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The Russian visit

Russia Pakistan relations are essential for stability. The best solution would be for Russia and China to mediate the Kashmir dispute. For both India and Pakistan to accept a set border and guarantee that one party will not obstruct the river-flow of the other. Seriously, what is Kashmir? It is a mess which the British empire did before leaving so that both the countries keep fighting indefinitely. So that both of them waste their resources on fighting and never get out of poverty by concentrating on economic development. Both India and Pakistan have fallen in this trap. When they solve this dispute and are included in SCO, both India and pakistan will be free from British hegemony and SCO will become a military alliance more powerful than NATO,

Sorry buddy, but Kashmir belongs to Pakistan, or should become Independent based on the wishes of the Kashmiri people.
lol Pakistan cant kick US from its own ground and you feel you can kick US from AF?:rofl:
Indian was invited by US to take control over AF , we rejected it though :sick:
and once you helped US and talibans in kicking out Soviets and now you want to do reverse :lol: I pity :tongue:
And remember Russians wont give you aids :P

Yes but we offer more benefits to Russia so Russia wont be making risk by hurting Relations with India . Russia is a good partner and all the best for Pak-Russian relations .:tup:

Pakistan is not rushing for any ARM deal with Russia any sooner like many Indian friends comes up with their multi billion lists of arm purchases when young Pakistanis raise this stupid point here.

Our first priority is to develop good relations with Russia and welcome their investments here.
lol Pakistan cant kick US from its own ground and you feel you can kick US from AF?:rofl:
Indian was invited by US to take control over AF , we rejected it though :sick:
and once you helped US and talibans in kicking out Soviets and now you want to do reverse :lol: I pity :tongue:
And remember Russians wont give you aids :P

1. You were unable to comprehend what i said
2. There is not permanent enemies & friends - it's interests which remains permanent
It is not called milking India sir it is called strategic partnership this not cold war where you are in Soviet camp or American camp.

the Indian govt accepted a unipolar world in the early 90's and are still in that frame of mind.
Sorry buddy, but Kashmir belongs to Pakistan, or should become Independent based on the wishes of the Kashmiri people.

This is the mentality that the British wanted for you to have. Pakistan has tried to take kashmir isn't it? What happened? After the 48 attempt, all attempts miserably failed.

Better solution would be for both to accept the present boundaries with a treaty which makes it illegal to obstruct river flow.
I was stressing on the authors credibility, he sounds more Pakistani than Russian, also only the Pakistani media are reporting Putins itinerary, couldn't find a validating Russian source.

Well he is Russian and it is a Russian source check the link
the Indian govt accepted a unipolar world in the early 90's and are still in that frame of mind.

But it must be admitted that India is much better in their foreign policy compared to pakistan. Their partnership with USSR proved to be much more beneficial for them than US relationship with Pakistan. At present, they are assuming a neutral stance between US and Russia, which, from their perspective, is not a bad option for them.
A Russian author expressing his point of view about Indians got them inflamed with C4..ahah...so funny...
BTW I know many ruskies in KSA...they regret the cold war..haha!
This is the mentality that the British wanted for you to have. Pakistan has tried to take kashmir isn't it? What happened? After the 48 attempt, all attempts miserably failed.

Better solution would be for both to accept the present boundaries with a treaty which makes it illegal to obstruct river flow.

Don't talk about things you don't know. Genocide of the Kashmiris is why we fight.
Our foreign policy has been so pragmatic that we can deal with Both Russia and USA as our Allies at the same point in time , i think its a bit too much to ask your country.

Why are you being such a simpleton. The geo strategic politics says something altogether else
Looks like India's relationship with Russia is transforming from a strategic one (with the Soviets, & Russia in the 90s), to a transactional one. Russia needs to sell its arms, from an economic POV, & India being the 2nd largest country in the world, & the biggest arms importer in the world fulfills that. From a strategic geopolitical POV, I don't know how India can help Russia counter the US's influence in the region. Pakistan can certainly help them doing that.
Pakistan is not rushing for any ARM deal with Russia any sooner like many Indian friends comes up with their multi billion lists of arm purchases when young Pakistanis raise this stupid point here.

Our first priority is to develop good relations with Russia and welcome their investments here.

I don't know when Indian can have relation with China than why they get burn when they see Pakistan & Russia's relation improving
Don't talk about things you don't know. Genocide of the Kashmiris is why we fight.

I know very well what I'm talking about. You are entitled to that view. If, however, that view is reflected on Pakistan's foreign policy, it will keep pakistan impoverished and a third-world country forever.
A Russian perspective. We are not the only ones to suggest India is seen as American proxy

The Russian visit

Brodov Alexei

Apr 13, 2012 10:43 Moscow Time
The Russian visit
Vladimir Putin. Photo: RIA Novosti

[/COLOR] Russia seeks a new ally in the region, to substitute for India,
The Russian visit: Voice of Russia

These words speaks that writer has no regional perspectives. Pakistan could be a good partner in economical and strategic spheres but a Substitute! Damn a bid word.

I don't know why some people couldn't live in reality but shooting in the air. Russian President's visit doesn't mean rapid change in relations but start to understand each other in new geo political environment for better relations.

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