And yet annually thousands of Chinese queued up to enter this politically and economically failed state. Politically free, economic possibilities, and best of all: clean air.
Most are returning back to China to seek better opportunities. They see the American regime totally corrupt and economically falling apart. Most whites are going overseas to seek opportunities. The US is failing and each day that passes you can see it. Chinese people move everywhere, thousands upon thousands of Chinese are moving to Africa and Middle East to work. There are millions of Chinese moving to various countries. America is nothing special, most Americans realise this.
The regime knows it too, that's why it crushes peaceful protests like Occupy wallstreet.
Some still haven't figured out that America is falling apart, so they think America is as good as it used to be. But we all know the US is living on past laurels, it won't last as people realise the current state of the American regime and the massive unemployment and dreadful economy.