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The Special Response Force (SRF) – which graduated on monday 3rd april 2012

Because I refuse to suck up to the Pak Fauj which have not won a single war, infact broke the country apart, meddled in politics, nurtured religious fanatics and then outsourced their job to these nutjobs, developed real estate instead of a strong defence.

Now call me a traitor, RAW agent or whatever; I don't care.

After Mehran Base and Abbotabad, you should atleast stop boasting about the capability of the armed forces.

do we even have to call you that ?!? :coffee: namak haraam should be the word ... :azn:

when we have people like you who the hell needs enemies ... :hitwall:

LoOng L|||ve PakisTan ... :pakistan:
Excuse me!
you or heinz guderian! Were in kargill?
Really funny, your conclusions are, I was there mate,& was part of that war
I never understand, how peoples like you,can trun & twist the facts, which they never known & never will!
Well plz just stay with topic!
Even with your , all hate venom.

Why don't you reply with facts of your own, instead of a diet of "really funny, your conclusions", "I was there", "was part of that war", "trun and twist the facts", "all hate venom".....

You haven't said a word contradicting him; doesn't show you knew much.
Yeah right. Where were these super duper special forces when the military headquarters was being attacked and our prized maritime surveillance assets were burning right in the middle of our naval air station.

This is just another ego-boosting and public deception program designed to convince us that the armed forces are doing a great job.

If you can read, then you should know that the graduation ceremony was held on 3rd April 2012. All those incidents happened before that. The Kamra base attack was not a fool proof plan as they were prepared to die and no one can avoid those type of attacks.
This force is going to be used mainly against any misadventure by US or India against our strategic sites.
Why don't you reply with facts of your own, instead of a diet of "really funny, your conclusions", "I was there", "was part of that war", "trun and twist the facts", "all hate venom".....

You haven't said a word contradicting him; doesn't show you knew much.

Lets not go off topic here.
Lets not discuss who won Kargil war. We will always believe we won, while you guys will always fantasize about winning it. No point in arguing.
If you can read, then you should know that the graduation ceremony was held on 3rd April 2012. All those incidents happened before that. The Kamra base attack was not a fool proof plan as they were prepared to die and no one can avoid those type of attacks.
This force is going to be used mainly against any misadventure by US or India against our strategic sites.

Well I'd have thought it was actually raised in the light of the PNS MEHRAN attack so the GoP could try and sure up its postion that its nukes were safe, a position that took a battering after this attack.Otherwise it is very much a case of mis-placed priorites and once again a case of Pakistan looking outwards at non-existent or incredibly remote threats when the real enemy and threat is at home recent events have only highlighted this further.
This type of insurgency is not fought on the perimeter walla of our airbases or nuclear production and storage facillities but in shadows by our intelligence agencies.

This force is really used as -- after the event --- kind of thing.
This is just a PR exercise, nothing more nothing less.

dear in these pics lots of mistake can be seen.. in first pic of left the man is running in X area without second man, in the front the three man stack ....where is the rear security...in the middle pic no rear and 360 securtity seen....in the first pic again the rear man point the gun to front of his buddy legs.....agree that then can prade quite well....more tactics need to SPD
Why don't you reply with facts of your own, instead of a diet of "really funny, your conclusions", "I was there", "was part of that war", "trun and twist the facts", "all hate venom".....

You haven't said a word contradicting him; doesn't show you knew much.
try to search my threads & my posts, you will find a lot!

anyway, this war is declared classifyied! these days
Special Response Force to protect National Strategic Assets
Rawalpindi: Lieutenant General (R) Khalid Ahmed Kidwai, Director General Strategic Plans Division (DG SPD) has said that all available resources have been put in place to safeguard the National Strategic Assets of the Country comprehensively.

While reviewing an impressive Passing Out Parade of the first ever, newly raised Special Response Force (SRF), at the SPD Training Academy near Rawalpindi, he said that the addition of SRF to SPD’s Security Force marked the achievement of a qualitative milestone in its rapid response capability.

Addressing the newly passed out SRF troops, Lt Gen. (R) Kidwai expressed deep satisfaction over the high standard achieved and emphasized in unequivocal terms the responsibilities ahead.

“You were chosen, well trained and have been tasked to perform a very important task, and I am sure if ever challenged, your response actions will serve to make an example of any potential aggressor.”

Exercise at Potohar
He urged the men to discharge their duties with utmost commitment, sincerity and with national pride.
It is note worthy that this is the first ever specialized force that has passed out from the SPD Academy.

The training was well chalked out and delineated in which highly qualified instructors from Pakistan’s elite Special Services Group and a number of other experts in security and crisis management trained the new force.

Exercise at Potohar
The Chief Guest congratulated the successful personnel and conveyed his special thanks to all the faculty members and instructors for their good work.

For some-reason Pakistan.s best of the best does not look good enough. Like these new ley raised outfit, just check out they look desynchronise look at the level and angle of guns raised for each soldier is different, Their head and foot positions are different. I have seen Chinese special forces parade they were all synchronise and moved like a unit to the extent that nearly looked robotic. And what,s this retired Gen is doing back there, Why not once retired u retired give that privilege to some one who is a sitting Gen. What about these molvies in there scary man.
For some-reason Pakistan.s best of the best does not look good enough. Like these new ley raised outfit, just check out they look desynchronise look at the level and angle of guns raised for each soldier is different, Their head and foot positions are different. I have seen Chinese special forces parade they were all synchronise and moved like a unit to the extent that nearly looked robotic. And what,s this retired Gen is doing back there, Why not once retired u retired give that privilege to some one who is a sitting Gen. What about these molvies in there scary man.

I don't think you have had enough on the IDEAS thread and you come here to spew your poison. Robotic marching does not translate into good fighters. These are not special forces. This force has been raised for a special purpose and it is not part of the regular Army. This retired General is one the brightest generals and that is why he is still around in his role which is always a retired officer. Stop making a fool of yourself by talking about subject you don't know anything about.
I don't think you have had enough on the IDEAS thread and you come here to spew your poison. Robotic marching does not translate into good fighters. These are not special forces. This force has been raised for a special purpose and it is not part of the regular Army. This retired General is one the brightest generals and that is why he is still around in his role which is always a retired officer. Stop making a fool of yourself by talking about subject you don't know anything about.

LOl u here too genius good to see u again. What can i do i have to call spade a spade. Especially after Abbotabad incident one always has to be sceptical about the very reasons why Pakistan army is there at all? Coz Generals and officer core more interested in running real estate business, banks and other corporate ventures and betting billions of Rs of public money on stock exchange. But when it comes to fighting the enemy they not good at it. For example when Abbotabad incident took place Yankee forces were in the pakistan for quite a long time no one knew about it. Now my friend that,s laughable if u know as much as u claim about the Army stuff. that is not good enough. Where were the army?. sleeping in their defence housing scheme luxury homes, Imagine country been invaded and the best army and spy agency in the world have no idea?????? Not one general resigned over this incident . NOw when an Army with this type of reputation does something like raising this new special purpose force, rational people like me r always sceptical. coz we demand quality and reliability which current out fit can not supply. En Stein let me ask u a question honestly if i may. how many of the current officers above Brig,s rank in PA have USA or UK permanent residency permits ask me if brave enough. This officer core is not fighting type it,s a bunch of business men. I think it will be too much on my part to ask u the facts the figures instead of u calling me this and that for your reply, i give u tip get some help but please write something makes some sense. I thank u.
LOl u here too genius good to see u again. What can i do i have to call spade a spade. Especially after Abbotabad incident one always has to be sceptical about the very reasons why Pakistan army is there at all? Coz Generals and officer core more interested in running real estate business, banks and other corporate ventures and betting billions of Rs of public money on stock exchange. But when it comes to fighting the enemy they not good at it. For example when Abbotabad incident took place Yankee forces were in the pakistan for quite a long time no one knew about it. Now my friend that,s laughable if u know as much as u claim about the Army stuff. that is not good enough. Where were the army?. sleeping in their defence housing scheme luxury homes, Imagine country been invaded and the best army and spy agency in the world have no idea?????? Not one general resigned over this incident . NOw when an Army with this type of reputation does something like raising this new special purpose force, rational people like me r always sceptical. coz we demand quality and reliability which current out fit can not supply. En Stein let me ask u a question honestly if i may. how many of the current officers above Brig,s rank in PA have USA or UK permanent residency permits ask me if brave enough. This officer core is not fighting type it,s a bunch of business men. I think it will be too much on my part to ask u the facts the figures instead of u calling me this and that for your reply, i give u tip get some help but please write something makes some sense. I thank u.

Do you realize how stupid you sound?
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