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Treat India Seriously: China's People's Daily

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how many times do I need to bust your silly claims CD. its boring now.
should I post links to your previous eggs facings, to save other members the trouble?

Everyone is free to click this link, and see for themselves.

First you claim to have a Chinese wife. :rofl:

Then, you laugh about the mass rape of Chinese women by Imperial Japanese forces, referring to it as a "celebratory orgy".

It was quite sad of you to start all those threads about your "big wedding" when it turns out it was all BS.
Are Indians happy now? They are finally being treated seriously by the Chinese.

we never wanted chinese attention and dont consider their views seriously,we just dont want them to insult us
Everyone is free to click this link, and see for themselves.

First you claim to have a Chinese wife. :rofl:

Then, you laugh about the mass rape of Chinese women by Imperial Japanese forces, referring to it as a "celebratory orgy".

It was quite sad of you to start all those threads about your "big wedding" when it turns out it was all BS.

poor attempt as usual.
let the interested readers decide , eh?
why not give them the whole thread
we never wanted chinese attention and dont consider their views seriously,we just dont want them to insult us

I'm sure you didn't consider their views seriously in 1962 either.
poor attempt as usual.
let the interested readers decide , eh?
why not give them the whole thread

Now try to explain how the mass rape of Chinese women was somehow relevant to a thread about food safety. :lol:

Because that didn't stop you, and it wasn't the first time either.

Were you under the impression that in order to look convincing in your claims of having a Chinese wife, you should laugh about the mass rape of Chinese women in WW2 on a regular basis? Funny logic. :rofl:
I'm sure you didn't consider their views seriously in 1962 either.

i meant chinas views on india,we view china with as much seriousness as pakistan
Now try to explain how the mass rape of Chinese women was somehow relevant to a thread about food safety. :lol:

Because that didn't stop you, and it wasn't the first time either.

if you bother to read, (or stop feigning ignorance), you get the answer in the same thread. why dont you bring up the thread about the chinese marine committing suicide, we can let people see your poor attempts to play victim.
want me to do the honors?

CD since you like to dig up old threads, here's another classic egg facial for posterity
Of course, India's behavior doesn't appear to be sane, just look at how their media always threatens to attack China with its Agni 5.

No matter who is their neighbor, it is better to keep an eye on them. :coffee:
I'm sure you didn't consider their views seriously in 1962 either.

This looks like a repeat of 1962. :lol:

As in 1959, they were trying to interfere in our "core interests". And as before, they didn't take it seriously either.

As the saying goes, "Be careful of what you wish for". India wanted the attention of the CPC, and they got it... just like they did before the last Sino-Indian war.
Laughing at war crimes like the rape of Nanjing?

And this is the same guy who is still pretending that he has a Chinese wife. :rofl:

I am getting bored with that sh.tty stereotype , that is nothing but just prove how damn in those bastards character!!! I bet in the real life those looser have never touch a women hands if don't wanna say "nobody give a damn care" on them!!!

here in my Cambodia few month ago, an indian stinky merchandise came to our country to seek for business, at night he went out with his friends to a local restaurant and harassed a waitress over there, the people around picking up chairs and smash his head until he felt on the flood in sea of blood. somebody kicked his balls too bad to teach him that never repeat that lustful indian attitude outside of his "freedom" country anymore!!! luckily after all that guy is not die, he got a skull fracture and some broken bones, out judicial judges gave him an excuse but restrict his right to not ever coming back to Cambodia anymore!!! he left the court with his face up high to the sky!!!

Mines, I really damn hate those lying big mouth about how cool he get women from other states!? If I have met with kind of Shhh like that in the real life, I will cut off that sausage and throw out for dog to eat!!! Those god damn clown need to be treat like that to be more determined!!!
We go for the throat!
But the opposite seems to be happening!


Yep! We always cut the big bullies down to size (pun intended!)

Cheers! :whistle:
treat an ally of america seriosulsy?

no chance!

if india becomes an independent country, then china will take it seriously.
we dont take seriously western colonies.
I am getting bored with that sh.tty stereotype , that is nothing but just prove how damn in those bastards character!!! I bet in the real life those looser have never touch a women hands if don't wanna say "nobody give a damn care" on them!!!

here in my Cambodia few month ago, an indian stinky merchandise came to our country to seek for business, at night he went out with his friends to a local restaurant and harassed a waitress over there, the people around picking up chairs and smash his head until he felt on the flood in sea of blood. somebody kicked his balls too bad to teach him that never repeat that indian attitude outside of his "freedom" country anymore!!! luckily after all that guy is not die, he got a skull fracture and some broken bones, out judicial judge gave him an excuse but restrict him never come back to Cambodia anymore!!!

Mines, I really damn hate those lying big mouth about how cool he got women from other states!? If I have met with kind like that in the real life, I will cut off that sausage and throw for dog to eat!!! Those god damn clown need to be treat like that to be more humanity!!!

jeez try typing english

---------- Post added at 10:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:12 PM ----------

treat a second rate lapdog of america seriosulsy?

no chance!

if india becomes an independent country, then china will take it seriously.
we dont take seriously western colonies.

tell that to uncle wen, apparently he is desperate for talks :lol:
self delete
treat a second rate lapdog of america seriosulsy?

no chance!

if india becomes an independent country, then china will take it seriously.
we dont take seriously western colonies.

India has a lot of problems to worry about, like the fact that they have more poverty and starvation than the continent of Africa. (Until recently, Africa was thought to be the bottom of the world, now it is India).

They don't pose any threat to us in military terms, however they are trying to interfere in our core interests, just like they did in 1962. So the CPC might find it a good idea to send them another message.

They are not the lapdog of America though. The most powerful person in India is a white European, Madam Sonia.
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