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The Special Response Force (SRF) – which graduated on monday 3rd april 2012

This is a step in the right direction. There should be an independent force to guard the national assets. Good start, but the numbers and strength need to be increased and there should be at least a force like 10,000+ to have a solid footing.
Generally, such type of units are responsible for:

1. providing cover/overwatch for movement of nuclear material.
2. Security cover for key personnel of the production, planning and operations oragnizations.
3. Rapid respsonse for security breaches of storage, production, and dispersal sites.

They are equipped with armored personnel vehicles (genrally tyred) Specially equipped Helos, Tracking devices (All nuclear devices have passive tags for location/tracking -- these are the codes that Uncle Sam would really give its right arm to get hold of;-), NVG's/Thermals, Geiger Counters etc., specialised suits and containment vehicles to handle compramised fissile material etc.

They are genrally housed near an aviation facility and are Helo Ops. cleared.

I am wondering here, what is the status of SPD Rapid Response Nuclear Containment Teams and Protocol?

As far as attack from above, this is not th organization tohnadle such an effort. They would need to be equipped with MAN PADS, ATGW, and light AAA weapons (both manual and radar controlled)Radars, etc. I do not think that they are equipped for such level of response.

The unit has been raised in response to growing infiltration of sensative facillities by Terrs.
Good! Because as per reports a couple of months ago, the Yanks were planning something stupid with a hare brained plan to take out the nukes with boots on the ground! Jeeez!
Good! Because as per reports a couple of months ago, the Yanks were planning something stupid with a hare brained plan to take out the nukes with boots on the ground! Jeeez!

Bait time!!!!! Where did u hear this craap???? U think that all the nukes would be safely stored in the nearest Nissen Hut with barbed wire fence for enhanced security?

Give a serious thought to the after effects of such an operation -- it would be quite an exhilerating experience even for you my friend.
This is, I guess, the third graduated team in the recent year for safeguarding Pakistan's Nuclear weapons.
I don't understand what the threat is. Just some baseless hype. Routine security and special services force was good enough.

With this pace and boast in the recruitment of the force, the HQ certainly have some fears, which aren't from the terrorists though.

From ISPR:
Lieutenant General (R) Khalid Ahmed Kidwai, Director General Strategic Plans Division (DG SPD) has said that all available resources have been put in place to safeguard the National Strategic Assets of the Country comprehensively. While reviewing an impressive Passing Out Parade of the first ever, newly raised Special Response Force (SRF), at the SPD Training Academy near Rawalpindi, he said that the addition of SRF to SPD’s Security Force marked the achievement of a qualitative milestone in its rapid response capability.

Addressing the newly passed out SRF troops, Lt Gen. (R) Kidwai expressed deep satisfaction over the high standard achieved and emphasized in unequivocal terms the responsibilities ahead. “You were chosen, well trained and have been tasked to perform a very important task, and I am sure if ever challenged, your response actions will serve to make an example of any potential aggressor.” He urged the men to discharge their duties with utmost commitment, sincerity and with national pride.

It is note worthy that this is the first ever specialized force that has passed out from the SPD Academy. The training was well chalked out and delineated in which highly qualified instructors from Pakistan’s elite Special Services Group and a number of other experts in security and crisis management trained the new force.

The Chief Guest congratulated the successful personnel and conveyed his special thanks to all the faculty members and instructors for their good work. Earlier on arrival at the Training Academy, he was received by the Director General (Security) SPD, Major General Muhammad Tahir.
I hope we don't have to see the day when these men will have to be tested.
Waffen SS, seriously, why are you like this?

Because I refuse to suck up to the Pak Fauj which have not won a single war, infact broke the country apart, meddled in politics, nurtured religious fanatics and then outsourced their job to these nutjobs, developed real estate instead of a strong defence.

Now call me a traitor, RAW agent or whatever; I don't care.

Aim for an incursion and you will get your answer :agree:. Only a fool would think that these are the real tactics of this SRF, this is just a PR exercise.

After Mehran Base and Abbotabad, you should atleast stop boasting about the capability of the armed forces.
Because I refuse to suck up to the Pak Fauj which have not won a single war, infact broke the country apart, meddled in politics, nurtured religious fanatics and then outsourced their job to these nutjobs, developed real estate instead of a strong defence.

Now call me a traitor, RAW agent or whatever; I don't care.

After Mehran Base and Abbotabad, you should atleast stop boasting about the capability of the armed forces.

Do you have any sympathy for the people who went through a horrific experience today?
Do you have any sympathy for the people who went through a horrific experience today?

Why not? They are our boys.


If you want me to accept that they are a great institution, sorry no. The officer cadre lacks any strategic, tactical skills required of a professional army.
Why not? They are our boys.


If you want me to accept that they are a great institution, sorry no. The officer cadre lacks any strategic, tactical skills required of a professional army.

How do you reach this conclusion?
Dear sir!
This force is being created only & only too safe gurd your nukes & thier facalities! Its not for any other purpose, infact there were some security laps, at the. Time of Attack on our GHQ , but belive me, from that time , security has been , increased on maximam level, & this maximam level , guss been tested by ex-marines & ex-delta teams under cover, within so called black waters!
Just belive me, they have room to room , remote 3d hidden divices, & they can even see a mosqito flying in their radius, that all. I can say, there more, but that's not for public!
Hope you get satisfiyed yet!
Sometimes i wonder about whether Nukes were proliferated to protect Pakistan or Pakistan's sole achievement has been to protect Nukes ? This is akin to the classical dilemma of "Ever country has an Army, but in Pakistan, the Army has a country".
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