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Three attacks in Lahore - Attackers killed, Hostages Rescued, Operation Successful!

Well, Mumbai was different operation..commandos had to take care of huge hotel with terrorists hidden in rooms etc.I think the indian commandos performed well.The elite force is trained by SSG's.
Hats-Off to this guys. Was comparing this to our response to mumbai attack!! ...... are your elite team trained by US (curious ... dont mean to flame !) ?

Those Elite Teams are trained by SSG.
I like the comment of Hassan Nisar on Geo:
This are attempts of last breathings of terrorist(Nazza ka alam tari hai in malunon par).
Certainly they let know the Expected Operation in their GHQ(wazaristan),so they are doing that one attempt before death.Their wahabi bhais in punjab doing services for them.One internal operation would also need to plan against laskhar,sipah and jaishe terrorist in punjab
Hats-Off to this guys. Was comparing this to our response to mumbai attack!! ...... are your elite team trained by US (curious ... dont mean to flame !) ?

All Elite Police forces are trained by SSG and Pakistan Army.
Taliban or terrorists are playing psychological games...hitting sensitive targets in desperation means they want to show the authorities that how powerful they are but again as I said its all in desperation and hopefully throwing last dice on the board.

Pak Army infact have choaked them in waziristan and I guess its about time for a decisive assualt on these takfiris.

Hats off to our armed forces and shaheeds...take them on the whole nation is behind you.
the probleum seems to me, is this, after the capture of DR,usman from GHQ attack , there was a major carack down in the punjab, specialy from lahore , where a cell leader, KAMRAN BALOCH, has been captured, now for terrorists there is only one way, which is to lanch an attack , take hostages & demand the release of thier commanders, i guss they are trying to do this stunt!
but, there is another way, which they dont accept because , of thier fear inside thier hearts that, they will be killed durring the investigations, & this fear was put in by some kind of "BIG MULLAHA" , who gave them the directions , that you fight & even die for the cause you will become shaheed & you will be in haevan, but if you surrender you, will get a death of a pig!
therefore the mind set of attackers , is clear try & try !
till get, the desired results.:sick::angry:

there is a important , need to get a signal accross, by taking one of the captured commanders comming on media & denouncing thier activities, it will make a way , who were now in no mans land!;)
Just saw a new cliping on GEO that first stage of waziristan operation has jut been kicked off.
I simply cant wait for the Waziristan operation. At the same time we need a low-level operation in South Punjab. They should bring all these mofos at one place, strap suicide vest to each and send them to where they wanted to be sent.

Low level operation in Punjab wont do any good.

Go all out there too as well as Wazirisitan
Lahore police HC. Terrorists get traning by RAW in Afghanistan. Why does India have traning center near Pakistan border when they say they were not allowed? There were not attacks like that before 9/11 but after USA attacked Afghanistan and Indian got free hands in Afghanistan these attack started. How is this possible ? Karzai said he will close those centers but havnt done that yet.

Mr.420! pehlay apnay ghar ke khabar loo(Your own pamper need to change).
People like u use to exploit by dodging with US,India,Islam of taliban.

Recent terrorist attackers are not coming from Afghanistan or FATA,they all are taliban allies in punjab doing their training job on shia community for last two decades.
their mullahs are in parliament who were blackmailing Govt. for last many years.
Well done to your local security forces and SSG troops involved in these operations.

Equally to Bezerk and Ejaz 007 for keeping us dispassionately informed and maintaining some levity lacking by one of the staff.

"...are your elite team trained by US (curious ... dont mean to flame !)?"

We've conducted some extensive "train the trainers" activities in the last year, particularly during the summer of 2008 with your SSG forces, but I STRONGLY doubt that such training was directed toward urban CT operations.

More likely our trainers were passing on our experiences in COIN-related military operations or very specific technical training involving communications equipment used to assist CAS...

Everybody culls from everybody else these days and behind-the-scenes exchanges occur damned near routinely by those nat'l forces most commonly affected by such. You've long since placed your own unique touch and developed your own TTPs (tactics, techniques, and procedures).

Again, congratulations.
Baidiyan Police Training Center has been cleared. The operation's been a success. All Hostages have been rescued, and all terrorists have been killed. Three of the terrorists blew themselves up as a last resort. No security personnel were killed in this operation.

Search operation is underway.

I was like WTF another attack! but its good to know that there were no casualties. :)

Kudos and congrats to security forces :victory:
Mr.420! pehlay apnay ghar ke khabar loo(Your own pamper need to change).
People like u use to exploit by dodging with US,India,Islam of taliban.

Recent terrorist attackers are not coming from Afghanistan or FATA,they all are taliban allies in punjab doing their training job on shia community for last two decades.
their mullahs are in parliament who were blackmailing Govt. for last many years.

Oh come on man This is not a fight of Shias and Sunnis any more its a war against the Muslims of Pakistan by these delusional fools these talibans. And if you cant accept that fact then you are more ignorant then them. No need to bring in the Shia Sunni debate into this, we are all one, and we have a common enemy. We always did but for some reason we just cant see beyond our own egos.
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