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To Those who are pro Khilafat

I'm talking about much more recent occurrences in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan and by Al Qaeda as a whole.

Saudi Arabia enforces it's Islam onto its people. Guys hanging out in the neighborhood during prayer timings are picked up by the infamous black GMC Van and driven to a nearby mosque to pray. How screwed up is that? If they don't want to pray then they don't want to pray. They have to answer to God themselves.

In Taliban's rule it was decided to do the same and take it a step higher and people were also enforced to keep beards.

In Al Qaeda's mission plan there are plans to bomb random non-Muslims to spread Islam.

I know, if you argue (I hope) that these are not examples of Islam I'd agree. But ever lunatic idealist of Islam claims for it to be Islam and gathers momentum as well. This version of religion is not Islam, just means to grant power to the clergy class.

You know who ruled like that? Jews and Christians, since common people weren't religion literate and depended upon a clergy class for guidance. In Islam you have a beautiful option through the mandatory requirement to gain knowledge which empowers you to make your own choices about what religion IS and you want to throw that power away into the hands of the clergy?

Why? Can't you read the Quran? You've quoted (only) loosely relevant ayahs, so I'm guessing you can. Make your own interpretations, its poetic but not impossible for an adult person to figure it out.

I can understand why the illiterate masses would cling to clergy mob bosses of groups like HT, since they can't read and write. 9/10 of us Muslims can't read or write. But you obviously can. Your efforts should be to spread literacy not some long forgotten governance system that saw it last (even though it was long in decline much earlier) in 1924.

You don't want to climb the ladder step by step. You leap and you fall.

My dear brother neither Taliban was Islamic state nor Saudi arebia is Islamic state. Islamic State was one state---The Khilafah State which insha'Allah is returning. It is a historical fact which no-one doubts that the Islamic world used to be one single state. It remained one single state since Allah (swt) honoured it with Islam until the arrival of the colonialists in the 18th Century; and since then turned into Feudal statelets fighting at border points, despite the fact that the Islamic world was all one single territory.

What is the Khilafah (or Caliphate)?

The Khilafah is the global leadership for all the Muslims in the world. Its role is to establish the laws of the Islamic Shari'ah and to carry the call of Islam to the world. It is a model completely distinguished from any other ruling style such as democracy, theocracy or monarchy. The Shari'ah that is applied in founding the ruling, in caring for the citizen's affairs, and in the external affairs is from Allah. It is a system of unity not a system of union. The system of government in Islam, which is the system of Khilafah, is a unitary system of one state and not a federal system. Muslims all over the world are not allowed to have more than one Islamic State.

Is the Khilafah a Monarchical System?

The monarchical system is not an Islamic system and Islam does not approve of it whether the monarch is a figurehead who does not rule, as is the case in Britain and Spain, because the Khalifah (Caliph) is not a figurehead, rather he is the ruler and an executor of the laws of Allah on behalf of the Islamic Ummah; or if the monarch is the head and the actual ruler, as is the case in Saudi Arabia and Jordan. This is because the Khalifah does not acquire his position like the kings do; rather, Muslims select him and give him a pledge of allegiance. The hereditary system is not allowed in Islam; the Khalifah does not have more privileges than any other citizen and he is not above the law like the kings who cannot be tried, rather he is subservient to the laws of Allah and is liable to be accounted on every act he commits.

Is the Khilafah an Imperial System?

The regions ruled by Islam - though they are of various races and linked to one central place - are not ruled by an imperial system but by a system contradictory to the imperial system. The imperial system does not treat races equally in the various regions of the empire; rather it gives privileges in the ruling, finance and economy to the centre of the empire.

The Islamic way of ruling is to equate between the subjects in all the regions of the state. Islam grants non-Muslims who hold citizenship, the full rights and duties that Muslims have. They enjoy the same fairness as Muslims and are subject to the same accountability like them. Furthermore, every single citizen, regardless of his or her creed, enjoys rights that even a Muslim living abroad who holds no citizenship does not enjoy. With this equality, the Islamic system differs completely from the imperial one. It does not make the regions under its ruling into colonies, areas of exploitation, nor a source of wealth funnelled back into the central region for its own
benefit, no matter how far apart they were, and no matter how different their races were. It considers every single region as a part of the state and its citizens enjoying the same rights as those in the central region. It also makes the ruling authority, its system and its legislation the same in all the regions.

Where is the Khilafah today?

The Khilafah does not exist today in any shape or form throughout the entire world. It was destroyed following World War 1 at the hands of Mustafa Kemal of Turkey. Commenting on its destruction, Lord Curzon, the British foreign secretary, told the House of Commons on 24th July 1924 "...Turkey (the seat of the Khilafah) is dead and will never rise again because we have destroyed its moral strength, the Khilafah and Islam."

What about Saudi Arabia, Iran, Pakistan and Sudan?

For a land to be considered an Islamic State, every single article of the country's constitution, every rule and law, must emanate from the Islamic Shari'ah. In every case of the above-mentioned countries however, these criteria are far from being met. In these places, Islamic law is only by writing the source of the country's legislation, with all types of secular legislation and customs playing along side it, while the constitutions give much more weight to democracy, socialism, capitalism and the like. But these are all concepts that have their roots in other than Islam. Thus it can, in no way, be claimed that any of the current Muslim countries are representative of Islam and the Islamic System of government which is the Islamic Khilafah.

Who will be the ruler in the Caliphate and will he be accountable?

The Khalifah (Caliph) rules the State according to the commands of Allah as laid down in the Qur'an and in the example of the Prophet Muhammad. The people choose and appoint the Khalifah. As a citizen of the Islamic State, whether male of female, Muslim or non-Muslim, you can approach the Khalifah. This may be done for any reason, be it to encourage him to fear Allah, or to ask him for your rights. People are obliged to remove the Khalifah if he implements other than Islam.

How will the Caliphate view science and technology?

When Islam came for the first time as a way of life, Muhammad sent Muslims on a special mission to ash-Sham (modern day Syria, Jordan and Palestine). At that time ash-Sham was not ruled by Islam and was dominated by a superpower of that time, the Romans, who were Christians. These Romans were very skilled in military technology and had developed two special catapults. Also, the Muslims acquired trench technology from the second superpower of the time, the Persians, via Salman al-Farsi and it was put to good use in the Battle of the Trench. This is allowed in Islam because the Muslims did not go to take their way of life from the Persians and Romans. They did not take on their beliefs, values and systems of life. They took only the technology from them, which in fact did not come from a particular belief and is for all human beings to find, by the grace of Allah. Muhammad by his example showed us that technology in its origin is permitted in Islam, but it must be put only to Halal (permitted) use. So a surgeon's knife can be used to heal, but not abort an innocent baby. TVs, Internet and DVDs can be used to propagate the truth or for educational purposes but not to exploit women as material objects.

How will women be treated in the Caliphate?

Men and women have similarities in that they are both humans. They have minds, an ability to reason. They have feelings, instincts and needs. They are both accountable to Allah to contribute to the Islamic society in order to please Allah. So, Islam did not differentiate when it called both men and women to use their reasoning to study the world and understand that it is created. Islam ordered both to pray, fast and perform hajj (pilgrimage). Nor did Islam stop at beliefs and individual worships, because it is a complete way of life. Islam also called both men and women to deal in the affairs of society, such as buying, selling, renting, farming, trading, marrying with their consent, judging, providing medical treatment, electing and accounting the ruler. It also made the seeking and teaching of knowledge compulsory on both women and men.

How will non-Muslim minorities be treated in the Caliphate?

No one can deny the fact that the Islamic World was ruled and governed by the Islamic State. Many non-Muslims used to live with Muslims under the banner of Islam for almost thirteen centuries. Throughout those periods non-Muslims used to have the same high standard of living as the Muslims did. They enjoyed equal rights, prosperity, happiness, tranquillity and security.

Muslims along with non-Muslims only began facing severe hardships after the abolishment of theIslamic State and living under the rulership of the Colonialists.

By investigating the Islamic history in its entirety it is evident that non-Muslims lived amongst the Muslims under the Islamic rule. A Christian mother would breast-feed her Muslim child, Muslim men used to marry Christian or Jewish women, in-laws from them. Muslims used to deal with the Christians and the Jews in the life's affairs. The Jew and Christians used to be called Ahl al-Dhimma, People of the Covenant. The Prophet said, "He who abuses a dhimmi [non-Muslim citizen] then I will be his rival and dispute him on the Day of Judgment."

An Islamic classical scholar, Imam Qarafi, says, "It is the responsibility of the Muslims to the People of the Dhimma [non-Muslim citizens] to take care of their weak, fulfilling the needs of the poor, feeding the hungry, providing clothes, addressing them politely and even tolerating their harm even if it was from a neighbour, even though the Muslim would have an upper hand. The Muslims must also advise them sincerely on their affairs and protect them against anyone who tries to hurt them or their family, steal their wealth or violates their rights."

How does Islam view Capitalism?

This basis of Capitalism is the Capitalist creed, i.e. the creed of detaching "religion" from life. This creed does not result from a rational process, nor even from a logical one, rather it is a compromise between two contradictory ideas; the idea which the clergy used to call for in the "Medieval Ages", namely the submission of everything in this life to the "Religion", i.e. Christianity and the idea which some thinkers and philosophers called for, namely the denial of the existence of a Creator.

So the idea of detachment of the "Religion" from life is a compromise solution between these two sides. A compromise solution is conceivable between two similar views where there is some disparity, but it is inconceivable to exist between two contradictory views. Either there is a Creator who created man, universe and life and accordingly this discussion will then be about whether this Creator has prescribed a system for man to proceed with, in this worldly life, and Who will account him after death on his adherence to this system, or, there is no Creator and accordingly the religion would not be detached from worldly life but rather would be rejected from it.

But to say there is no importance in the existence or non-existence of a Creator is a matter which does not convince the mind or reassure the soul. Therefore the mere fact that the Capitalist doctrine is a result of a compromise in an issue which allows no such compromise is enough in itself to refute this doctrine for both those who believe in the existence of a Creator or those who deny His existence. The decisive rational evidence leads to the conclusion that there is a Creator Who created man, universe and life, and that this Creator has prescribed a system for man to follow in this life and He will account him after death on his adherence to this system. However, the issue at hand is neither to discuss the existence of the Creator nor the system which He set up for man, rather it is to discuss the Capitalist doctrine and to expose its falsehood. In this regard it is enough to establish the falsehood by the fact that this creed is a compromise between two contradictory opinions and that it is not built on reason.

The state that broke up in 1924 was hardly Islamic either. Everything was marred by heridatory rule and self-conflict.

Till there is no democracy there won't be a union of states with a Muslim majority population into one state. The monarchs wont let them.
My dear brother neither Taliban was Islamic state nor Saudi arebia is Islamic state. Islamic State was one state---The Khilafah State which insha'Allah is returning. It is a historical fact which no-one doubts that the Islamic world used to be one single state. It remained one single state since Allah (swt) honoured it with Islam until the arrival of the colonialists in the 18th Century; and since then turned into Feudal statelets fighting at border points, despite the fact that the Islamic world was all one single territory.

Lets just make one thing VERY CLEAR. What existed before was an Islamic EMPIRE and not a STATE. What we have today is a MIX of Islamicate Nation-States and States. Learn the difference! The days of the Empire are long gone!
Since the events of 9/11, there has been an unrelenting campaign launched to change Islam into something more palatable to Western society.

The vision is a secular and cultural Islam at peace with the world through its submission to its oppressors rather than to Allah; an Islam devoid of jihad, shari’ah and khilafah – the very things we are commanded by Allah to implement in order to establish Allah’s deen on this earth.
its submission to its oppressors rather than to Allah; an Islam devoid of jihad, shari’ah and khilafah – the very things we are commanded by Allah to implement in order to establish Allah’s deen on this earth.

Interesting! perhaps there is more than just tea in your cup. Who are these "oppressors"?? Could it be those who wish to force their views on us by force of arms? could it be those who oppose education for all, especially women?? Could it be those who seek to instigate wars between peoples so that their utopian aganda is furthered??

"Implement" Jihad? Implement Shar'iah? Implement Khalifah?? -- time for talk is over, it's time for action is it?? Are you some place you think is safe?, Waziristan? Which planet do you think you are on?

On this planet, the world is affraid of lunes expressing ideas such as you have and if they think they must be safe from those who would impose their thinking on them, I for one can forgive them for concluding that the intolerant must not be tolerated.
Since the events of 9/11, there has been an unrelenting campaign launched to change Islam into something more palatable to Western society.

The vision is a secular and cultural Islam at peace with the world through its submission to its oppressors rather than to Allah; an Islam devoid of jihad, shari’ah and khilafah – the very things we are commanded by Allah to implement in order to establish Allah’s deen on this earth.

i agree with you on this

not only that even if anybody talks about the khilafat it becomes sort of an tabu subject i mean after all there were many great khilafat periods in history Hazrat Omar (ra) not only that even the jews have said that the golden era of their diaspora were under mulsim rules but unfortunately it is muslim's like good for nothing tarek fateh and others that call it a myth etc

asthin ka saap dushman se ziada khatarnak hota hai...
Since the events of 9/11, there has been an unrelenting campaign launched to change Islam into something more palatable to Western society.

The vision is a secular and cultural Islam at peace with the world through its submission to its oppressors rather than to Allah; an Islam devoid of jihad, shari’ah and khilafah – the very things we are commanded by Allah to implement in order to establish Allah’s deen on this earth.
Yes, Implement, by convincing people that this is the good stuff. Talk to them, become a good example, do not do disgusting horrible things to start with...

People are not trying to make Islam bend over to the west but are trying to make Islam more effective and reachable to all mankind. If you can't even interact with a westerner without offending him and his very existence then how will you further your implementation?
"In any case Pakistan is not going to be a theocratic State to be ruled by priests with a divine mission" - Jinnah

Once a League supporter said Jinnah as "Badshah-e-Pakistan" and he answered that "There will be no Kings in Pakistan,it will be a republic where everyone will be equal"
i guss, it could bring one unifiyed fourm of muslims countries! beter thn OIC?
some thing which could be similar to EU, perheps based on democratic/peacefull lines, showen in QURAN, i dont dissagree with the idea, if it can provide education, better financial services, joint fight against wrong practices of islam, JOINT DEFENCE, & free trade in between the member countries, also if it can bring in right & educated ulema's who can define between JIHADI islam & REAL islam. sure i will vote for it!:tup::agree::agree::agree:
It would be nice to have a one huge country from Turkey all the way to Pakistan. No borders, no visas, all Muslims being only Muslim and nothing else.
Islam teaches that all Muslims are brothers and sisters, the same people, it would be nice if there was no borders between brothers and sisters.
Even before Pakistan was born - the British toodies among Muslim elites were against the idea of having a Muslim soveriegn state as envisioned by Allama Muhammad Iqbal, Muhammad Ali Jinnah and Sardar Abdul Rab Nishtar - A country where Muslim majority can live according to their faith (Islamic Shari'ah) - along with non-Muslim communities, who would have equal right as citizen of Pakistan - as commanded under Islamic Shari'ah.

There were pro-Congress Mullahs, there were fuedal lords, there were westernized secularists and Zionists too! The first top Zionists was Sir Feroze Khan Noon - who as India's ambassador in London - gave the "Islamic face" to the notorious Balfour Declaration (brain-child of a Zionist Jew politician) - telling Muslims that European Jewish immigration would usher an economic boom in Palestine. After the establishment of Pakistan - Zionists like M.M. Ahmad and Sir Zafarullah Khan rose to power - and set-up the direction of Pakistan's foreign policy to be dictated by Washington and the Jewish Lobby.

The secular writers and so-called 'historians' played a great part in distorting the true agenda of Pakistan's system of governance - not a "Theocracy" but a democratic state governed by political leaders elected on the basis of "Muslim voting for Muslims" and "non-Muslim communities electing their own representatives" - Something like which is practiced in Islamic Republic of Iran.

There are 57 Muslim nation states - mostly created by western colonialists to weaken Islamic Ummah and to serve the interests on former colonial powers. Under present conditions - it's not possible to have a single government (Khalifah) to control 1.7 billion Muslims living within 57 countries. The only possible solution is to have federation of Muslim states with a common foreign policy and a non-national army, drawn from all 57 Muslim states, responsible to a group of Muslim rulers, who should be rotated every three year.
I hope the kalifat will never happen. It's totally ridiculous. Most muslims will still be poor, will still be illeterate, will still be ignorant. And it'll mostly made up of arab states. That means the arab "parts" of this "kalifat" will get more funding than pakistan. Sorry, the idea of a kalifat is totally absurd.
I hope the kalifat will never happen. It's totally ridiculous. Most muslims will still be poor, will still be illeterate, will still be ignorant. And it'll mostly made up of arab states. That means the arab "parts" of this "kalifat" will get more funding than pakistan. Sorry, the idea of a kalifat is totally absurd.

Sorry to disappoint you but Khalifah will come.

Ever heard of Imam Al Mahdi?
I hope the kalifat will never happen. It's totally ridiculous. Most muslims will still be poor, will still be illeterate, will still be ignorant. And it'll mostly made up of arab states. That means the arab "parts" of this "kalifat" will get more funding than pakistan. Sorry, the idea of a kalifat is totally absurd.
That's garbage. Muslims never had it any worse in history since the fall of the Caliphate, and the ideological collapse of Islam in the hearts & minds of our rulers that occurred much earlier. There is no firm ideology in this world that supports socio-economic justice and progression; all the secular goods can be changed and warped with the prevailing era.

Where do you think racism comes from? This is not an Islamic concept, but exists within the realm of secular thinking in every form possible...physically and ideologically. The concept of the nation-state was built mostly upon this model, and has had blood-stained results all over the world. Not only does Islam condemn such thinking, but Allah SWT places nationalists of all secular sorts in some very low depths of An-Narr (Hellfire).

Today it seems fair, but history tells us clearly that secular thinking degrades into things like Fascism, Communism...right down 'absolute' Jahiliyya. Societies degrade when left on their own (without Allah's SWT laws), and will be destroyed.

Do you know where idols come from? Many of the idols they worshipped were based on real people from history and their followers built ideologies around their heroes' personalities. These are secular idols initially, but then over time we see creedal innovations that turn these dead personalities into intercessors or even gods. The corrupt ideologies of those persons is often moulded and used to justify new actions. Over time the people of such societies become more ignorant and retarded, and in the end turn into heavily tribalistic pagan societies. Once Allah SWT removes their last shred of good, He decimates them...this stage is called 'Absolute Jahiliyaa'

The last time the whole world hit 'absolute' Jahiliyaa, Allah SWT flooded the earth for cleansing. The next time this happens - and it will - there will be no flood, but Qiyamaat.

Regarding Khilafat;

Firstly there is no guarantee that the Khilafah will re-emerge from the Arab World, we could see it emerge in Germany for all we know. Secondly, how the Khilafah comes about is also beyond our knowledge. There are 2 Islamic methods being employed to achieve this as we speak...one is Jihad and the other is Dawah. However the irony is that both are heavily taking place in a single region, and that is Central Asia with extension to Afghanistan & Pakistan.

Thirdly, the funding goes to regions where Islamic need must be met. It falls upon the Khilafat State to make sure that 'every son of Adam' - i.e. all humans in the Khilafat - have a home, have clothes on and can feed their families. It falls upon the Khilafat State to ensure that there is universal education and health system available to every Muslim. There was a time in the Ummah where a young couple would have their wedding subsidized; their first home subsidized; their children's care subsidized AND still have jobs.
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