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The other side of India

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This thread is being constantly moderated to ensure any discussion does not enter the realms of indecency and abuse.

I would appreciate it if you didn't try to tell us how to do our job.

I dont think so..
Moderators opinion is this
Maximus didn't take those photos. He didn't publish those books.

Why don't you ban photography in the Kumbh mela, and the streets and slums of Bharat?

The whole world is posting these pictures, from newspapers to the bbc website, yet if a Pakistani posts them all hell breaks lose, and we are accused of hatred towards Hindus.

According to the moderator any photoes taken and book published can be posted on this forum..
On the other thread some guy posted some artical the MODS were quick to ban the member..
Reason:It will hurt the sentiment of members ..It is a good enough reason to do same thing for this thread as it does the same thing
Although I dont think neutrality of the forum will be maintained
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Well, other Hindu members have been willing to participate in the discussion, and Kencha bhai has been very helpful in explaining some of the contexts in which these pics were taken.

The discussion will continue as long as it remains civil, and no abuse of any religion is tolerated. Last time I checked, criticism or questioning were not the same as abuse.

And I did not say anything is allowed to be posted on this forum. Only such things will be posted that develop discourse and understanding, though they might be controversial at times.

As for this thread, you are free to post positive images and articles about Bharat, just like Flintoff and others did. Show us the side of Bharat that you want us to see. Maximus has shown the part that he wants us to see.
Maximus has shown the part that he wants us to see.
Ah! but I suspect Maximus has an axe to grind. From his previous posts on this forum it appears baiting Indian's is his favorite hobby.
But you are right; the dark side (no pun intended! :) ) is the only thing Maximus wants to see. I only wish he had a more open mind.
Ah! but I suspect Maximus has an axe to grind. From his previous posts on this forum it appears baiting Indian's is his favorite hobby.
But you are right; the dark side (no pun intended! :) ) is the only thing Maximus wants to see. I only wish he had a more open mind.

That's correct. There is nothing wrong with discussing poverty/pollution etc. but in this case, the intentions of the creator of this thread are not to discuss, but simply to gloat and feel superior.

On such threads, I usually don't bother providing any explanation for the pictures because it is an exercise in futility. to explain the pictures would be to acknowledge the validity of the thread.

Maximus here has a history of opening such useless threads with the sole intention of amusing himself at the expense of others.

If he is so concerned about the pollution in the Ganga, I suggest that he should join or contribute some money to the numerous NGOs working to improve the situation.
If he is concerned about the dumping of bodies in the Ganga, perhaps he should help to build more electric crematoriums or work in the field to educate people about keeping the river clean.

But if he is concerned that all these problems the result of practicing hinduism, then I suggest he refrain from preaching his own "perfect" religion, which does nothing to correct problems but adds a whole new list of problems.

Dalits pick up arms and struggle for their basic rights. Pakistan is blamed.

Indian slums


Incredible India!!!!




Mumbai's biggest slum!!! As far as the eye can see... Shupar Pawar India! Jai India!





Even children aren't spared in this **** hole India.

Wah re wah! B a a p re b a a p chi chi! Nichi zaat according to Hindu religion.
Why are some Indians acting like such big wusses over here. These pictures are a part of INDIA. The thread starter merely stated the OTHER side of India. Simple as that. What are you guys getting pissed off about? Are you pissed off that this kind of Hinduism exists in India? Well if you are then its your job to do something about it, if you're not then enjoy the pictures and tell us more about your interests in the lingas, the orgy depictions the naked dances, etc.

But seriously stop being a wuss about it and talking like "Don't expose me or else I'll expose Islam". First of all this thread has nothing to do with Islam. You want to expose the bad practices of certain Muslim groups, you won't find many people getting pissed off that you posted it, but rather we'd be pissed off that such things exist in our name.

Now stop being lame, either stay out of the thread if you don't have the stomach for it or quit derailing this thread. All further offtopic comments would be DELETED!

Women begging for their rights on the streets of India.

Indian slums


Incredible India!!!!




Mumbai's biggest slum!!! As far as the eye can see... Shupar Pawar India! Jai India!


Charles declares Mumbai shanty town model for the world

The Mumbai shanty town featured in the film Slumdog Millionaire offers a better model than does western architecture for ways to house a booming urban population in the developing world, Prince Charles said yesterday.

Dharavi, a Mumbai slum where 600,000 residents are crammed into 520 acres, contains the attributes for environmentally and socially sustainable settlements for the world's increasingly urban population, he said. The district's use of local materials, its walkable neighbourhoods, and mix of employment and housing add up to "an underlying intuitive grammar of design that is totally absent from the faceless slab blocks that are still being built around the world to 'warehouse' the poor".

The prince's comments are likely to be seen as a criticism of western developers who export plans for large-scale, often high-rise buildings to developing countries. They will also come as a boost for residents of the Mumbai slums who protested against Slumdog Millionaire for characterising them as "dogs" and fought attempts to demolish their homes to make way for skyscrapers.

The prince was addressing a conference at St James's Palace organised by his Foundation for the Built Environment. The charity is attempting to involve local people in the redesign of slum areas in Freetown in Sierra Leone, Kingston in Jamaica and impoverished areas of New Orleans which were hit by Hurricane Katrina.

The prince, who visited Dharavi in 2003, said the adaptation of traditional settlements would deliver "more durable gains than those delivered through the present brutal and insensitive process of globalisation that is shaping so many aspects of how we live".

He warned that a soaring urban population - rising from 50% of all the world's inhabitants today to 70% by 2050 - could only be accommodated without disastrous social and environmental consequences by developing local urban design rather than "a single monoculture of globalisation".

"I strongly believe that the west has much to learn from societies and places which, while sometimes poorer in material terms are infinitely richer in the ways in which they live and organise themselves as communities," he told planners, charity workers and government officials.

"It may be the case that in a few years' time such communities will be perceived as best equipped to face the challenges that confront us because they have a built-in resilience and genuinely durable ways of living."

He shared a platform with Jockin Arputham, founder of the National Slum Dwellers Federation of India, who attacked attempts by foreign investors to clear large parts of Dharavi and replace them with 23-storey apartments. "I am a slum dweller, not a slumdog," he said, in reference to Danny Boyle's film.

"Many developing countries look to the west as a model but that cannot be the model. These [western] buildings use too much power and would not be affordable for us. In India the population has gone beyond all control and it is wrong to expect western development to help us."

Charles declares Mumbai shanty town model for the world | Art and design | The Guardian

Dalits are crying for help and their rights. No one to listen.
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