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To Those who are pro Khilafat

Why is a Khalifah or a sytem of Khalafat necessary?? What is it that a Khalifah will do that the common man, or a Premier or President or Monarch cannot do? What set of probloems is the Khalifah a solution to?
Khilafat is the only system of government and state that entrenches your right to a home, education and healthcare until the end of time. Secular systems will change to suit the times, that is not the case with Islam. It is mandatory upon the State to give your children an education, give them full healthcare, protect your borders, ensure law and order, keep economic stability and be transparent through the end of time.

Khilafat even has its own economic system to help pay off the massive social care required for the whole world, and to keep technological progression & innovation running. Khilafat has a system of checks and balances that involves the use of many meritocratic jurists, elected representatives, the military and even the people through direct action.

The laws to guide our social, political, economic and religious conduct have been set in stone...our job is not to legislate our own laws.

The only variable that needs to 'change with the times' is the administrative organization of Khilafat...which is not a matter of creed. So if technology can bring forth Shariah quicker and more effeciently, then that technology should be adopted. If there is an electoral method that is better representative of the Ummah, then it should be adopted. Note the goal of these methods is to see who or what implements Shariah the best way.

For example, Shariah demands universal healthcare.

Hizb-A says it can bring it in 9 months, and shows you its administrative, organizational, etc, plans. Hizb B says it can bring it in 7 months, and shows you its plans. The people can analyze each plan, and then decide to vote for the most effecient and organized party.

Another example; Hizb A says the bureaucracy needs to be shaved by 30%, and it offers a technological solution to the issue. Hizb B says bureaucracy is not the issue, but the fact that more gold needs to be mined. It is halal for the Khilafah to have more funds to spend on halal (laws of Islamic STATE) things. So now the people may elect the party they think has a better solution to the issue.
Khilafat is the only system of government and state that entrenches your right to a home, education and healthcare until the end of time. Secular systems will change to suit the times, that is not the case with Islam. It is mandatory upon the State to give your children an education, give them full healthcare, protect your borders, ensure law and order, keep economic stability and be transparent through the end of time.

Khilafat even has its own economic system to help pay off the massive social care required for the whole world, and to keep technological progression & innovation running. Khilafat has a system of checks and balances that involves the use of many meritocratic jurists, elected representatives, the military and even the people through direct action.

The laws to guide our social, political, economic and religious conduct have been set in stone...our job is not to legislate our own laws.

The only variable that needs to 'change with the times' is the administrative organization of Khilafat...which is not a matter of creed. So if technology can bring forth Shariah quicker and more effeciently, then that technology should be adopted. If there is an electoral method that is better representative of the Ummah, then it should be adopted. Note the goal of these methods is to see who or what implements Shariah the best way.

For example, Shariah demands universal healthcare.

Hizb-A says it can bring it in 9 months, and shows you its administrative, organizational, etc, plans. Hizb B says it can bring it in 7 months, and shows you its plans. The people can analyze each plan, and then decide to vote for the most effecient and organized party.

Another example; Hizb A says the bureaucracy needs to be shaved by 30%, and it offers a technological solution to the issue. Hizb B says bureaucracy is not the issue, but the fact that more gold needs to be mined. It is halal for the Khilafah to have more funds to spend on halal (laws of Islamic STATE) things. So now the people may elect the party they think has a better solution to the issue.

Sir what do you think of Hijbut Tahrir?they want Khilafet.But there is so much against them in West saying they are extremist groups.What do you think?
Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a Muslim. Do not insult the founder of Pakistan. He may have been liberal but towards the end of his life he became religious.

It is you who is insulting the Qaid. He was an educated and intelligent person who had absolutely no intention of handing over Pakistan to mullahs. He explicitly stated this in writing and speeches many times in his life.
Khilafat is the only system of government and state that entrenches your right to a home, education and healthcare until the end of time

Incredible - Cuba offer these, as does Sweden, The Soviets offered these as well.

After all is there is anymore to life?? The Khalifa is your real estate agent, your Master and your Doctor -- presumably the Khalifah by his presence will also bring about a increase in food supply and distribution problems will simply cease to exist, as will critical inquiry - Khalifa will make everybody "feel" high.

Utopian dreams are dangerous, Allah in His texts commands the faithful to help others, nowhere does He say that it is the mission of the faithful to create heaven on Earth.

Anway, if someone could just answer whay it is that we need Khilafat?
Allah in His texts commands the faithful to help others, nowhere does He say that it is the mission of the faithful to create heaven on Earth.

First and foremost, Rasullah(salla allahu alahyi wa salaam) said, according to the hadith narrated in Sahih Muslim on the authority of ‘Abdullah ibn ‘Umar (ra) that the Prophet (saw) said:

[ ومن مات وليس في عنقه بيعة مات ميتة جاهلية]

“And whosoever dies without having a bay’ah upon his neck, he dies the death of Jahiliyyah (ignorance).”

A bay'ah meaning, what we would call a pledge of allegiance; to a Khilafah!

The Prophet (saw) says in an authentic hadith narrated in Musnad Ahmad on the authority of Huthayfah ibn al-Yaman (r.a):

تَكُونُ النُّبُوَّةُ فِيكُمْ مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ تَكُونَ ثُمَّ يَرْفَعُهَا إِذَا شَاءَ أَنْ يَرْفَعَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ خِلَافَةٌ عَلَى مِنْهَاجِ النُّبُوَّةِ فَتَكُونُ مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ تَكُونَ ثُمَّ يَرْفَعُهَا إِذَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ] أَنْ يَرْفَعَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ مُلْكًا عَاضًّا فَيَكُونُ مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ يَكُونَ ثُمَّ يَرْفَعُهَا إِذَا شَاءَ أَنْ يَرْفَعَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ مُلْكًا جَبْرِيَّةً فَتَكُونُ مَا شَاءَ اللَّهُ أَنْ تَكُونَ ثُمَّ يَرْفَعُهَا إِذَا شَاءَ [أَنْ يَرْفَعَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ خِلَافَةً عَلَى مِنْهَاجِ النُّبُوَّةِ ثُمَّ سَكَت

“The Prophethood will last among you for as long as Allah wills, then Allah would take it away. Then it will be (followed by) a rightly-guided Khilafah upon the way of the Prophethood. It will remain for as long as Allah wills, then Allah would take it away. Then there will be a biting rule which will remain for as long as Allah wills, then He will lift it if He wills. Afterwards, there will be oppressive rule, and it will last for as long as Allah wills, then He will lift it if He wills. Then there will be a rightly-guided Khilafah upon the ways of the Prophethood, then he kept silent”

I think we are in the "oppressive rule", Khalifath is soon to come/
Anway, if someone could just answer whay it is that we need Khilafat?

As far i as can guess the Khilafat is same as a "Islamic Union" or a "United States of Islam"......the same reason the EU and the USA have united is the same reason the muslims need to unite.

I would also like to point out that pakistan is a democracy and if the people who want a change to the system they should use there vote and vote a pro sharia party.

A true islamic system can only be achieved from the bottom up and not top down like iran-saudi ect........a democratic-socialist-pro business-welfare state is to my knowledge what a "Khilafat" should be about.
The KHilafat is part of Islam, it is infact, the Pinnacle of Islam. But people try to reach the pinnacle, without having traversed the trough.

The KHilafat is something that Allah has promised to the righteous, it is not something that can be taken. It is a reward that is given.

It is not an issue where we are obliged to form political parties, and agitate for 'Khilafat' in the way of marxist revolutionaries. We are not commanded to do so, and that is not what we learn from the teachings of the Prophet.

We, as muslims, are only obliged to call others to that which the Prophet himself called others to. To the Worship of the One God, and Him alone. Organising ourselves around any other issue, and calling people (tabligh) towards that issue, nomatter how good teh cause, is an innovation, and will lead to sectarianism in the end.

After the fall of teh Khilafat, many groups emerged, with the noble intent to restore the glory that had departed from Islam and Muslims. They held the belief that the downfall of the Muslims was political, and that it is by political means, and establishment of an Islamic State, that we can become great again.

Groups such as the Jamate Islami and Ikhwan al Muslimeen were at teh forefrotn of such thinking, but now the number of groups calling for the Sharia and KHilafat is staggering. The UK alone has dozens of groups, all with the same intent, yet all backbiting each other, condemning each other, and splitting the Ummah even futher than it originally was.

The plethora of such groups has instead weakened us as Muslims, as no two groups can agree on a single course of action. They have moved our human and intellectual resources away from the debates and issues that really would help us.

Now some of thes groups have morphed into the extremist/violent/ neo kharajite groups that we today see wrecking havoc in our cities, and killing our civilians.

The intent of people like Hasan Al Banna, Rashid Rida, Abul Ala Maududi might have been noble, and they could not have foreseen how the ideologies they presented would mutate into the violent nihilism that we see today. Although it is alarming, reading Maududi arguing against the traditional Sunni view which prohibits taking up arms against a sinful muslim ruler.

Another Egyptian scholar, Sayyid Qutb, was also a huge influence upon the neo kharajite that are spreading violence today. They forget that his views were fashioned due to the extreme cruelty he and his comrades suffered in Egyptian jails. This convinced him that the State which tortures and persecutes so viciously must kufr manifest, a thinking he and some of his followers expanded so much as to include every muslim on earth who doesn't share their views.

This was seen especially in the Takfeer wal hijrah group of Algeria, which is a prime example of how quickly this extreme violent radicalism can spread into otherwise harmless fundamentalists.
A rahman

Thank you for quoting what you say are "authentic" Hadith. It is curious, for those of us who are ignorant, Was there a Khalifah when the prophet was alive?? And since he the prophet was alive, there would not be a need for a Khalifah??

And yet a hadith about a Kahlifah -- poor Quran, it seems to hold no water for our utopians, and why should it when hadith support ideology?

A Khalifah then, therefore, is a necessity because we would have died ignorant without a pledge of allegiance to the Khalifah -- things that make, at least me go, hmmm! Who needs faith when Allegiance to the Khalifah is the order of the day.

Indeed, oppression is on the way out - these and other nonsense will not suffice for faith in God and freedom to accept or not the Dawa.
The KHilafat is something that Allah has promised to the righteous, it is not something that can be taken. It is a reward that is given

So, just to get it right, the Khailafat is a reward given by Allah? To the "righteous"???

So these who yearn for their "Khalifah", are they "righteous"?? How can we know?? I suppose if they succeed in imposing their kHalifah, we will know them as "righteous".

A pinnacle of Islam?? I thought it was faith and love of God. But I'm no Islamist, I'm just a no class muslim.
The word KHilafa has been used in the Qur'aan, and is promised to those who believe and are righteous.
The word has several meanings, one of which is successor.

As for the Prophet using the word Khilafa in the fore mentioned hadeeth, whats wrong with that? He is a 'Prophet' after all, and he Prophesises. The Hadeeth is a Prophecy, and 3 quarters of it has come to pass.
He is a 'Prophet' after all, and he Prophesises. The Hadeeth is a Prophecy, and 3 quarters of it has come to pass.

The beloved Prophet's claim is Quran, which Gibrail recited to him --

And so now, you suggest that the beloved prohesised, in other words the words of God as relayed by Gibrail??

You are not thinking and do not realize what you have said. Learn to be dispassionate about religious issues.

So, just to get it right, the Khailafat is a reward given by Allah? To the "righteous"???

So these who yearn for their "Khalifah", are they "righteous"?? How can we know?? I suppose if they succeed in imposing their kHalifah, we will know them as "righteous".

A pinnacle of Islam?? I thought it was faith and love of God. But I'm no Islamist, I'm just a no class muslim.

You obviously haven't read my previous post, where I explain that those agitating for Khilafah aren't Kosher. Please first read someone's post properly, before asking such questions.
The beloved Prophet's claim is Quran, which Gibrail recited to him --

And so now, you suggest that the beloved prohesised, in other words the words of God as relayed by Gibrail??

You are not thinking and do not realize what you have said. Learn to be dispassionate about religious issues.

What's so wrong with that? God can chose to reveal himself in dreams, via the Angel Gabriel, or even by inspiration. Abraham went to slaughter his son after being commanded to in a dream.

Do you believe that the Prophet is just a simple conduit for information? He has no status or relevance in his own right? He's the postman, while you and your correspondee chum it up?
And I will repeat myself, the Qur'aan says that the khilafah will be given to the righteous, and the Prophet prophesies it also in Hadeeth.

It's a slam dunk argument, yet you chose to obfuscate.
Indeed, Hadith are now prophesies, are they? And the Prophet is now a Nostradamus type figure?

The Prophet is no more than the postman - he was a mortal human being.

I think this conversation is taking a unpleasant turn - and I encourage you to reconsider where you are taking this - you have already suggested that hadith are prophesy, and not the sayings recorded much after the Prophet had died.

I wish this forum well = if today it is polluted by Islamists, it will be in no small measure to the fact the likes of you are left in responsible positions.
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