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Top 10 Military projects makes Turkiye unrivaled in the region

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ur lucky Iran is under sanctions and still militarily industrialised greater than Turkey. If No Sanctions Iran would be so far ahead of Turkey it wouldn't even be funny
we have no claims , TB-2 is combat proven

TB-2 changed the game in Idlib-Syria , Libya , Azerbaijan against most modern Russian SAMs
also Ukraine use TB-2s so effective against Russian forces

TB-2 has state of the art technologies against Electronic Warfare Systems
small and flying so low , therefore so hard to detect and track by Radars
and 15 km MAM-L laser guided muntion makes TB-2s very lethal weapons
I dont think it works against genuine armies like the russians. Its been a month no footage of TB2 is out. Its effective against ineffective armies just like every drone of its class
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You are still talking about copy İranian weapons from outdated American Missiles

and Turkiye has already developed state of the art air to air Missiles
if you think so , please tell us Fakour is copy of which missile and fatter is copy of which versioon of AIM-9

and you showed your knowledge by claiming piston engines are Turboprop engines

and when I looked at TEI website it turned out as I guessed

TEI-TS1400 Turboshaft Engine Development Project

It turned out its a program to develop an engine and no engine out yet :azn::partay::lol:
you are only :blah::blah::blah::blah:
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ur lucky Iran is under sanctions and still militarily industrialised greater than Turkey. If No Sanctions Iran would be so far ahead of Turkey it wouldn't even be funny
Thats a huge stretch
Thats a huge stretch
Even under the shah Iran was the most powerful country in the middle east by far. Free from sanctions Iran hard working disciplined culture can turn them into the germany of the middle east
Professor the engine you posted as turboprop is a piston engine . Anka use Piston engine and not a turkish one
AKsungur will use TEI PD-170 which according to designer is Piston engine
and TEI PD-222 is also according to designer a piston engine

so cut the crap about delivering turboprop engines to military Turbocharged diesel engines are not turboprop engine , they are good only for muscle cars . don't humiliate ourself any more

stop reading wikipedia

ANKA and AKSUNGUR already use indigenous PD-170 turbodiesel aviation engine

and Turkiye develops turboprob engine from TS-1400 gas turbine core engine

go and change the names of American weapons to İranian copy one
Even under the shah Iran was the most powerful country in the middle east by far. Free from sanctions Iran hard working disciplined culture can turn them into the germany of the middle east
That is also a huge stretch. Irans economy is a strict oil and gas and very low ammounts of tourism and this is mostly controlled by The IRGC who is after a single party in iran. Turkey has a healthier diversification and innovation in turkey is much much better than iran sanctions or not
top reading wikipedia

ANKA and AKSUNGUR already use indigenous PD-170 turbodiesel aviation engine

and Turkiye develops turboprob engine from TS-1400 gas turbine core engine

go and change the names of American weapons to İranian copy one
go tell it to TEI to fix their website , and at last it become Turbodiesel ,glad to be able to fix your misconception , its Iran who use turboprop in Gaza, Turbo Fan in Shahed 171 , and turbo Jet in what you call toys like Karrar and Kian , so wonder which are toys , our drone or yours

That is also a huge stretch. Irans economy is a strict oil and gas and very low ammounts of tourism and this is mostly controlled by The IRGC who is after a single party in iran. Turkey has a healthier diversification and innovation in turkey is much much better than iran sanctions or not
you are aware Iran economy depend on sources is 500milliard to more than 1 trillion dollar and Iran only export 40 milliard dollar of oil and Gas
if you think so , please tell us Fakour is copy of which missile and fatter is copy of which versioon of AIM-9

and you showed your knowledge by claiming piston engines are Turboprop engines

and when I looked at TEI website it turned out as I guessed

TEI-TS1400 Turboshaft Engine Development Project

It turned out its a program to develop an engine and no engine out yet :azn::partay::lol:
you are only :blah::blah::blah::blah:

still talking about copy İranian weapons from outdated American missiles

your anti-tank missiles copy version old 3rd gen American TOW
your a2a missile copy version old American AIM-54
your SAMs copy version old American HAWK and SM-1

Full of outdated technology
İran only can copy outdated Soviet and American weapons ... nothing else
as like China
that out dated weapon that have 3 time the range of soviet Buk system or the fatter that have more than 2 time the range of outdated AIM-9 . please produce one of those outdated equipment first

and can you tell me , Fateh family of missiles is copy of which outdated system that can enter a window 1300km away
go tell it to TEI to fix their website , and at last it become Turbodiesel ,glad to be able to fix your misconception , its Iran who use turboprop in Gaza, Turbo Fan in Shahed 171 , and turbo Jet in what you call toys like Karrar and Kian , so wonder which are toys , our drone or yours

İranian UCAVs are toys with limited fire power

stop compare low quality İranian UCAVs with state of the art Turkish AKSUNGUR and AKINCI UCAVs to carry various Missiles including SOM Cruise Missiles

also 150 km TRLG-230 laser guided supersonic Missile

İranian , American Chinese UCAVs not even close
still talking about copy İranian weapons from outdated American missiles

your anti-tank missiles copy version old 3rd gen American TOW
your a2a missile copy version old American AIM-54
your SAMs copy version old American HAWK and SM-1

Full of outdated technology
wrong , you see shape think inside is the same , AIM-54 is completely different from Fakour and it explained in detail in the related thread
and if you believe or SAM is copy of hawk , that we don't produce since 2014, or SM1 which has nothing to do with sayyad missile internal gadget , then better for us
and if you by third generation ToW you mean BGM-71c thats a wire guided atgm, thats Toofan 2 we gave Iraqi militia , we have toofan-3 and Toofan-3m which are top attack, toofan 4 with thermobaric warhead for special use laser guided Toofan-5 ,Qaem to be used against helicopters ,Toofan-6 which is laser guided thermobaric version and export variant thermobaric Toofan-7 . be glad to tell me which version of TOW they are based on

İranian UCAVs are toys with limited fire power

stop compare low quality İranian UCAVs with state of the art Turkish AKSUNGUR and AKINCI UCAVs to carry various Missiles including SOM Cruise Missiles
View attachment 831947

also 150 km TRLG-230 laser guided supersonic Missile
View attachment 831946

İranian , American Chinese UCAVs not even close
when you delivered it come to talk and Iranian drone can do
and fajr-5 artillery rocket could do that since let say middle age , what's the point on posting that nonsense, you just showed you are following others steps
and fajr-5 artillery rocket could do that since let say middle age , what's the point on posting that nonsense, you just showed you are following others steps

using 150 km TRLG-230 supersonic Missile to hit enemy Warships
AKINCI UCAV can carry 4 TRLG-230 supersonic Missiles

also 150 km CAKIR anti-ship Missiles or 250 km KUZGUN-TJ joint strike Missile
and 275 km SOM Cruise Missile

when you delivered it come to talk and Iranian drone can do

Turkish AKINCI carry even 870 kg NEB penetrator Bomb

now you show me what about Iranian UCAVs to carry ?
Maybe I shall just make a list of China's current and future projects, any one of them could be bigger than the entire of Mr MMME's 700 projects combined. :cheesy:

Despite all the hypes from MMME but when it comes to the reality, Huawei as a company's annual R&D funding (22.4 billion US dollars) is almost equal to double the entirety of Turkey as a country (12 billion US dollars).


China's last year R&D spending


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