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Tibetan protest against hu jin tao(pics)

In a country where there's abysmal poverty and starvation everywhere, the shock value of self-immolation dwindles very fast. Everybody else has too much of their own problems to care about exile Tibetans.
In a country where there's abysmal poverty and starvation everywhere, the shock value of self-immolation dwindles very fast. Everybody else has too much of their own problems to care about exile Tibetans.

yeah me too starved.....have not taken meal from 1 month..

see my bones coming out:lol:
In a country where there's abysmal poverty and starvation everywhere, the shock value of self-immolation dwindles very fast. Everybody else has too much of their own problems to care about exile Tibetans.

Why are you so obsessed with the immolation part ? Perhaps because no other rebels in the world have done something like this and you're scared of how strong their will is ?

In India Human life/values and culture are above things like wealth and progress.

All of us Indians know about the Tibetan problem but China is too strong to be challenged militarily by India.

If the Tibetans want freedom badly enough they will get it even if it takes time. I hope some day Chinese ppl go beyond selfishness and realize human values beyond greed and selfishness.


This poor kid is only a victim of an evil teaching!

The whole world must unite and condemn the barbaric and despicable activities of torturing human life in public; must promote human value.

In fact, mistreating human life is how terrorists are taught and trained!

BTW, torture of human life might be accepted by some Indians as some reports showed due to our different upbringings, but it is not conform to overall human value.
Our police only stops them from doing but till it is peaceful protest and not causing huge traffic problem, they don't go harder.

No! It is a violent protest!

A human life is lost, and you call it peaceful!

WTF is some of your Indian’s view!

You can’t even tell violence from peaceful… Indeed as one of your officials said Indians don’t value human life.

50 cents for a placard . 2 dollars for a slogan , 5 yen for shouting and a self blase can earn around 10000 Indian rupees (tax free) and medical expenses covered.

That was the case when Xi Jinping visited US and those pro-Dalai Lama guys were thus paid.

They dont consider themselves as indians and neither we do.
They have hatred towards chinese.so its not possible to keep them here.Although they thank us for keeping them here and for education

I was taught that a true Buddhist has not hatred but love, immense love for all human beings.

Do you attempt to prove to us that Dalai Lama's followers are false Buddhists?
Every thing have its own time and tibet issue is not going to be resolved for atleast 20 years from now.


You got the logic completely wrong!

Tibet issue has been solved for decades via 17 point agreement signed by Dalai Lama group.

They just want to unsolve it now, because CPC gave them too much freedom on wrong side by then CPC boss Hu Yaobang: stupid CPC allows too many temples to be built and too many monks to be raised.

There have been lots of articles in Chinese on this topic. Dude, don’t tell they are 50 cents. Many of them are actually CIA 50 cents who were suppressed by CPC in earlier days and ran away from China and stay in USA and just try to publish a neutral academic research paper.

My study shows, the only solution to “Tibet Issue” ( and Xinjiang issue) is to secularize the whole society and encourage mix/free flow among peoples, meanwhile rationally screw “minority preferential policies”.
I don't see a reaon for trolling, but every one is trolling here? Tibetien people who seeked asylum in INDIA are now INDIANs and not Tibetians anymore, and if they wanted to protest Hu Jinto or any leader they can do so by means of peaceful ways, they can ask for venue and sit their, but self immolation and violance is not the way. The Tibetians in INDIA are now bringing bad name by being violent for a visiting dignitary.
It will be better if China does something about Tibet soon. This kind of resistance can encourage others too. My thinking is that it is best to give some sort of autonomy to Tibet. There is already Hong Kong with one country two systems. So why not Tibet? Afterall both should be treated equally. Actually the benefit could be that giving the special system to Tibet also may encourage even Taiwan to get confidence to join the PRC.

Then automatically communist party can nullify Dalai Lama's influence in Tibet.

Dalia Lama betrayed China more then a few times. The 17pt agreement preserved his god king status. CCP only asked that he make political and land reform.
And what did he do ? He ganged up with China's enemy the CIA and rebel against China.
That was the first betrayal. :devil: He lost and China still open the door for him.:disagree:

Then he close the door during the TAM protest thinking the CCP would collapse like the USSR. That was his second betrayal.:devil: He lost and China still open the door for him.:disagree:

Then in 2008 run up to the Beijing Olympic he degrade and humiliate Chinese by attempting to attack the Olympic torch run. That was his third betrayal.:devil: He lost again.:disagree:

In all honesty. Why China keep leaving the door open for him is :hitwall::hitwall:
honestly I do not understand Dalia Lama's point of view, also in my opinion the self
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