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Thousands protest trial of Turkish officers

Did you not read post 20 i already addressed this. Posting it over again doesn't alter anything. However i am sure starting war with Greece and bombing mosques is totally probable 100% that had to be the plan. Go to war with another country and bomb mosques=???=Overthrowing the government. Note sarcasm on if you didn't get it.
Juntas existed in our army before. Why do you resist to acknowledge that fact and still deny there could be chance for another one?
Thats just great i wonder who is running the military right now ? 1/10th of our commanding force is now in jail facing trial. Way to shutdown our military and put it in utter disarray. This nonsense has gone on long enough its really time for more people to take to the streets and say enough.

in democracies, anyone can be trial and armies run by civil authorities.
and in TSK there are more than 350 general/admiral serving right now ( required 301 )
and there is nothing to worry all we can do is trust the justice and see what happens.
otherwise how we could reach high democratic standards?
These arrests are a joke! The first and upmost priority of military organizations is to defend their country from foreign as well as domestic threats - no exceptions made. Erdogan despised the securlarism state before he even entered politics, so one can savely say he was already prejudged and resistant on rational influence on this matter. It's hypocritical to say the military has no business in political affairs but on the other hand tolerate passing bills based on religious emotions in the country's parliament.
That said, Erdogan mind-played the people by making them vote during the last referendum to change the constitution and enforce more "enhanced demoracy". Adding additional things to the referendum like more women rights, child protection and persecuting former coup leaders sounds like an ideal choice to vote for. Though women- and children rights were already in the constitution and always enforced by courts, but fooling the naive people he made it sound like they never existed.
Nowadays even more women and unfortunatly kids are abused and killed - and this is not some propaganda because I despise the current political leadership in Turkey - it's in papers and news channels every day. Just yesterday one of Erdogan's AKP municipality official in some region visited a mosque and liked an antique clock which he promised to have repaired, but never returned as it "belonged" to him now. The opposition parties have a HUGE list of such offences being made by the AKP but (not surprised) they're not being investigated, as they already have diplomatic immunity and own law enforcement.
It's ironic to see calls of unjustice and undemocratic incidents are rising to the roof with the AKP at rule than before Erdogan came to office.
Now a handful of terrorists killing Turkish soldiers, Erdogan's reaction was: "Let's wait till Ramadan is over"...............how retarded can you get.
If that's the case it's simple get journalists to visit mosque, and interview the imam, and show it to the people of turkey. Is CHP or MHP so weak that they cannot grab such stories and blow them out of proportions ? Go for it. I am positive that there are minor governors or such who abuse the power of their station, but they should be held accountable. But remember it's not only in AKP these abuser exists, MHP, CHP, BDP and everywhere.
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