police are corrupt judges and courts are corrupt, goverment is corrupt. We have a jirga system which is very fair, so we dont want the corrupt seed of pakistani legal system entering our land. We have a fair jirga system that has capicity to deal with any legal requiremnts of the local community.
Home boys means those who come from afghanistan. Awaaz what you need to understand is FATA is also a part of pakistan and not some backyard to anyone and it deserves an equal amount of prosperity like the rest of provinces does. Tribals have a culture of there own and believe me no one is there to change it, but development is something else. It comes in pakistan so pakistani laws should implicate on it as well. US has fifty states, each state has its own traditions, customs, yet they all fall under the constitution of the united states. Following under the constitution doesnt prevent from following the customs and traditions. We are all pakistanies, this is important not that i am a punjabi and you are a pashtun. Our identity is because of pakistan and we should be proud of being pakistanies rather then being a punajbi, pathan, baluch etc.

We know fata is part of pakistan, we chose to be with pakistan, we are proud of pakistan but we are not proud of pakistani administration for last 60 years that has shown nothing but corruption and scandals. if we didnt want to be part of the constitution for past 60 years then we dont want to be part of it now, that doesnt mean we dont believe in pakistan as our land or our country. But before being a proud pakistani we are proud pushtoons, our loyalty lies first with our clans on this and other side of the border because that has been the case for centuries where pakistan just came in to existance 60 years ago. Dont forget we were loyal to our own kind when you guys were just mere indians now that is something that is not going to dissapear over night. But by saying that dosent mean we think of you as any lesser or that we will not stand shoulder to shoulder with you and fight till death if need be.
Well before offering us law, can pakistan federal goverment implement law on other terroteries, there is no law in pakistan. The whole system is corrupt no one has any faith in the legal system of pakistan, cuz the police are corrupt judges and courts are corrupt, goverment is corrupt. We have a jirga system which is very fair, so we dont want the corrupt seed of pakistani legal system entering our land. We have a fair jirga system that has capicity to deal with any legal requiremnts of the local community.
We do have a law. Just because people circumvent it, it doesn't mean we should allow one bonus territory where everything goes. We need to bring in laws then it would be upto you to follow them as its upto us to follow the Constitution.

Each of us have to work towards one common goal. You can't say first perfect yourself then we will get something basic like LAW.

We have seen what jirga's do. Brother rapes, give the sister up for rape. Every other day Jirga's start tribal wars.

Plus bringing law is not punishment for tribes, it's extra work for us. It's a benefit for the average tribesman. Yes power will go from the tribal elders but it would go straight to the tribal people.

A constitution is by far a good thing in the rest of the world.
We know fata is part of pakistan, we chose to be with pakistan, we are proud of pakistan but we are not proud of pakistani administration for last 60 years that has shown nothing but corruption and scandals. if we didnt want to be part of the constitution for past 60 years then we dont want to be part of it now, that doesnt mean we dont believe in pakistan as our land or our country. But before being a proud pakistani we are proud pushtoons, our loyalty lies first with our clans on this and other side of the border because that has been the case for centuries where pakistan just came in to existance 60 years ago. Dont forget we were loyal to our own kind when you guys were just mere indians now that is something that is not going to dissapear over night. But by saying that dosent mean we think of you as any lesser or that we will not stand shoulder to shoulder with you and fight till death if need be.

I'm disappointed in your thinking Awaaz, whoever you maybe, your thinking is the reason pakistan doesnt get developed why because for you pashtun comes in first and pakistan comes in second and no disrespect but this is pathetic. You are a part of same indian state we are, and when you talk about afghanistan, how can you have links with them, is it a joke, i can provide you with details about your links, just because you and them speak the same language doesnt make some kind of magic bounds with them. For instance we and indians most of them speak the same language urdu, this means we have some bond with them? No. The people you are calling pashtuns are not pashtuns they are afghans who showed themselves as pashtuns in pakistan as they wanted to stay here because there was nothing for them in afghanistan.
As for the corrupt system you are talking about, indeed it is corrupt and its as corrupt for punjab as it maybe for nwfp, but who needs to deal with it and rectifi it, its us pakistanies , you me. No one will come from abroad to solve these problems, pakistanies themselves have too and if thinking like yours prevail and every one starts thinking for themselves not for the country who do you suggest will make it a better place.
The gas pipeline that is being constructed, the gawadar port thats being created, the airport thats being made who will benifit from it, the punjabis no because believe me we have it pleanty, its the people of baluchistan who will benefit from it. And one last thing the people you are calling having bonds with them, are the same people who are helping india destabilize pakistan, please check out the facts, if there were so much of the bonds thing going on they shouldnt had done so.

The days of fata are numbered now. Pretty soon it will be a part of mainstream pakistan, no more tribal jirgas and tribal law. I know it is difficult to give up old ways, kill people and hide like women in the lawless land, kidnap innocent people, sell drugs and guns. I am pretty sure that these people will fight tooth and nail to keep up with their criminal ways----but truly their time is up.

The days of fata are numbered now. Pretty soon it will be a part of mainstream pakistan, no more tribal jirgas and tribal law. I know it is difficult to give up old ways, kill people and hide like women in the lawless land, kidnap innocent people, sell drugs and guns. I am pretty sure that these people will fight tooth and nail to keep up with their criminal ways----but truly their time is up.

If you are a pushtoon mastan, looks like you have sold your soul to the devil brother. I know many pushtoons who have sold their soul to the devil and are responsible for killing their own brothers and offering their lands to be run by corrupt goverment, goverment that no one has faith in. look bb coming back and standing for election is ultimate proof of how the system is corrupt dominated by punjabis and sindhis and those pushtoons and balouchs that have sold their soul and their own kind.

If people joined pakistani union then and now that federal goverment has become repressive people should reconsider their loyalties. People of sarhad Insha Allah will realise that federal goverment and all these people in power are just wolf in sheeps clothes and will fight for pushtton land, a land where a pushttoon can be proud of his language and culture. Where he can live in peace without fear and stero typical attitudes. That day is coming, no one wants that day to come but with what goverment is doing now that is the only way.
Follow the damn constitution, rules by law. That is the only way to come out as a brilliant nation, and not stuck up in a backward minded mentality....

:P thats why we are a briliant nation

BTW those who had carved the constitution, never followed it by rules of law.
constitution is also made by men not by some divin power. They alter it whenever they want to make it according to their intrests.

If i am not wrong FATA doesn't have courts, rather a jirga...

Their jirgas are far more reliable than the courts where trials go on for years and years and where those who are called custodian of law are themselves criminals
If you are a pushtoon mastan, looks like you have sold your soul to the devil brother. I know many pushtoons who have sold their soul to the devil and are responsible for killing their own brothers and offering their lands to be run by corrupt goverment, goverment that no one has faith in. look bb coming back and standing for election is ultimate proof of how the system is corrupt dominated by punjabis and sindhis and those pushtoons and balouchs that have sold their soul and their own kind..

i do not agree with you as advocating for decvelopment is not selling our souls

If people joined pakistani union then and now that federal goverment has become repressive people should reconsider their loyalties. People of sarhad Insha Allah will realise that federal goverment and all these people in power are just wolf in sheeps clothes and will fight for pushtton land, a land where a pushttoon can be proud of his language and culture. Where he can live in peace without fear and stero typical attitudes. That day is coming, no one wants that day to come but with what goverment is doing now that is the only way.

And who are these people of Sarhad you are talking about ????? :)
I did not see anyone here in NWFP is thinking like reconsidering their loyalities.
As far being proud of our language and cultural Alhamdulliah those who have courage they are proud now its another matter if you are reluctant to speak ur language in front of some of your Urdu speaking friend or boss or anyone.

and BTW we are in much peace of mind in NWFP :)
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