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Three attacks in Lahore - Attackers killed, Hostages Rescued, Operation Successful!

do n t know what going on but these are the element of CIA and raw .Taliban are not organized to carry out these kind of attacks.
training of these terrorist clearly show the role of behind the enemy line tactics.
Probably around 20 terrorists striking 3 places in Lahore area. This is becoming almost a daily thing now. We havent seen any serious preemptive action lately against these scumbags who are now striking at will almost.
Two terrorists with suicide jackets were arrested yesterday or the day before from Lahore. Could have been part of the teams that launched these attacks or might have had a fourth location in mind.

If they were part of the three teams then it could be possible that the arrests pushed the attackers into launching the attacks early, before interrogations could reveal anything.

Impressive work by the Pakistani security forces. To wrap up three simultaneous inside four hours or so...very impressive.
Unfortunately, getting too much real time training.
Aftab Sherpao (Pakistan Peoples Party -Sherpao Group), mentioned that there is little to no coordination between the provincial CID's and national intelligence agencies.

In particular he mentioned the Punjab CID as being extremely effective, and stressed the need to set up an intelligence sharing and coordinating mechanism.

Given that the links between the terrorist groups in the various provinces are clear, such an intelligence coordination mechanism is way overdue.

There really needs to be a strong focus on using the media to create awareness amongst the public as well.
In fact, Rehman Malik just appealing to the people, especially the youth, that given that almost everyone has a mobile phone, if you see suspicious activity, take a picture take a video and send an SMS to the authorities so they can follow up.

Said that they received a lot of tips in Karachi this way that resulted in some gangs being busted. In one case he said that a person realized that a very high amount of food was being taken into a particular house, and reported it, which resulted in a terrorist group being busted.
do n t know what going on but these are the element of CIA and raw .Taliban are not organized to carry out these kind of attacks.
training of these terrorist clearly show the role of behind the enemy line tactics.

Please lets not start the blame game again, this act of violence is totally unacceptable and must be condemned in everyway. Hats of the forces of pakistan for executing the operation of so efficiently. Again its time for everyone to push for peace in south asia and get rid of this terrorism issue that is plaguing everyone's growth. Inshallah we will have peace soon in south asia and the future will be very very bright :cheers:
do n t know what going on but these are the element of CIA and raw .Taliban are not organized to carry out these kind of attacks.
training of these terrorist clearly show the role of behind the enemy line tactics.
If you don't what is going on, try to find out and only then post. Thanks
Breaking news - 2 terrorists arrested in Islamabad with grenades and suicide vests.

Third individual managed to get away.

Given the MO of these recent attacks, there probably are more.
We all know that the only way out of this mess is a clean up of waziristan and it seems that majority of the nation will support such an operation and would want the army to begin asap. I hope PA and COAS think the time is now, too but if not then they should only proceed when they think they're ready or when the time is right. They're the experts not us.
Internal security and law enforcement agencies failure has also been mentioned and rightfully so but I still think they're doing more than what they can and their hands are just too full. This home insurgency, these terrorists are imbedded in our society, they come or rise from our society for the most part and the only way to fight your own in your own home is when our people wake up. Wake up Pakistani people and recognize these terrorists living among you and report them to the authorties.
Isolate yourself from them and our fight against them will become easier. The house the terrorists used to attack on GHQ had little to no windows anti army slogans were written in the room and could be read from outside, their activities seemed suspicious to the people living there and yet, they didnot report them. We're not gonna win like thar w/o ppl's support or coopertion. I'm a cop and I know that without any kind of intelligence on the ground in the form civilian/public you can't fully stop a rogue/terror organization. Make it easy for public when they offer their help, send cops to them ask them nicely, hey any out of the ordinary thing going on in your mohala/street etc. Advertise easy to remember phone #s on tv, papers, billboards, busses etc for public to make anonymous tips (no ten digit # keep a nice and easy short three digit number) God, I should get intouch w/a Pakistani law enforecemeny officer and forward these suggestions but these are common sense anyway.
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security forces have done well to control the situation. i must congratulate them. but if they had preempted these attacks, they could have won more laurels. one thing is clear from the recent attacks, that the banned Kashmiri militant organizations and sectarian militant groups are in well coordination with TTP and carrying out these attacks. Gun battle is not the hallmark of TTP, TTP is better at suicide attacks. but these groups who are mainly settled in Punjab are best at gun fights. Pakistan made a great mistake after banning Kashmiri and sectarian militants groups back in the Musharraf time by not rehabilitating them. you cannot just leave a brainwashed militant to roam around the country. Pakistan, up till now, has tolerated these groups for one reason or the other. also pakistan has so far failed to develop a comprehensive national security strategy. leaving everything for army will not solve the problem. many of these incidents and terrorists could be dealt with by police or its elite commandos. strict action is needed against JM, LeT, LJ, SSP, HM, and other such groups. gone are the days when these groups could have been of any benefit viz a viz Kashmir or Afghanistan.
What a bunch of brainless idiots are these TTP pussies!

Mission after mission to create havoc is failing miserably with each one of these pussies getting shot due to the sheer competence and training of our armed and security forces. Not only that; the public is not scared anymore & they want the heads of these dikheds on a platter! The attacks on police centers is having the opposite effect on the morale of our forces.

The current Mehsood leadership seem to be seriously lacking braincells whereas strategy is concerned! Guess such incompetency and stupidity runs in the family of Mehsoods!

Add some more lies in your self made sharia

You win the title of LIARS KINGS

Yeah right!!

How many salfi scholars you ever met in your life? I met four of them..

So i know what salf's teachings are, even go to some salf QA website, and ask any other normal sunni about it. both will reply same... but problem is you are blinded by hater to salfis, and even you have no harm in calling them wahabis which was actually given name by the westerns.

Lastly, i don't believe in any sect, and this is why i speak to every sect scholar to know what they say about some topic... unlike you who come to a forum and start speaking rubish for someone who you don't know, just because your extreme mentality can't think out of the picture, you are hear for the agenda to throw your hater out again and again... we all saw from the day one, how you make up things, which you can't even justify like here i simply asked your own logic you couldn't justify, and start calling me a liar... np... May be this is how you grown up. there is no difference between TTP and You, both are blinded by the hatered and can't see the reality around them..
I think there numbers in the metro cities look very high. May be they have entered in the big cities.

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