They can fight back as much as they want, they have as much claim to this land as China does to Mongolia, Tibet and Turkestan, so none. Kurds were never historicaly bound to these lands, contrary to Tibetan's and Uyghers. Dont compare your artificial commie state to ours. Dont. You. Ever. Dare.
By the way, get of your high horse, China cant do jack shitt in Turkey. Know your limits and your place.
The limit is on youself. We can supply financial, intelligence report and weapon. We have the economic influence, financial and technology. Just look at the map and see how small yourself compare to China. We will make sure every inch of Kurdish land on Turkey is return to their rightful owner. There is nothing you Turkish can do about it.
You cant even launch a space rocket for your own satelite and bragging about power and influence.