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Thousands protest trial of Turkish officers

You should open your eyes so you can read i would think.

Kurds were always recognized as long as it didn't run into multiculturalism we see having completely failed in European states which every party in
Turkey is against which isn't Kurdish so that isn't much of a point.

It has been growing for quite some time. So has unemployment if you have been watching the news you would see the university protests because they can't find work which the government has criticized quite hypocritically i might add. The unemployment rate is at 14% atm even higher then Pakistan.

The military is what protects the nation i bet you live abroad and avoid conscription don't you ?

Look at the demographics of votes and that video i posted will make far more sense. We have millions who can't read in this country.

No reporters without borders is quite credible and far more active. Last time i checked Freedom house had turkey as a partly free country.

We are in a better economic state however many problems still exist.

No they can't its been blocked by the courts. It is against the constitution and against secularism.

First of all i never supported the blocking of youtube nor putting up statues of Ataturk it is against secularism to force these things or idolize figures. However if people themselves want to do it then there isn't a problem. Even the CHP does not support the Youtube blocking. Calling Ataturk a dictator pretty much lost what credibility you had what are you 15 or something ? I can only argue so long with someone that has no understanding of his own country. Your free to criticize who you like but plz do it in a manner which is accurate. Alas i think its best i leave this topic as i have made my points in previous posts along with this one quite well.

There you go again, you can't even tolerate my personal views or that of millions of people's concerning Mustafa Kemal. "Either you like him or you are not a part of this country", as long as you have that mentality I sir, can't have a proper discussion with you.

you are always accusing people for being childish etc..but i suspect that you havent read any book about Turkish late history except the history book you read in high-school..utter ignorance!!

here is your idol :)
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Trial shows democracy at work or else it would portray military as in control of every affairs to over take over come a civilian elected Govt that is just not good for the image of Turkey in the western world without taking about how any pro Islam govt is hated in the western world. What would have it look like to throw them in jail without trial another finger pointing from the whole world.
There you go again, you can't even tolerate my personal views or that of millions of people's concerning Mustafa Kemal. "Either you like him or you are not a part of this country", as long as you have that mentality I sir, can't have a proper discussion with you.

You can have any type of personal view on anyone you like but don't expect someone to just accept that your calling the nations founder a dictator your going to get called out and criticized on it. It shows you utter lack of knowledge. I have laid out many concerns that have not been addressed and nitpicking things to answer would give me the correct impression that yes it seems a proper discussion on this can't be had.
@Ovarel Negative i have no interest in people like that. Ovarel your really one the talk the last time we had a discussion where i educated you i was met trolling. Actions speak for themselves.
I do not understand. Why should the Army intervene to "protect secularism", when you live in a democracy? If the AK Party does things which you don't like, why don't you vote them out at the next elections? The army can come in by force if the AK Party tries to interfere with the democratic process and rig the votes, but otherwise they should keep out. Let me ask you something, all the secular countries that you admire so much, is there any country among them which allows the Army to just come in when they please and to disrupt the democratic process? In all Western countries, people have nightmares if the government tries to take a census, never mind the Army taking over!
^^ Generals are the saviours of human kind. Army knows better than masses.
I mean, they act like that---
Iran >>>> Pakistan >>>> Turkey. The story goes on. Islam and secularism are mutually incompatible. The ghost of Zia-ul-Haque must be turning over in his grave.

first of all learn to spell correctly, and you are entitled to your hindu views, its your opinion...
You can have any type of personal view on anyone you like but don't expect someone to just accept that your calling the nations founder a dictator your going to get called out and criticized on it. It shows you utter lack of knowledge. I have laid out many concerns that have not been addressed and nitpicking things to answer would give me the correct impression that yes it seems a proper discussion on this can't be had.

I don't see him as Turkey' founder, Turkey is only the successor for Ottoman. Our history goes way back, which was way much more succesfull. Since the creation of the Republic (Especially after M. Kemal) Turkey has been a failure, except the last decade.
I don't see him as Turkey' founder, Turkey is only the successor for Ottoman. Our history goes way back, which was way much more succesfull. Since the creation of the Republic (Especially after M. Kemal) Turkey has been a failure, except the last decade.

Huh ? He is the founder of Turkey and this is a fact not a opinion or a certain viewpoint. History wise we go back to to the 5th century. You need to make sense. Disliking the founder who brought us out of the hell hole that the ottoman empire had become makes me think your one of those islamists that goes around calling him a kafir.Or are you one of those "i love to hate people" ? The guy was a dictator ? Really ? Maybe he should have never existed and we could have become a second class satellite state with greater Greece on one side and greater Armenia on the other. I am sure the British would have loved to stay too since the sultan was kissing up to them. Look man idk when you people started to pop up with this Ataturk is evil and turkey was some failed country till now but you really need to get your facts together. You are a Turk right ? As in born in Turkey i seriously have never met people like you in the country. Maybe its best you stay away.
@Ovarel Negative i have no interest in people like that. Ovarel your really one the talk the last time we had a discussion where i educated you i was met trolling. Actions speak for themselves.

educated me?i admire your self-confidence man:pop:
Your beyond educating i think your just delusional
Here you go. They even have people rocking Saddam Hussein AVs calling the caliphate back. I think this is a better place for you people.

i dont have a facebook account,sorry..but im sure you can watch youtube videos..here is your mentor below(pro-ergenekon like you)

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i dont have a facebook account,sorry..but im sure you can watch youtube videos..here is your mentor below(pro-ergenekon like you)

Did you not read post 20 i already addressed this. Posting it over again doesn't alter anything. However i am sure starting war with Greece and bombing mosques is totally probable 100% that had to be the plan. Go to war with another country and bomb mosques=???=Overthrowing the government. Note sarcasm on if you didn't get it.
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C.G Jung cared about self-consciousness,i just wanted you to see yourself in the mirror..bombing mosques?it would not be a surprise considering they did burn mosques in Cyprus..they also may want to create crisis with Greece in order to put
country into chaos...respect the judiciary and dont spread pro-ergenekon propaganda if you want to be seen wise...
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