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Top 10 Trolls in Internet History

That made no sense. Please come back to us after you learn proper English and grammar methods. Throwing a couple of commas in there once in a while won't harm no one, however it might help mask your utter stupidity. :D

Man that was deliberate he is trying to derail the thread. That's what Indian trolls do
So you admit you were banned for trolling? See the truth does indeed come out. :D

see..told you..you are a kid..and did you see anything that i was banned???only yesterday one thread was opened on how arabs and indians get infractions so easily..you should check that..anyway..have a good time in this trolling thread.. :lol: :lol:
guess I failed in my attepmt...no worries...I know I am not good in trolling and never had that thought process but looking at the better prospects in PDF, I am trying my bit to become a well recognized troll... ;-)

Dont be shy. You have it in your genes try harder

That's what Indians are good at !

what trolling and then crying when they get busted??
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