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Don’t delay Light Combat Aircraft project: Anthony to DRDO

India lacks the basic industrial infrastructure to build high TWR engine, this is always the problem you face.
India lacks the basic industrial infrastructure to build high TWR engine, this is always the problem you face.

That is irrelevant to the LCA now, because it is flying with American engines. And by the way, our inability to make aero-engines is not due to lack of infrastructure, but due to lack of scientific know-how in that cutting edge field. Even china, with such a large industrial base, is struggling on that front.
I think there are lots of Indian engineers working in USA? Why not provide some bonus package to get them back?
I think there are lots of Indian engineers working in USA? Why not provide some bonus package to get them back?
There is no lack of engineers in India. What we lack is the knowhow, which can't be imported. Scientific knowhow will have to be built up through indegenous research, which we are doing now. USA and Europe started it half a century ago.
yes,we can go ahead as we have done in Missile ,Space, IT & Medical technology
The LCA program has already enabled us to become a competent aerospace power, though still not in the league of USA or Russia or China. The future is bright in the aviation field for India.
Those who criticizing india ,better think before talking...cause we belong to a great ancient civilization who had worlds first university.

Unfortunately though, past greatness does not ensure future success. We may have had a nalanda or takshashila thousands of years ago, but unless we have the equivalent of Caltech's JPL or innumerable other universities today, we will not be able to compete on cutting edge technology like aero engines.

We can't move forward if our head is forever turned back. So 'chodo kal ki batein...naye daur pe likhenge, milkar nayi kahani.'
LCA will be fulfilled every requirement of our army..HAL and DRDO are making sure when it get inducted it will compete to best in the world. We use to say same about our missile technology but now we producing best missiles tech. Keep Patience Indians!! They have sacrificed so much money and time for this project. I want to remind you that those do not give up, they always succeed!!
LCA is owr baby and we have learned many hard lessons from it its like a test bed + if we compare caspabilities of LCA+future upgrades + ammount spend on it then i guess we have a very decent deal have some Patience "mere aziz ham watno " soon we will have 40 LCA MK1 +100MK2 with latest ASEA and best engine (in class) + all the latest indian, israeli and russian wepons on it ..who knows something like a light&mineutrised ACML aswell ..we shal overcome some day :smitten:
China has matured tech regarding DSI intake, how about ask help from us?
well our relations are not that good at diplomatic level yet. Wait for some more years and if everything will be normal between us then surely our govts can co-operate in may fields. 
India lacks the basic industrial infrastructure to build high TWR engine, this is always the problem you face.
true but this problem is not permanent. Such things will take some time as we are new to almost everything in defence manufacturing.
I am kind of surprised the LCA programe hasn't been scrapped in favour of the AMCA or more MMRCA purchases.

It can't because that project will be the base of any fighter development in India for the coming decades, that's why the value of the program is far higher than the value of the fighter itself for IAF or IN. Infact, when we would do things logically in India and stick to simple developments and commonality, one could even combine LCA developments so far + FGFA ToT and customization => to build an AMCA much faster, but sadly pride is often more important than simplicity or common sense.

Building this capability has cost allot of pilots lives

That's not true, since we had the chance to induct MRCA fighters as a stop gap solution, before LCA, but GoI rejected IAF's decision to go for M2K-5s and went to M-MRCA. So faster replacement was possible, unrelated from LCA delays.
How about fixing responsibilities and accountabilities ???
Mere telling isnt going to help :(

I am sure even Saint Antony will be surprised if they keep the timeline ;)
HAL is a joke and anybody who disagrees is just not thinking clearly.My 2 friends are in drdo and they tell the state of that organisation quite clearly.

When there is zero accountability and u are being paid on monthly basis irrespective of the results then this bullshit will continue.The fact is there is no work culture in our psu's and the earlier we privatise the better it will be.

On tejas let me remind u all HAL said it will get ioc-2 in november,,,,,now it says december??!!
What shameless guys are they??
HAL is a joke and anybody who disagrees is just not thinking clearly.My 2 friends are in drdo and they tell the state of that organisation quite clearly.

When there is zero accountability and u are being paid on monthly basis irrespective of the results then this bullshit will continue.The fact is there is no work culture in our psu's and the earlier we privatise the better it will be.

On tejas let me remind u all HAL said it will get ioc-2 in november,,,,,now it says december??!!
What shameless guys are they??
You will be bashed for telling truth here by these jingoistic babies.
Btw Hal and drdo need a whooping because we need to go for private sector. I know people who plan something and then have their kid manufacture sub standard parts for that planned something and now their generation will eat out of our pockets. IAF is not wrong in demanding foreign products since drdo and Hal can't match the quality

Are you me by any chance ??????
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