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Three attacks in Lahore - Attackers killed, Hostages Rescued, Operation Successful!

Do you have any idea who these terrorist-sympathizing scumbags within the military could be?

I would think the support for TTP and other jihadis within the Army must've been marginalized considering the terrorist scumbags were desperate enough to target GHQ. However, there still might be a few dangerous rats within the ranks.

what happend to all that were in the army supporting these Terrroist where are they now Last weeks Terrorist attack shows a different side.
They are Taliban no.
They are TTP.... no doubt.
They have indian and US wepons..... no doubt.
They come from Afghanistan..... no doubt.
They go back to Afghanistan....no doubt.

Batman if u have Money you can Buy weapons from any where question you should be asking who is giving them Money who is finnaicing there adventures.

How do the come into pakistani cities without being detected with weapons how do the go back to afghanistan without being caught?
Taliban and Al-Qaeeda are friendly to india and US. They are only enimies of Pakistan.

What about recent indian buildup on borders and your history of invading Pakistan in such situations?

Can you provide me any proof for this allegations???last time i checked it was Pakistan who was supporting Taliban and its cute cousin Al-Quida in Afghanistan....

Well are we really wanna go to that topic??i am sure that it will end in a mud throwing contest.. open a new thread we can discuss it there
An interesting Fact. IIRC Badien is home to 10 div and this helped the army to reach the situation in time.


Paramilitary soldiers rush to take up defensive positions outside a police training centre.— Photo by AFP

To those who do not know it, the soldiers in Khakis are from Rangers whereas the soldiers in Camo are from Army(except for the bomb disposal squad).
Remember the news about Army training normal cops(other than the elite force already trained by SSG) in COIN role,well QRF is the result of it(the police guys in the picture above).

Army soldiers are deployed to Elite Police Academy on Bedian Road after the training center was attacked by gunmen.
Batman if u have Money you can Buy weapons from any where question you should be asking who is giving them Money who is finnaicing there adventures.
Any where!!! if it so than those kiosks should be also targeted.
I hope you know it involves military grade explosives and some electronics.
Not to forget that Pak security forces were denied night vision googles and bullet proof waists.

How do the come into pakistani cities without being detected with weapons how do the go back to afghanistan without being caught?
We clearly know how US embassy was smuggling in gernade launchers and anti aircraft guns!
For me the question is how and why they come in to the country....once they are in the country no effective check can be made to there distribution in to various cities.
It applies to all world countries.... smuggling can only be checked at borders...beyond borders there are no circles of security.
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Pakistan struck by fresh attacks
(watch video)

A series of attacks on security forces in Pakistan has killed at least 38 people, officials say.

In Lahore, militants attacked offices of the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA), as well as two police training centres. At least 26 people died.

In the northern town of Kohat, 11 were killed in a car bomb attack on police. Later a bomb in nearby Peshawar in the north-west killed at least one child.

Humphrey Hawksley reports on the recent rise in violence in the country.

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Any where!!! if it so than those kiosks should be also targeted.
I hope you know it involves military grade explosives and some electronics.
Not to forget that Pak security forces were denied night vision googles and bullet proof waists.

We clearly know how US embassy was smuggling in gernade launchers and anti aircraft guns!
For me the question is how and why they come in to the country....once they are in the country no effective check can be made to there distribution in to various cities.
It applies to all world countries.... smuggling can only be checked at borders...beyond borders there are no circles of security.

What Musharraf represented or what this present government is all about in the form of the establishment comes with a historical and visible baggage. It is thus a target that can be clearly seen, pinpointed and attacked, whereas extremism remains an elusive enemy. Some would even go to the extent of negating its very existence, in spite of the ubiquitous sights of blood, bodies and limbs quivering on blackened streets. So, it is not general apathy or distracted energies of the people that the extremists are feeding on; it is a collective case of denial on the part of an increasing number of Pakistanis that is strengthening the extremists. A denial made worse by the animated apologists found babbling and foaming incoherent and unsubstantiated drivel across the many TV screens and channels of the nation.
Yeah right!!

How many salfi scholars you ever met in your life? I met four of them..

So i know what salf's teachings are, even go to some salf QA website, and ask any other normal sunni about it. both will reply same... but problem is you are blinded by hater to salfis, and even you have no harm in calling them wahabis which was actually given name by the westerns.

Lastly, i don't believe in any sect, and this is why i speak to every sect scholar to know what they say about some topic... unlike you who come to a forum and start speaking rubish for someone who you don't know, just because your extreme mentality can't think out of the picture, you are hear for the agenda to throw your hater out again and again... we all saw from the day one, how you make up things, which you can't even justify like here i simply asked your own logic you couldn't justify, and start calling me a liar... np... May be this is how you grown up. there is no difference between TTP and You, both are blinded by the hatered and can't see the reality around them..

The best answer I read ... Nicely put my borther .... :tup::tup:
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Mr.AnGrz_Z_K_Jailer, no one forced you to come here. India is supporting terrorism in Pakistan. There are RAW agents embedded in Indian Telecommunication companies. The dynamite previously used to attack ISI Offices in Lahore was traced back to Indian Road Construction Companies in Afghanistan. It matched the same dynamite that Indian companies are using to blast rocks for building roads. Mr. Indian there are many double agents who get trained by RAW, but RAW is not smart enough to know that they can also go and disclose all of the covert oops info. Even Indian Embassy in Kabul is used for covert oops. India will have to pay a heavy price in the coming future.:pakistan:

India is not brave enough to fight Pakistan and that is what it did in East Pakistan through Muqti Bani and that is what it is doing now, but India is forgetting that Maoists are spread on 43% Indian States.:bounce:
I don't understand what is going on here. A spate of attacks in just a few days and no excessive reaction by those in control?

If this was any other nation in the world there would be a full curtailing of activities on a grand scale.

Why is a state of emergency not being commenced?

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