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Tibetan leader to India: make Tibet 'core' issue

India will not go to war with China or Pakistan until it risks destruction. Destruction will not only be in terms of physical damage but also India will disintegrate quickly. This is the problem Indians faced from the onset, hence no progress on Kashmir issue. Despite Kashmiris not in a mood to be under Indian occupation at any cost.

The day Kashmir gone, India will disintegrate very rapidly, it is not a country, historically it always had been small independent states. This artificial country was gifted by the British to the Indians, history proves it. Indian should be thankful to the British for creation of India, and also creating the problem of Kashmir purposefully by fraudulently creating the document, which is never produced by the Indian in International forums.

If India goes to war with China, it risks disintegration. China will not end the war on just Tibet independence issue, it has claims over two states of India. It will take those two states as well. India will start a downward spiral of destruction and disintegration.

Thats why the Indian twice have huffed and puffed to bring the house down, brought their army to the borders with Pakistan, spend few months and then withdrew. They know, the game has changed, Pakistan this time will cause untold destruction to India.

Recently Pakistan has successfully tested battlefield specific, miniature nuclear capable short range Hatif IV missiles. It is a game changer in terms of war, Pakistan is capable of hitting Indian formation and military concentrations with small low yield armaments, blowing away thousands of troops in an instant. It is also working on even smaller depleted uranium based weapons.

As time goes by, the War between India and Pakistan would become impossible, unless India wants complete destruction. Sensible thing for India to do is to let the Kashmiris free. We are cool if they want to join Pakistan or become independent. But one thing is obvious they don't want to be under Indian occupation. It should also settle all the border issues with China. Give back the states which are Chinese land, return back all stolen land belonging to other people and then live in peace with all its neighbors.

Indian should look around, they have not one single regional friend, they have problems with all their neighbors, BD, China, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives. Time for Indian to reflect on their attitude towards its neighbors. If they are relying on USA for support, then they should think twice, USA is playing India against China for its own purposes, it would not worry about your destruction, learn from their behavior.

we are already breaking u apart, u will be sooner knowing that, very sooner
India is the one that turned us into enemies, by hosting our largest separatist group (Tibetan government in exile) in 1959.

Now all you need to do is pray. :azn:

Bear in mind that in 1962, China and India had similar sized economies. Today, China's economy is FOUR times bigger than India's economy, with commensurate military spending.

India didn't have nuclear bombs then

Our military was almost non-existent and very inexperienced .

Not so today .

I agree with you 100%. :tup:

Let's see the Indian leaders grow a pair of balls, and say it openly this time. I am looking forward to it!
We already said Kashmir is to us what Tibet is to you Dance? What did your govt do then?
God these Chinese are such egoists....stay to the ground mate.
we are already breaking u apart, u will be sooner knowing that, very sooner

Keep dreaming, once USA withdrawn from Afghanistan, you will see the change. Change you will not be able to stop at any cost. Your number is next, don't you worry about it. USSR defeated USA defeated, could not control Afghanistan after 10 years and spending billions. What is India, in comparison?
Think about it, instead of boosting.
Don't know much about Tibet.But Chakrata in Uttarakhand is very secretive they,I experienced DPRK in India over there.
An Air base in Mongolia would serve us great...!( I CAN SEE THIS HAPPENING IN next 5-15 years) BE NICE TO YOUR NEIGHBOSRS, I, to counter your so called "string of pearls"

This is kind of a stupid wishful thinking.
firstly, im in the USA
and before anyone brings it up i a all for internet freedom

second, Dude you learn to use the internet
Kashmir still on UNSC dispute list: UN|Times of Bombay

also go look at any map made by the UN or other international organizations
CIA fackbook also agrees with me


UNITED NATIONS – The United Nations Tuesday set the record straight when it declared that the Jammu and Kashmir dispute remains on the UN Security Council’s agenda, while rejecting as “inaccurate” that it has been removed from the list of unresolved issues.
“Some articles today on Kashmir are inaccurate,” UN Spokesman Farhan Haq said, referring to those reports, especially in Indian media.

Kashmir still on UNSC dispute list: UN | Times of Bombay
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