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Tibetan protest against hu jin tao(pics)

Why India can't give Kashmir the status which China has given to Hongkong?let them decide who they like to join.

In Chinese system Hongkong model is already existed. So Tibet will not be an exception. In an exact opposite India don't have any model like Hongkong model. Our constitution doesn't have any provision like that. Thatswhy i was suggesting the Hongkong model for china. Now don't bring kashmir in the topic and talk sensible.
Both sides have to give up a lot and have to live with each other..

This is one of very few sane comments from non-Chinese that I've seen. Tibet problem is a complex problem and both Chinese governement and Exile Tibetans try to make it a black/white problem. Chinese government has to realize that a lot Tibetans do want Dalai Lama to be back. And Dalai lama has to realize that you cannot use western powers to force China to accept his terms. Didn't work in the past and will never work. Demonizing China by lies like "Chinese Army has slaughters two millions of Tibetans" will only drive away regular Chinese's sympathy on exile Tibetans. He has to realize that no Western powers trully care about Tibetans, all they want is a card to play against China. He should work with Chinese government instead of western government to seek a win-win solution. Time is not on his side. Unfortunately he is not a smart politician and always misjudge the situation. What these people do in Delhi now may cause some China image damage but just makes the overall situation worse.






This was exactly in mind , i guess some Chinese members got ahead.
Why China can't give Tibet the status which they have given to Hongkong. According to me it's win win situation for both parties. Many people will find out childish but again you never know.

This was brought to the table but there are a few problems:

1. Dalai lama wants a Greater-Tibet that includes territories where Tibetan lives historically. This includes places where Han Chinese tranditionally live as well and it pushes to only 40Km to Chengdu, capital cities of Sichuan. There's no way Chinese government will accept this. Be flexible on this demand has to be the first step.

2. The way Dalai Lama worked with CIA and still keep demonizing China by describing current Tibet as a hell on earth gives little room to Chinese government to make any compromise. He needs to soften that tone if he trully wants to negotiate. Chinese government can wait but he cannot.

3. Most Westerners naively believe that all Tibetans want independence. You have to understand there are a lot of Tibetans, probably majorities, benefit from central government's Tibetan policies, at least economically. That's the reason why you only see Monks/Nuns making troubles (Ironically they are on government payroll, a major policy failure). Remember most Tibet's officials are ethnic Tibetans and they probably don't want Dalai Lama to come back so powers go to exile Tibetan group. Not to mention there're other religious sects who are not fond of Dalai Lama's yellow hat sect. Will central government just throw them under bus and give powers to non friendly Dalai Lama?
i wanna ask chinese ppl. if china was a weak country like tibet and someone tried to destroy chinese culture, would that be fair? would u guys be happy to live a life without a nationality or forced to accept one? thats what u did wit tibetiens. they were a free country without a strong army and china invaded it. why? what did u get out of that.

As I mentioned, Tibet problem is a complicated historically, religiously and politically but most people try to make this an angel vs demon problem. First of all, no one wants to destroy Tibetan culture. To destroy a culture, you need to destroy a language or kill them all. None of these two are happening. In this age of globalization, there're external influence, western cultures are well spread in China but it will an exaggeration to say Chinese culture is destroyed. As a matter of fact, there're more western culture influence in Tibet instead of traditionaly Chinese cultures. Also, Tibetan culture is deep and rich, some Han/Hui people living in Lhasa won't change much of its culture considering how big the region is.

I hear so many this "Tibet was a free country before PLA invaded it". I asked several times on this forum if anyone can show me an official map, made by ANY country since year 1700, that's shows Tibet as an independent country. And no one can show me one. So your analogy simply fails without proving your assumption.
Chinese can't debate about tibet so they diverting the topic to avoid it. How pathetic they are? They can't talk about tibet and dream about taking so called " south tibet ". Which is not even tibet.LOL
Chinese can't debate about tibet so they diverting the topic to avoid it. How pathetic they are? They can't talk about tibet and dream about taking so called " south tibet ". Which is not even tibet.LOL

Tibet is part of China,no country in this world denies this fact.but Kashmir is a disputed land.it should be up to its people's choice on which country they like to join in the future.

Do not quote the trolls.. Report them..
"People who live in glass houses should not throw stones",Indians should really learn that,what makes you Indians think that you can be in this position to criticize other countries while your record on this is the worst in the worldl.
Tibetan is our brother. But the man who living in india is not tibetan ,they are indians.
This was brought to the table but there are a few problems:

1. Dalai lama wants a Greater-Tibet that includes territories where Tibetan lives historically. This includes places where Han Chinese tranditionally live as well and it pushes to only 40Km to Chengdu, capital cities of Sichuan. There's no way Chinese government will accept this. Be flexible on this demand has to be the first step.

2. The way Dalai Lama worked with CIA and still keep demonizing China by describing current Tibet as a hell on earth gives little room to Chinese government to make any compromise. He needs to soften that tone if he trully wants to negotiate. Chinese government can wait but he cannot.

3. Most Westerners naively believe that all Tibetans want independence. You have to understand there are a lot of Tibetans, probably majorities, benefit from central government's Tibetan policies, at least economically. That's the reason why you only see Monks/Nuns making troubles (Ironically they are on government payroll, a major policy failure). Remember most Tibet's officials are ethnic Tibetans and they probably don't want Dalai Lama to come back so powers go to exile Tibetan group. Not to mention there're other religious sects who are not fond of Dalai Lama's yellow hat sect. Will central government just throw them under bus and give powers to non friendly Dalai Lama?

If both parties are ready to be flexible then not impossible. let the winner emerged from round table not from guns or bullets :tup:
Monks protests against Dalai Lama
9:46am Friday 30th May 2008
By The Page Turner

Hundreds of Buddhist monks gathered in the centre of Oxford this morning to protest loudly against a visit by the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader.

The Dalai Lama is speaking at the Sheldonian Theatre and about 1,000 members of the Western Shugden Society turned up outside.

The protesters chanted "Dalai Lama stop lying" and other slogans as he arrived for the talk and 9.30am.

The chanting reached fever pitch as the Dalai Lama arrived in a chauffeur-driven vehicle and was escorted into the building.

The society claim the Tibetan leader has banned a traditional Buddhist prayer, while his followers are abusing the human rights of Shugden Buddhists.

The Sheldonian Theatre was cordoned off to members of the public who are not invited to the talk and there was a strong police presence including officers on horseback.

Supporters of the Western Shugden Society are thought to have come to Oxford from as far away as Brazil, New Zealand and Hong Kong.

Many of the demonstrators have been following the Dalai Lama around the UK and protested at his engagements in London and Nottingham in recent weeks.

Kelsang Pema, spokesman for the Western Shugden Society, said: "The demonstration is very loud and we hope the Dalai Lama hears our message.

"When the Dalai Lama was 50, he decided that one very simple and pure spiritual prayer should not longer be regarded as Buddhist.

"But even if he experienced a change of heart himself, he should not have inflicted this on Buddhist communities throughout the world.

"We have tried to petition him peacefully since the 1990s but he will not listen and now people are being expelled from monasteries and schools for trying to practice this prayer."

The demonstration is expected to last until shortly after midday.


Budddhist monks in Oxford this morning

If you think this protest it just a acting than gandhi and Jinnah should be the best actor.....

Shame on you...

A person burned himself and you are calling it acting...


Because only a fool would do that..
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