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Trending: Bollywood 'soft ****' angers some Pakistanis

Exactly! Gay or not it's normal human behavior. Besides it's totally harmless. The only sin I know in my life is damaging somebody else or damaging myself.

I read the book Kite Runner and one line there stood out for me more than others....

There is only one "Greatest" sin in this world....which is "theft or stealing"....every other sin is nothing more than an interpretation of the same. This line touched me more than anything else and I am a firm believer of this...

Religion is man made...most rules that religions provide you are ways to control masses....that too written in a time when civilization was just starting out. Not all of those rules apply to todays generation...
But whats worse is that people make it out to be something as word of god, when we all know that it is made up by man....
Ill stop watching **** or doing any of those acts that religion forbids only when god comes and speaks to me directly....I dont need prophets or gurus to tell me whats right or wrong...only god!

Just an example... I eat beef...its barred in my religion. But i am a firm believer in karma. If i kill/eat a chicken, its the same crime (ie. killing another creature) as killing a cow. So until I continue to eat other meat, ill do so with beef as well. and the day I give up meat, ill give it all up!
Well, you can't force your religion on others. If he is a good person and has a lifestyle harmless to everyone what good would religion do? You people instigate fear of hell through religious scriptures while creating a hell on this earth by middle age religious practices. I have no problem with anyone for being religious but there should be a fine line between practicing your religion and forcing it on others.

I'm not forcing religion on him, a typical adult Muslim make is expected from God to attend every Friday prayer on time. This is not difficult and I'm sure he learned this in school.

We have mandatory things in Islam, some such as avoiding masturbation may be difficult for some people but things such as this there can't be excuses for and including me. If I arrive late and miss Friday prayer I ask for forgiveness and pray 4 Islamic Riqaas.

Our religion is like the Big leagues, we do believe Muhammad is a messenger of God and the best human being who ever will come and was on this earth. This thought may scare some people and the thought of God exposing his best followers to us is scary. Muhammad was not sent as a typical prophet who is going to suck up to people and have tit for tat negotiations. Muhammad was sent to make a clear and final statement. This was the last message of God and there were no more games. We aren't soft people or people who let a society corrupt or allow things to occur loosely. I'm not speaking of today, I'm speaking of Muslims. And especially our Prophet and his early followers. Muhammad was also sent as a punishment from God. So my example is think of it as the big leagues, we aren't joking or fooling around or have time for fooling around. God expects of us something greater.
Industrial strength superglue, copious amounts of it in fact.

The Lemur's tail rises indeed!!! :D

What's the story behind that?

On Topic: I have no idea how Bollywood can be classified as soft ****. Soft **** involves partial nudity of some sort. I can understand if Pakistanis were objecting to the underlying themes incorporated in Bollywood movies. But to call it ****? Not buying it.
That's absurd. It's not difficult to avoid this act, keep yourself busy. Allah values people who fight their instincts.

It's because you have yourself so drowned into this act that you raised it to a new level.

I was going to get married this summer, but decided to wait it out until I finish my studies. You need to visit mosques at least every Friday, keep yourself preoccupied with family and good friends. Also keep yourself sort of stressed out with school work. This way you keep your priorities straight. And your mind pure.

There's no excuse for an adult Muslim male not to attend Friday prayer on time. These are the words of our Prophet.

I follow by the most primitive instincts (my bad, but that's just me). And perhaps a bit of warmongering megalomaniac too.

Islam has its own way to define a perfect society. A guide for a man to spiritual perfection. But then, no one is perfect now are they?

Bringing up a "perfect" society and enforcing so by the book is not sustainable. A "paradise" is not sustainable (there really is no such thing). That is because a significant number of the human minds can reject it. That's when reality falls apart, and the whole system crashes leading to a catastrophic failure where all get harmed. Even creation itself.

And that is why He had given man the power of choice for He is wise and all knowing. And not some inter-dimensional bureaucrat.

If I am to be judged for my sins by the Almighty and His Angels, I'd gladly accept whatever justice awaits me. For I know, I am not perfect.

Think of it this way: All women are different. Some feel more secured by wearing a burka, while some feel the urge for freedom by wearing a bikini! :D

It's a choice.

No, I don't watch **** every morning (what for?). And no, watching **** doesn't cause brain damage.
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I follow by the most primitive instincts (my bad, but that's just me). And perhaps a bit of warmongering megalomaniac too.

Islam has its own way to define a perfect society. A guide for a man to spiritual perfection. But then, no one is perfect now are they?

Bringing up a "perfect" society and enforcing so by the book is not sustainable. A "paradise" is not sustainable (there really is no such thing). That is because a significant number of the human minds can reject it. That's when reality falls apart, and the whole system crashes leading to a catastrophic failure where all get harmed. Even creation itself.

And that is why He had given man the power of choice for He is wise and all knowing. And not some inter-dimensional bureaucrat.

If I am to be judged for my sins by the Almighty and His Angels, I'd gladly accept whatever justice awaits me. For I know, I am not perfect.

Think of it this way: All women are different. Some feel more secured by wearing a burka, while some feel the urge for freedom by wearing a bikini! :D

It's a choice.

No, I don't watch **** every morning (what for?). And no, watching **** doesn't cause brain damage.

We aren't perfect, but, something as a major sin makes one far from perfect and crossing lines. I agree with you on choices made by humans. But, we don't have the concept of free will as Christians do.
Masterbation is prohibited in Islam | Musht Zani Jalq self sex

Imam Shamsuddin Zahabbi (may Allah be pleased with him) narrates a Prophetic narration that, “Seven people are such that Allah has cursed them and He will not even cast a look of mercy upon them on the Day of Judgment. Allah will tell them to enter Hell with the people who are going to Hell, except those who repent.
1. One who performs the act of sodomy.
2. One upon whom the act of sodomy is performed.
3. One who does bad deeds with animals.
4. One who marries his mother or sister.
5. One who masturbates.” (The words of the hadith says these seven people but lists five - Kitab-ul-Kaba’ir p.48)

Both are vulgar sins, the viewing and the act. Please all Muslims consider this even if you think you have this problem it can be solved don't listen to your instincts. It's more than possible to control ones self.
It's normal for people to have feelings like that. It's because they have an misunderstanding of Islam and they expose themselves to too many ideas which are just thoughts people brainstorm.

Islam does give a feeling of inner peace, and also a feeling with God. But people manufacture this idea in their head that the peaceful feeling comes with more and more spirituality. They accumulate to this.

So people will think the first solution is more prayer and read more Quran and then it's like they run out of fuel mess up sin and commit to the process again. The problem too is nobody else is offering them guidance besides telling them pray with your heart. This and that. Common things.

What people miss out on is that Islam is not just a spiritual life, it's a balanced way of life. Having good manners is Islam. Respecting parents is Islam. Making informed decisions is Islam. Helping people is Islam. Everything you do in your daily life is Islam. So you need to reach a balance. And realize our Prophet(SAW) told us to follow his Sunnah. His Sunnah isn't about wearing the clothes he wore or growing beard only. Those are little things. It's his manners, the way he dealt with people, how he taught and responded to people. It's many things and it's easy to learn it but difficult to follow it consistently. That's the problem we as Muslims have.

You have to know there is no end or point where you reach a status. We don't know what our status is. Allah(SW) gives us our whole lifetime to keep struggling for more and more. It's a lifetime struggle. Don't think about the afterlife too much, think of what God told us to do. And remember you don't need to feel so spiritual all the time. Stay calm throughout the day and balanced and take it day by day. Remember Allah, once you remember him he is with you wherever you go. Say alhamdillah several times a day, or say the shahada when you wake up and sleep and say bismallah whenever you go out, say Ya Allah Ya Kareem and more.

Start with this brother, this and 5 prayers a day. Don't listen to the shaytaan, keep in mind the shaytaan isn't a red scary looking demon. I believe this is your instinct which tells you to do opposite of what you do. We don't know exactly what it is. But, it tells you after you sin and go to pray for example, you will hear a voice in your head telling you that you just committed a big sin are you out of your mind and you want to pray you think Allah will accept your prayer. This is the instinct you need to fight.

So try this, 5 prayers a day spread out with small suras as a start. And I'm guessing you were born Shia, I'm not gonna hold that against you. Don't worry, me and you are buddies on this forum. What I want you to do is forget all sect stuff as it is too much information and leave those decisions to later. What you need to do like most of us are doing is work on your imaan. Do what the Prophet told us to do, pray 5 times, remember God, fast, and a few more things which naturally you will catch up to.

Eventually you will be and soon you will see that Islam starts you out and changes you as a man. You will start wanting to be a controlled and more respectful person and people will praise you. What you will forget from the back of your mind is all of this you're doing for Allah without knowing it. Allah will reward us inshallah . Remember brother religion is easy. And Allah is real.

I had a moment in life which I won't get into, it was probably the worse period in my life, and no I was not doing haram. It was basically a depressing period. I prayed and cried prayer and I read a duah that Allah will send an angel to protect you during your sleep. Not necessarily from physical things, it's from jinn and stuff like that. I slept along that night before my family made it home. And I'm know people may dismiss this and accuse me of things, but, I woke up three hours after midnight and I felt a prescience behind me but I couldn't move. I had a feeling of fear but peace and security at the same time. Then I had a message sent to my heart from above. I felt something above me high above me. Wallahi I just had this feeling in my heart and it arrived in my heart then translated it self into 'I am here and have been watching' something along that line. It was several translations. I slept one minute after that.

I woke up the whole next day I didn't feel normal, I kept thinking about it and it was something in never experienced.

Overtime you will want to become a better and better person. Allah says he prevents us from fear, he does. We go into the next life with less fear and we have courage to meet death. All because Allah guided us towards this path. And he is a fair judge, he will show you how he guided on the last day and he will allow sinners to present their case. Something's he will forget some he won't.

So I urge you to stop that practice. And start our what I told you to do. First take a shower though. Dedicate yourself. You won't feel empty anymore and you will feel you have a cause in life. Good luck brother. :)

If you love Allah so much , just kill yourself and go to heaven and live with him .Otherwise , just stfu and let other muslims live their life like they want. Foremost , practice what you preach . Get the hell out of the states and go back to Palestine and start living in a desert . Forsake the use of computers , cars, cell phones and all modern technology since it was invented by Jews and Christians. Once you do that , you are free to share your enlightened thoughts , but before that, you are just another hypocrite. Now I guess you have to go shopping at Walmart. What an Islamic Way of Life
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If you love Allah so much , just kill yourself and go to heaven and live with him .Otherwise , just stfu and let other muslims live their life like they want. Foremost , practice what you preach . Get the hell out of the states and go back to Palestine and start living in a desert . Forsake the use of computers , cars, cell phones and all modern technology since it was invented by Jews and Christians. Once you do that , you are free to share your enlightened thoughts , but before that, you are just another hypocrite. Now I guess you have to go shopping at Walmart. What an Islamic Way of Life

Hindu, stay out of the Muslim communities affairs. I gave him my advice and it's up to him to do what he wants with it. I've had people ask me similar questions in person and I've had people in his situation. That doesn't me make better than anyone. That being said, I have to say something since people I've spoken to relate to the situation. This is how life works, you engage with your community and we know what's best for us. Discussion is bound to happen, and that's what happened. I've Muslims here who discussed this with me and opposed that view. That's fine, and we gave our differing opinions and it ended there. Azizam, also was willing to agree with me on some things and didn't for some. That's the nature of dialogue.

However, what you're doing here is a ranting like most atheists. You make no sense, if I'm obedient to God or love him, loving means obeying as much as Christians try to make it sound like a different concept, doesn't mean I need to die right away. And here we go with this thing again, go back to your desert, even though Palestine isn't a desert you total baffoon idiot. I am born in the states and you're probably a foreigner, come here and compare our lives, I get around here much better than you do tool. And no, my cell phone wasn't created by a Christian or Jew. As if I attacked the modern world and it's advancements. Learn how to comprehend something, I said you can be religious and be modern at the same time, being modern and have an Islamic lifestyle at the same time. Having an Islamic life style doesn't you mean you need to live in a cave with milk and sheep. Go learn a thing or two ya hack. :guns:
you are right....then why do not you ban Indian films?....Its sounds strange that inspire of being enemy nation, Indian entertainment media is still finding space in your country....

Trending: Bollywood 'soft ****' angers some Pakistanis


Why is Pakistan's Geo TV being accused of being a traitor?

Pakistan loves Geo TV. At least, that's what the ratings say. Together with parent company Jang, it's the country's biggest media group.

But on social media, things look different. Since Monday, tens of thousands of Pakistanis have lambasted the channel on Twitter for showing Indian content, using hashtags like #BanGeo, #TraitorGeo and even #GeoIndianDog. Some refer to Indian TV shown on Geo as "soft ****" and complain Geo's news is pro-Indian.

Pakistan has a history of ambivalence towards TV, films and songs made in sworn enemy India. Conservative Pakistani voices deride the sexy songs and risque themes of Bollywood films and dramas, but they remain hugely popular with Pakistan audiences.

Some Twitter accounts using these hashtags have tweeted hundreds of times in a short space of time, and mostly about this issue - suggesting there is organised campaigning against Geo TV, alongside the genuine tweets,

The #TraitorGeo hashtag seems to have first been used by a Twitter user named Madeeha, who says she is a 19-year-old living in Islamabad. She told the BBC that Geo shows too much "nudeness" and "promotes Indian culture". But her objection goes beyond risque movies - she, like many others, complains of Geo TV's formal connections with India. In 2010, Geo created a joint peace initiative with the Times of India, an Indian media giant. It's called Aman Ki Asha - Hope for Peace - and organises initiatives to bring Pakistanis and Indians together across the border.

This project has "hit a nerve in Pakistan of people who I would call the hyper-nationalists," Beena Sarwar, editor of Aman Ki Asha, told the BBC. They've had insults like this right from the start, she says.

In recent months there have been several unsubstantiated allegations that Geo is linked to the Indian government and media - claims which Sarwar says are "preposterous". Just before the flurry of anti-Geo tweets, these allegations were repeated on a television talk show on a rival network in Pakistan. Geo TV have so far declined to comment to the BBC.

A twitter post by BBC


BBC News - Trending: Bollywood 'soft ****' angers some Pakistanis
Hindu, stay out of the Muslim communities affairs. I gave him my advice and it's up to him to do what he wants with it. I've had people ask me similar questions in person and I've had people in his situation. That doesn't me make better than anyone. That being said, I have to say something since people I've spoken to relate to the situation. This is how life works, you engage with your community and we know what's best for us. Discussion is bound to happen, and that's what happened. I've Muslims here who discussed this with me and opposed that view. That's fine, and we gave our differing opinions and it ended there. Azizam, also was willing to agree with me on some things and didn't for some. That's the nature of dialogue.

However, what you're doing here is a ranting like most atheists. You make no sense, if I'm obedient to God or love him, loving means obeying as much as Christians try to make it sound like a different concept, doesn't mean I need to die right away. And here we go with this thing again, go back to your desert, even though Palestine isn't a desert you total baffoon idiot. I am born in the states and you're probably a foreigner, come here and compare our lives, I get around here much better than you do tool. And no, my cell phone wasn't created by a Christian or Jew. As if I attacked the modern world and it's advancements. Learn how to comprehend something, I said you can be religious and be modern at the same time, being modern and have an Islamic lifestyle at the same time. Having an Islamic life style doesn't you mean you need to live in a cave with milk and sheep. Go learn a thing or two ya hack. :guns:

Palestine is very much a desert you ****in idiot. It's a desert with some buildings built on it. Since West Bank will soon be hopefully totally occupied by Israel , the only thing left to you Pallies will be your desert city ruled by Goons - Gaza. Yeah right you get along better than me. You probably have a 10 dollar an hour job at some gas station , nothing more. As for me , i am doing MBA at one of the finest US colleges. I am not religious and narrow minded and get along far better than you could ever dream of you dork . They hate you and your kind over there , who live there , use free government benefits and support islamic terrorism against US troops. There's a long list of Pallies serving multiple life sentences for planning bomb attacks in several US cities. And really , then who invented cell phones and computers you dumbass ? You think it was your belove Yasser Arafat or Osama bin Laden? Use wikipedia and learn a thing or two about human history. 95% of nobel prize winners in the word are Christians and Jews and 99% of all human technology has been created by them rather than a retarded Palestinian holding an AK-47. Now shoo ,dont waste my time with your diatribe
I think you missed the point. The attire shown by Indian movies is NOT a daily routine dress for common Indian women. that's what Amna said

He is too busy trying to brand others as he likes to even understand what i meant or maybe he deliberately ignores the point.
Jana ji you are saying that. I do not think that was what Aamna meant though. I am cool with you. You do not come across as a bearded mulla. But some of you, like Talon before and now Aamna, do.

It must say something when I consider even Zarvan less a bearded mulla than these two. Or maybe its because under the mulla robes, he is essentially a mard, and these two are not.

Confused. Disappointed. I need some coffee. Where is Levina now .....

Keep you're opinions about me to yourself i thought you were decent enough not to utter trash but i was clearly in the wrong on that account. If you can't respectfully reply to someone then don't bother replying or mentioning me in the first place. Unlike you, i don't get personal in a civil discussion but then again its too much to be expected from you.
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Palestine is very much a desert you ****in idiot. It's a desert with some buildings built on it. Since West Bank will soon be hopefully totally occupied by Israel , the only thing left to you Pallies will be your desert city ruled by Goons - Gaza. Yeah right you get along better than me. You probably have a 10 dollar an hour job at some gas station , nothing more. As for me , i am doing MBA at one of the finest US colleges. I am not religious and narrow minded and get along far better than you could ever dream of you dork . They hate you and your kind over there , who live there , use free government benefits and support islamic terrorism against US troops. There's a long list of Pallies serving multiple life sentences for planning bomb attacks in several US cities. And really , then who invented cell phones and computers you dumbass ? You think it was your belove Yasser Arafat or Osama bin Laden? Use wikipedia and learn a thing or two about human history. 95% of nobel prize winners in the word are Christians and Jews and 99% of all human technology has been created by them rather than a retarded Palestinian holding an AK-47. Now shoo ,dont waste my time with your diatribe

LOL! You moron! Gaza is a coastal plain! :rofl::partay:

You're very narrow minded, simply for being a bigot. So there goes a funny contradiction. :enjoy:

Neither do I work in a gas station and I'm not on welfare or using student loans like you are either :partay::partay:

I'm attending an University as well getting bachelor in health sciences for pre pharmacy you nitwit. :rofl:

Nothing else needed to be said. :partay:
Jana ji you are saying that. I do not think that was what Aamna meant though. I am cool with you. You do not come across as a bearded mulla. But some of you, like Talon before and now Aamna, do.

It must say something when I consider even Zarvan less a bearded mulla than these two. Or maybe its because under the mulla robes, he is essentially a mard, and these two are not.

Confused. Disappointed. I need some coffee. Where is Levina now .....

Lets not focus too much on the gender of the messenger.. rather their message.
LOL! You moron! Gaza is a coastal plain! :rofl::partay:

You're very narrow minded, simply for being a bigot. So there goes a funny contradiction. :enjoy:

Neither do I work in a gas station and I'm not on welfare or using student loans like you are either :partay::partay:

I'm attending an University as well getting bachelor in health sciences for pre pharmacy you nitwit. :rofl:

Nothing else needed to be said. :partay:

:rofl: LOL , just when I thought you couldn't get any more retarded , you set yourself a new low. Dubai , Doha etc are all coastal cities , that doesn't mean they are not in a desert you blithering idiot. Here is an image of Gaza - Egypt Border from Space , does this look like rainforest to you dumbass?


Also , did I touch a nerve? You almost look ashamed of being from a desert :lol: Trust me , there's nothing wrong in being born in a desert. There are several other great cities in the world right in the middle of a desert - Dubai ,Abu Dhabi , Doha, Las Vegas etc. You know what ? I don't care. I'll call Gaza a pine forest if that helps you sleep. That wasn't the subject of the conversation anyway. The subject of the conversation was you trying to take a moral highground and teaching Islam to others while yourself enjoying the most Un-Islamic life one can have.
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:rofl: LOL , just when I thought you couldn't get any more retarded , you set yourself a new low. Dubai , Doha etc are all coastal cities , that doesn't mean they are not in a desert you blithering idiot. Here is an image of Gaza - Egypt Border from Space , does this look like rainforest to you dumbass?


Also , did I touch a nerve? You almost look ashamed of being from a desert :lol: Trust me , there's nothing wrong in being born in a desert. There are several other great cities in the world right in the middle of a desert - Dubai ,Abu Dhabi , Doha, Las Vegas etc. You know what ? I don't care. I'll call Gaza a pine forest if that helps you sleep. That wasn't the subject of the conversation anyway. The subject of the conversation was you trying to take a moral highground and teaching Islam to others while yourself enjoying the most Un-Islamic life one can have.

LOOOOOOOOOOOLZ! :lol::crazy::rofl:

You unbelievable idiot, how can you be so stupid, a desert is defined as an area which gets less then 250mm of rainfall annually, in Israel in a big portion of the country rainfall for each city is generally over 300mm and in Gaza it's near 400mm. :partay:

So it makes it an coastal plain. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha you caste labor indian retard! :cheesy::partay::partay:

Now go find a way to solve your upcoming student loan debt crisis, maybe I'll hire you in my pharmacy to clean my toilets since your caste system has you adapted to that. LOL! :enjoy::rofl:
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