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The Special Response Force (SRF) – which graduated on monday 3rd april 2012

How do you reach this conclusion?

I wont discuss the blunders of 1965 and 1971. I'll talk about Kargil.

That genius Musharaf chose to send a few boys across a mountain and block a supply route of the enemy WITHOUT NO LOGISTIC SUPPORT. Even if that route was blocked for some time, there were no strategic objectives. When the enemy artillery and airpower inflicted heavy casualties, Musharaf then started crying that Nawaz had ordered a withdrawl. ABSOLUTE NONSENSE.

Someone needs to tell these generals that Kashmir can't be invaded across the mountaneous terrain. The RAVI-SUTLEJ CORRIDOR needs to be cut across to militarily take Kashmir.

Infact, in 1965 the 1st armoured division attempted to do that; a left out-flanking maneuver towards river sutlej from the kasur sector


These incompetent officers failed to cross a small seasonal drain called Hadyara drain. The best equipped armoured division of the subcontinent could only advance 10 miles. Heinz Guderian was alive back then and he would have had been laughing at these jokers.
still that is no reason to keep on cursing the present setup is it?

What do you know about what might have been the conditions and all the possibilites? Unless you were there of course.

you can curse the whole institution then?
still that is no reason to keep on cursing the present setup is it?

What do you know about what might have been the conditions and all the possibilites? Unless you were there of course.

you can curse the whole institution then?

Fine, one may commit a mistake once but again and again, they have screwed up. If generation after generation of officers keep doing the same mistakes, then there is some structural defect in the institution.
Sometimes i wonder about whether Nukes were proliferated to protect Pakistan or Pakistan's sole achievement has been to protect Nukes ? This is akin to the classical dilemma of "Ever country has an Army, but in Pakistan, the Army has a country".

a typical indian response? right!
but let me tell you , all this protection is much more beneficial to india, just think about it!
in any worse case , situation ! india would be the best target to hit by a pak nuke?
i guss, you should be thankfull to pakarmy , which is trying its best to, save its nukes, going into wrong direction & at a very wrong times.:smokin:
Aim for an incursion and you will get your answer :agree:. Only a fool would think that these are the real tactics of this SRF, this is just a PR exercise.

I'm sorry but I just don't buy this. I don't see any force (that is professional) putting on "fake" tactics as a way of misinformation. If they wanted to keep their tactics and themselves covert and hidden they'd not put on PR events like this. Seems like a weak argument.
I wont discuss the blunders of 1965 and 1971. I'll talk about Kargil.

That genius Musharaf chose to send a few boys across a mountain and block a supply route of the enemy WITHOUT NO LOGISTIC SUPPORT. Even if that route was blocked for some time, there were no strategic objectives. When the enemy artillery and airpower inflicted heavy casualties, Musharaf then started crying that Nawaz had ordered a withdrawl. ABSOLUTE NONSENSE.

Someone needs to tell these generals that Kashmir can't be invaded across the mountaneous terrain. The RAVI-SUTLEJ CORRIDOR needs to be cut across to militarily take Kashmir.

Infact, in 1965 the 1st armoured division attempted to do that; a left out-flanking maneuver towards river sutlej from the kasur sector


These incompetent officers failed to cross a small seasonal drain called Hadyara drain. The best equipped armoured division of the subcontinent could only advance 10 miles. Heinz Guderian was alive back then and he would have had been laughing at these jokers.

Excuse me!
you or heinz guderian! Were in kargill?
Really funny, your conclusions are, I was there mate,& was part of that war
I never understand, how peoples like you,can trun & twist the facts, which they never known & never will!
Well plz just stay with topic!
Even with your , all hate venom.
I'm sorry but I just don't buy this. I don't see any force (that is professional) putting on "fake" tactics as a way of misinformation. If they wanted to keep their tactics and themselves covert and hidden they'd not put on PR events like this. Seems like a weak argument.

This was a PR event, I am sure they wouldn't have had a debriefing before it huh?

Just random showpiece, doing some tricks, for the press and then call it a day.
This was a PR event, I am sure they wouldn't have had a debriefing before it huh?

Just random showpiece, doing some tricks, for the press and then call it a day.

I'm not disputing this but people saying some amateurish traits are deliberate to project misinformation, utter nonsense IMHO.
Indeed Pakistan Army has realized the importance of training and using likes of simulated ammunition and obviously one cannot right away compare them tactically with any army which has been using these tools for years now. But a step in right direction cannot be over looked , i know that these guys are not using right tactics but is there any set type of tactics in any kind of CQB environment? Coz if there exists any set pattern of tactics and some one believes in it than its like signing your own doom.

Every CQB confrontation is different from the other and requires different types of skills however the core skills required remain the same, the point of this kind of training is to develop those core skills and not to memorize soldiers the set drills and procedures as these are bound to fail if not now maybe tomorrow.

Pakistan army is evolving and give them a bit more time and they will learn how to utilize such tools for better training..
Probably they are for countering OBL raids type ops.

And hell yeah, they are paint ball guns, they are usually used for training, in short distances and CQB of course. Instead of live fire exersice in such situations, they are much better, if all you want to do is just show off a little bit.

Pakistan has to get over OBL and think about protecting civilians from fringe elements. What is the most favoured gun by special forces in Pakistan ?
Pakistan has to get over OBL and think about protecting civilians from fringe elements. What is the most favoured gun by special forces in Pakistan ?

For CQB, M-4, MP-5, AK-47 (chinese version). Steyr AUG is also in service. So is P90. There is alot of variety with these guys.

And they say that the invader will have no chance ????????????

No, the invader will have no chance. Not when he sees a queue of soldiers lined up in plain line of fire, where one high-velocity bullet can take out several soldiers standing in queue, edging out one at a time to shelter behind a protected corner.

He will die laughing.
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