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Thousands protest trial of Turkish officers


Dec 27, 2009
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Thousands of people have joined military wives to protest the trial of 196 officers accused of an alleged secularist plot to bring down Turkey’s government.

Around 15,000 people gathered at the mausoleum of the founder of the Turkish republic on Saturday despite heavy rain. They shouted slogans denouncing the trial and Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Islamic-oriented government.

The protest comes a week after a court in Istanbul ordered 163 of the 196 high-ranking retired and active-duty officers accused in the alleged conspiracy jailed pending the outcome of the trial.

The government says the trial is strengthening democracy in Turkey. Critics say the trial aims to intimidate opponents and claim much of the evidence against the officers is fabricated.


Short URL: Thousands protest trial of Turkish officers | TRDEFENCE
Let the Trial take place, whoever is innocent will come out as not guilty.

Thats just great i wonder who is running the military right now ? 1/10th of our commanding force is now in jail facing trial. Way to shutdown our military and put it in utter disarray. This nonsense has gone on long enough its really time for more people to take to the streets and say enough.
Turkey has come a long way now on the path of democracy and powerful AKP govt is going in right direction to show the armed forces that enough is enough after overthrow of popular govts one one after other in last few decades by west and Israel supported generals who don't want welfare of their own people but to fill their own pockets like Husni Mubarak, Bin Ali, Gaddafi etc doing in arab world.

They must concentrate on countering PKK and safeguard of borders. Turkish people will decide about constitution, selection of govts by democratic process etc.
This Jigs is continuing on this spree of pro-ergenekon propoganda, im getting tired of it. If you are so happy about a military regime i urge you to look at North Korea, that is a perfect model for your preferences. The military has for too long gotten involved in politics, they need to get their dirty hands out of the public. The people have spoken. And btw today the Turkish military is developing faster than ever, due to progress in the economic sphere, we have got some level of self-confidence which was nowhere to be seen just 10 years ago.
i dont support the ergenekon..
but i do support the trails for the people that tried ergenekon.
and i do support military having some power in politics.
politics itself are just friends between them.
where citizen dont have a right to say untill elections.
plus..our military needs alot of power EVEN MORE then it has right now..
because we have.. greece,russia,cyprus,armenia,israel as enemies.
so having military in politics will do good.
politics is bullshit..
its just a game..
the real deal is always done by the military.
This Jigs is continuing on this spree of pro-ergenekon propoganda, im getting tired of it. If you are so happy about a military regime i urge you to look at North Korea, that is a perfect model for your preferences. The military has for too long gotten involved in politics, they need to get their dirty hands out of the public. The people have spoken. And btw today the Turkish military is developing faster than ever, due to progress in the economic sphere, we have got some level of self-confidence which was nowhere to be seen just 10 years ago.

N korea---wo wo wo
Just look at Pakistan. The despicable government servants wearing army uniform ruined our country--not all but some.

Pakistan should be the perfect example for you.
well,millions of people support the trial..this country doesnt belong to some idiots who consider themselves as "elits" and "real patriots"..these country belongs to the people of Turkey..if they are guilty they will be imrisoned,if not they will be free..

the strong military doent refer to a military involved in politics..if so we can say we were so powerful in 1980..most of the Turkish people dont want the military in politics..after the e-muhtıra incident,turkish voters gave them a great lesson..
This Jigs is continuing on this spree of pro-ergenekon propoganda, im getting tired of it. If you are so happy about a military regime i urge you to look at North Korea, that is a perfect model for your preferences. The military has for too long gotten involved in politics, they need to get their dirty hands out of the public. The people have spoken. And btw today the Turkish military is developing faster than ever, due to progress in the economic sphere, we have got some level of self-confidence which was nowhere to be seen just 10 years ago.

Well said.
This Jigs is continuing on this spree of pro-ergenekon propoganda, im getting tired of it. If you are so happy about a military regime i urge you to look at North Korea, that is a perfect model for your preferences. The military has for too long gotten involved in politics, they need to get their dirty hands out of the public. The people have spoken. And btw today the Turkish military is developing faster than ever, due to progress in the economic sphere, we have got some level of self-confidence which was nowhere to be seen just 10 years ago.

What happened the other thread was too much so you jumped in this one ? Alright then why don't you start by actually proving to me ergenekon even exists then we can actually discuss weather i am pro or against them. The military has for too long been fixing parties who ideologies and motives run counter to the constitution of this country who follows Ataturk's principals and just for your knowledge since you do need it anyone who is against its principals is fair game to the military so the legal bases unlike what is happening in these arrests and the internal disarray being plotted in our military. Its also quite clearly stated in the first 3 articles which can not be altered or amended what Turkey is . We had far more self efficiency under Ataturk and the self efficiency now is a result of the Cyprus embargo. There have been many developments in the 80s and 90s and it is continuing today. Too bad we no longer have the necessary command structure to use these arms considering our Navy right now is in complete lack of command structure (No submarine command or northern sea command or southern sea command at this point they are all jailed) Also you should actually read into some of those coups especially the 1980s one and see what it did for Turkey and the overwhelming support it had. Also plz for god sakes open your eyes and see that there are now close to 50 journalists in jail for criticizing the government and more then 500 facing persecution i am sure this is also democratic and in line with EU accords.

We are ranked at 138th out of 178 according to the press freedom index at this point and dropping fast.
What happened the other thread was too much so you jumped in this one ? Alright then why don't you start by actually proving to me ergenekon even exists then we can actually discuss weather i am pro or against them. The military has for too long been fixing parties who ideologies and motives run counter to the constitution of this country who follows Ataturk's principals and just for your knowledge since you do need it anyone who is against its principals is fair game to the military so the legal bases unlike what is happening in these arrests and the internal disarray being plotted in our military. Its also quite clearly stated in the first 3 articles which can not be altered or amended what Turkey is . We had far more self efficiency under Ataturk and the self efficiency now is a result of the Cyprus embargo. There have been many developments in the 80s and 90s and it is continuing today. Too bad we no longer have the necessary command structure to use these arms considering our Navy right now is in complete lack of command structure (No submarine command or northern sea command or southern sea command at this point they are all jailed) Also you should actually read into some of those coups especially the 1980s one and see what it did for Turkey and the overwhelming support it had. Also plz for god sakes open your eyes and see that there are now close to 50 journalists in jail for criticizing the government and more then 500 facing persecution i am sure this is also democratic and in line with EU accords.

We are ranked at 138th out of 178 according to the press freedom index at this point and dropping fast.

Those journalists arent in jails for critzising the government, but they are accused for various other reasons, which has nothing to do with AKP. What do i have to open my eyes for?

That Kurds are being recognized (increasng Kurdish rights during their period)
That our industry is growing rapidly?
That the military can't plan and execute their dirty games anymore?
That people are contended with the governments implementations? (look at the referandum)
That Democracy is intensifying (look at the development of Freedom House Index, which is the most credible measure)
That we are experiencing the best economic time of the whole republic?
That women can chose to wear hijab when attending universities?
And the list goes on...

EDIT: Btw do you know why we score so bad in press freedom? That is exactly because of your deities that stronghold your nationalist beliefs, taken from the Press Freedom official site "Ataturk, the Army, the issue of minorities (Kurds, Armenians, etc.) and the Nation’s dignity are all taboo subjects in Turkey. Several thousand websites are blocked, including the well-known YouTube, raising protests within the country. Bloggers and surfers who express their views freely on such topics are running the risk of reprisals."

You see, critisizing Ataturk or national beliefs results in being jailed and are a taboo case. That is why we need a true reform, where we can freely talk about our dictator withoout getting jailed!
Those journalists arent in jails for critzising the government, but they are accused for various other reasons, which has nothing to do with AKP. What do i have to open my eyes for?

Turkey jails 3 journalists on coup allegation
Associated Press
Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses the lawmakers of his Islamic-rooted Justice and Development Party at the parliament in Ankara, Turkey, Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2011. Erdogan rejected allegations by the opposition that his government was trying to silence critics through intimidation after a court ruling jailed 10 percent of the country's generals on charges of plotting to overthrow the government. On Monday, police raided a dissident news website, the Oda TV, in Istanbul and detained its owner, journalist Soner Yalcin, and three colleagues for questioning for alleged links to the coup-plotters.
Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan addresses the lawmakers of his Islamic-rooted Justice and Development Party at the parliament in Ankara, Turkey, Tuesday, Feb. 15, 2011. Erdogan rejected allegations by the opposition that his government was trying to silence critics through intimidation after a court ruling jailed 10 percent of the country's generals on charges of plotting to overthrow the government. On Monday, police raided a dissident news website, the Oda TV, in Istanbul and detained its owner, journalist Soner Yalcin, and three colleagues for questioning for alleged links to the coup-plotters.

More News

A Turkish court on Friday jailed three journalists on charges of links to what the Islamic-rooted government calls a network plotting its overthrow, in a case that critics say is part of an assault on press freedom in the country.

You should open your eyes so you can read i would think.

That Kurds are being recognized (increasng Kurdish rights during their period)

Kurds were always recognized as long as it didn't run into multiculturalism we see having completely failed in European states which every party in
Turkey is against which isn't Kurdish so that isn't much of a point.

That our industry is growing rapidly?

It has been growing for quite some time. So has unemployment if you have been watching the news you would see the university protests because they can't find work which the government has criticized quite hypocritically i might add. The unemployment rate is at 14% atm even higher then Pakistan.

That the military can't plan and execute their dirty games anymore?
The military is what protects the nation i bet you live abroad and avoid conscription don't you ?

That people are contended with the governments implementations? (look at the referandum)
Look at the demographics of votes and that video i posted will make far more sense. We have millions who can't read in this country.

That Democracy is intensifying (look at the development of Freedom House Index, which is the most credible measure)
No reporters without borders is quite credible and far more active. Last time i checked Freedom house had turkey as a partly free country.

That we are experiencing the best economic time of the whole republic?
We are in a better economic state however many problems still exist.

That women can chose to wear hijab when attending universities?
And the list goes on...

No they can't its been blocked by the courts. It is against the constitution and against secularism.

EDIT: Btw do you know why we score so bad in press freedom? That is exactly because of your deities that stronghold your nationalist beliefs, taken from the Press Freedom official site "Ataturk, the Army, the issue of minorities (Kurds, Armenians, etc.) and the Nation’s dignity are all taboo subjects in Turkey. Several thousand websites are blocked, including the well-known YouTube, raising protests within the country. Bloggers and surfers who express their views freely on such topics are running the risk of reprisals."

You see, critisizing Ataturk or national beliefs results in being jailed and are a taboo case. That is why we need a true reform, where we can freely talk about our dictator withoout getting jailed!

First of all i never supported the blocking of youtube nor putting up statues of Ataturk it is against secularism to force these things or idolize figures. However if people themselves want to do it then there isn't a problem. Even the CHP does not support the Youtube blocking. Calling Ataturk a dictator pretty much lost what credibility you had what are you 15 or something ? I can only argue so long with someone that has no understanding of his own country. Your free to criticize who you like but plz do it in a manner which is accurate. Alas i think its best i leave this topic as i have made my points in previous posts along with this one quite well.
You should open your eyes so you can read i would think.

Kurds were always recognized as long as it didn't run into multiculturalism we see having completely failed in European states which every party in
Turkey is against which isn't Kurdish so that isn't much of a point.

It has been growing for quite some time. So has unemployment if you have been watching the news you would see the university protests because they can't find work which the government has criticized quite hypocritically i might add. The unemployment rate is at 14% atm even higher then Pakistan.

The military is what protects the nation i bet you live abroad and avoid conscription don't you ?

Look at the demographics of votes and that video i posted will make far more sense. We have millions who can't read in this country.

No reporters without borders is quite credible and far more active. Last time i checked Freedom house had turkey as a partly free country.

We are in a better economic state however many problems still exist.

No they can't its been blocked by the courts. It is against the constitution and against secularism.

First of all i never supported the blocking of youtube nor putting up statues of Ataturk it is against secularism to force these things or idolize figures. However if people themselves want to do it then there isn't a problem. Even the CHP does not support the Youtube blocking. Calling Ataturk a dictator pretty much lost what credibility you had what are you 15 or something ? I can only argue so long with someone that has no understanding of his own country. Your free to criticize who you like but plz do it in a manner which is accurate. Alas i think its best i leave this topic as i have made my points in previous posts along with this one quite well.
Iran >>>> Pakistan >>>> Turkey. The story goes on. Islam and secularism are mutually incompatible. The ghost of Zia-ul-Haque must be turning over in his grave.
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