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The Special Response Force (SRF) – which graduated on monday 3rd april 2012


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Strategic assets : Pakistan strengthens security of nuclear assets wIth ‘Special Response Force’

By Our Correspondent
Published: April 3, 2012
ISLAMABAD:*Pakistan has augmented the security layer over its nuclear facilities by inducting a newly raised ‘Special Response Force’ to the safety procedures already in place.
The Special Response Force (SRF) – which graduated from the Strategic Plans Division Training Academy – was inducted on Monday to safeguard what the military calls ‘national strategic assets’.
Lt-Gen (retd) Khalid Ahmed Kidwai, Director General of the Strategic Plans Division, reviewed the passing out parade at the academy near Rawalpindi.
Speaking on the occasion, Kidwai emphasised in unequivocal terms the responsibilities of the new force.
“I’m sure if ever challenged, your response actions will serve to make an example to any potential aggressor,” a military statement quoted him as saying in his address.
After proliferation incidents of the late 90’s, apprehensions have been expressed time and again over the safety of Pakistan’s nuclear assets.
Military sources claimed that the new force would deal with any possible internal or external threats to the country’s nuclear arsenals.
“The new force has been trained over various safety security aspects, including oversight over technological and human factors. It has also been given comprehensive training to respond rapidly in case of any sabotage activity – internal or external,” a military official told The Express Tribune.
The official, who requested anonymity, claimed that Pakistan has established high standards in training on nuclear safety procedures and is in a position to offer such training to other countries.
Instructors from Pakistan’s elite Special Services Group and a number of other experts in security and crisis management imparted training to this new force, he added.
Published in The Express Tribune, April 3rd, 2012.
Special Response Force to protect National Strategic Assets
Rawalpindi: Lieutenant General (R) Khalid Ahmed Kidwai, Director General Strategic Plans Division (DG SPD) has said that all available resources have been put in place to safeguard the National Strategic Assets of the Country comprehensively.

While reviewing an impressive Passing Out Parade of the first ever, newly raised Special Response Force (SRF), at the SPD Training Academy near Rawalpindi, he said that the addition of SRF to SPD’s Security Force marked the achievement of a qualitative milestone in its rapid response capability.

Addressing the newly passed out SRF troops, Lt Gen. (R) Kidwai expressed deep satisfaction over the high standard achieved and emphasized in unequivocal terms the responsibilities ahead.

“You were chosen, well trained and have been tasked to perform a very important task, and I am sure if ever challenged, your response actions will serve to make an example of any potential aggressor.”

Exercise at Potohar
He urged the men to discharge their duties with utmost commitment, sincerity and with national pride.
It is note worthy that this is the first ever specialized force that has passed out from the SPD Academy.

The training was well chalked out and delineated in which highly qualified instructors from Pakistan’s elite Special Services Group and a number of other experts in security and crisis management trained the new force.

Exercise at Potohar
The Chief Guest congratulated the successful personnel and conveyed his special thanks to all the faculty members and instructors for their good work.
One should not be surprised if the primary task of this force is to secure warheads and facilities from special operations raids.
Terrorists takeovers will take the secondary tasking.

Btw.. are those PAINTBALL guns?? :eek:
One should not be surprised if the primary task of this force is to secure warheads and facilities from special operations raids.
Terrorists takeovers will take the secondary tasking.
well, for this, they may well be equipped with some SPECIAL weapons and must also have some regular units of Air force, Army, SSG and air defense at there disposal!
One should not be surprised if the primary task of this force is to secure warheads and facilities from special operations raids.
Terrorists takeovers will take the secondary tasking.

Btw.. are those PAINTBALL guns?? :eek:

Probably they are for countering OBL raids type ops.

And hell yeah, they are paint ball guns, they are usually used for training, in short distances and CQB of course. Instead of live fire exersice in such situations, they are much better, if all you want to do is just show off a little bit.
Highly traineD by special servises group, & also chosen from +++ from sSg , they got another trainiNg from US. Special forces! Right now they. Are the best of best lot , we have in pakistan!
Yeah right. Where were these super duper special forces when the military headquarters was being attacked and our prized maritime surveillance assets were burning right in the middle of our naval air station.

This is just another ego-boosting and public deception program designed to convince us that the armed forces are doing a great job.
Yeah right. Where were these super duper special forces when the military headquarters was being attacked and our prized maritime surveillance assets were burning right in the middle of our naval air station.

This is just another ego-boosting and public deception program designed to convince us that the armed forces are doing a great job.

Dear sir!
This force is being created only & only too safe gurd your nukes & thier facalities! Its not for any other purpose, infact there were some security laps, at the. Time of Attack on our GHQ , but belive me, from that time , security has been , increased on maximam level, & this maximam level , guss been tested by ex-marines & ex-delta teams under cover, within so called black waters!
Just belive me, they have room to room , remote 3d hidden divices, & they can even see a mosqito flying in their radius, that all. I can say, there more, but that's not for public!
Hope you get satisfiyed yet!
Probably they are for countering OBL raids type ops.

And hell yeah, they are paint ball guns, they are usually used for training, in short distances and CQB of course. Instead of live fire exersice in such situations, they are much better, if all you want to do is just show off a little bit.
Yes with a sudden induction of newly raised unit it seems that this unit has been raised to counter any OBL kind of funny stuff with our already very well protected nuclear facilities and to make sure that any intruder doesn't get out alive
Yeah right. Where were these super duper special forces when the military headquarters was being attacked and our prized maritime surveillance assets were burning right in the middle of our naval air station.

This is just another ego-boosting and public deception program designed to convince us that the armed forces are doing a great job.

Guess what?

They did come to the rescue and flushed and killed the terrorists out.

Although improvements can be made, but ignorant people like you will never appreciate anything.
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