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The Tejas light combat aircraft, 30 years in the making, is just 60% indigenous as of now.



New Recruit

Jan 1, 2014
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Hong Kong
Hong Kong
NEW DELHI: The Tejas, 30 years in the making, is just 60% indigenous as of now. The story of the indigenous Arjun main battle tank is even worse. First sanctioned in May 1974, 55% of the tank is still made of imported parts.


In sharp contrast, China has emerged as the fastest growing arms exporter around the globe after assiduously building a strong DIB. It's now hawking fighter jets, warships, missiles and smaller arms to countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Bolivia and Zambia.

But a "proper ecosystem" has simply not been erected in India. As if the "high import content" in the so-called indigenous projects was not enough, insiders say even the much-touted transfer of technology (ToT) provision build into large defence contracts with foreign manufacturers is a bit of a sham.

"Indian PSUs focus more on just assembling knocked-down kits from foreign vendors instead of properly absorbing technologies," said a senior official, pointing to the ongoing "licensed production" of the Russian-origin Sukhoi-30MKI fighters by Hindustan Aeronautics (HAL).

so poor

The Army, in turn, has inducted 124 Arjun Mark-I tanks, while trials are currently in progress for the Mark-II version with 89 "upgrades or improvements". The tank is just about 45% indigenous as of now, with its main laser guided missile being the Israeli LAHAT. "Arjun's missile firing control system, laser target designator, engine transmission, suspension unit and running gear (track) are all foreign," said an Army officer.
More than 55% indigenous systems in any product is fair enough. We always have option to increase indegenous content as the product matures.
Also for the products with very low numbers, as AWAC being developed by DRDO, its practically impossible to have 100% indigenous content. As for Arjun DRDO has made it cleared that if IA will increase the order from current to more than 500 then only developing indigenous engine is financially feasible.

Worrying part is the only 35% indigenous component in Brhamos we are the only customer ordering them in thousands.
Great comedy.If we care about indigenous only .then we get substandard cheap weapons like China develops.Even DRDO former director also cleared indigenous content in LCA will seal with maximum 75%.Main two reasons are
If we include 100% indigenous content in LCA it will uneconomical and quality may also reduce.
Even if import content of 50% acceptable because then quality will not compromised .Our Armed Forces only care about
quality not indigenous pride.In process gradually our defence industry matured so we can make high quality indigenous stuff.
so what people are expecting? 100% Indiginous aircraft in first time? 60% contribution is good to begin with.
To the thread starter

well bro thing is India has onli started coming owt with such data but at least we have guts to be honest + we dont indulge in reverse ingenearing

but but but

so what people are expecting? 100% Indiginous aircraft in first time? 60% contribution is good to begin with.

I think it's seriously wrong to have something 100% indigenous. Means there is no one able to make something cheaper and more effecient in the 1000s of sub components? That's stupid. It;s more like a vanity project to show people some stupid notion of indigenous without considering economics. Like some clown here was showing Indian warships are not indigenous coz they use 'Panasonic' cables. And I was like WTF? If panasonic makes cables that do the job well, we should go with them. It's not crucial secret tech that has to be developed coz no one else can!!!
We dont want to crticize DRDO like this.Our GOI always follow pacifist culture.Our modern weapons research program
started after 1985 IGMDP.1990-1999 time is economic crisis time.Serious weapon production only started after that.
2000-2010 time we export defence stuff of only 167 million$ and import 24 billion$.But within 2011-2012 time we export 187million$ defense stuff.Our defense manufacturing sector started it engine we can see it good development in coming years
More than 55% indigenous systems in any product is fair enough. We always have option to increase indegenous content as the product matures.
Also for the products with very low numbers, as AWAC being developed by DRDO, its practically impossible to have 100% indigenous content. As for Arjun DRDO has made it cleared that if IA will increase the order from current to more than 500 then only developing indigenous engine is financially feasible.

Worrying part is the only 35% indigenous component in Brhamos we are the only customer ordering them in thousands.

Dude, the AWAC is a stupid example. The Radars are almost 100% indigenous. The jet is from abroad. The moron who wrote the article obviously doesn't know about crucial tech.
I think it's seriously wrong to have something 100% indigenous. Means there is no one able to make something cheaper and more effecient in the 1000s of sub components? That's stupid. It;s more like a vanity project to show people some stupid notion of indigenous without considering economics. Like some clown here was showing Indian warships are not indigenous coz they use 'Panasonic' cables. And I was like WTF? If panasonic makes cables that do the job well, we should go with them. It's not crucial secret tech that has to be developed coz no one else can!!!
Totally agreed. Thanks.
Dude, the AWAC is a stupid example. The Radars are almost 100% indigenous. The jet is from abroad. The moron who wrote the article obviously doesn't know about crucial tech.
Yap I know.... but I couldn't think of better example and AWAC figured at the top of the table... LOL....
well those who make fun of LCA for its foriegn content(Radar, ejection seat & engine & wepons) forget that apart from Russia there is no country in the world that dosent sources such things from different countries , compnies

Grippen , rafale flew first with 404s (same as LCA)

J10, JF17 s still fly with russian engines and there wepons and radars are cheap rip offs of orignal russian designs

so what if LCA or Arjun uses many parts from other countries

in war what matters is potency and easy and uninturrupted supply of spares and wepon systems

during all past wars thre was no problem for india but those who make fun of owr efforts can ever be sure about there systems under same scenario :azn:
so what people are expecting? 100% Indiginous aircraft in first time? 60% contribution is good to begin with.

An indigenous project remains indigenous, no matter how many foreign parts it has, that's why Gripen remains to be a Swedish fighter, even if it has such high ammounts of foreign parts. And in fact, it is even better to have not 100% indigenous parts, because then you compromise on capability in favour for indigenous techs only, instead of chosing the best or most suitable. LCA might not have an indigenous radar and engine as initially dreamed by DRDO, but that workes actually for it and not against it, since the proven and capable EL2032 and GE404 will only make it more capable and reliable.
An indigenous project remains indigenous, no matter how many foreign parts it has, that's why Gripen remains to be a Swedish fighter, even if it has such high ammounts of foreign parts. And in fact, it is even better to have not 100% indigenous parts, because then you compromise on capability in favour for indigenous techs only, instead of chosing the best or most suitable. LCA might not have an indigenous radar and engine as initially dreamed by DRDO, but that workes actually for it and not against it, since the proven and capable EL2032 and GE404 will only make it more capable and reliable.

I think that as long as the main components are indigenous then that is all that is important.

As an example, a plane should have airframe, engine, radar and major avionics designed and produced in the producer country. Things like landing gear and ejection seats are not that important as they can easily be substituted in case of restriction on supply , and they make no appreciable difference to the capability of the plane.
I think that as long as the main components are indigenous then that is all that is important.

As an example, a plane should have airframe, engine, radar and major avionics designed and produced in the producer country. Things like landing gear and ejection seats are not that important as they can easily be substituted in case of restriction on supply , and they make no appreciable difference to the capability of the plane.

JF 17, J10, Gripen C and Gripen NG don't have an indigenous engine and often big parts of the avionics are foreign too. So that is not important to make a fighter, or the project to be an indigenous one. It is better to have reasonable access to the techs, which makes indigenous options favourable, but all the talk of 100% indigenous is just BS. The Gripen NG has even less ammount of indigenous techs than the older versions had and obviously remains to be an indigenous fighter.
JF 17, J10, Gripen C and Gripen NG don't have an indigenous engine and often big parts of the avionics are foreign too. So that is not important to make a fighter, or the project to be an indigenous one. It is better to have reasonable access to the techs, which makes indigenous options favourable, but all the talk of 100% indigenous is just BS. The Gripen NG has even less ammount of indigenous techs than the older versions had and obviously remains to be an indigenous fighter.

What I meant is that to be a truly independent power, then it is necessary to make the critical components yourself.

China is unable to sell J-10 to anyone without Russia's permission. Sweden cannot sell the Gripen without US permission
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